This Star Wants To Retire

Chapter 251 Supreme Honor

[National Reading], a national activity that Huaxia in this world is promoting.

The event lasts for three years and is jointly promoted by several official organizations.

On Earth, there have been many so-called [National Reading Promotion Ambassadors], but their nature is significantly different from the title Luo Mo obtained.

For example, some reading platforms will also say to hold such an event, and then choose a promotion ambassador.

Maybe the media will organize a nationwide reading campaign and choose an ambassador.

It depends on what is standing behind the activity.

It also depends on the importance of the official behind the event.

It's like the best male singer of the Golden Sound Awards, and the best male singer of those pheasant awards, do you think it will be a concept?

And sometimes, there will be not only one promotion ambassador, but four or five or even ten.

But Luo Mo is different. He only chooses one person each time for a period of one year.

Next year, another person will be re-elected, but he can also be re-elected.

It mainly depends on the effect and influence brought by the promotion ambassador.

For this kind of nationwide activity, posters, slogans, and promotional articles can be seen everywhere.

This activity is not just as simple as walking into the campus, it encourages not only students to read.

Under such circumstances, the name Luo Mo will appear frequently on various occasions, and his promotional pictures will also frequently show a sense of presence!

This is not just as simple as glory, it can also help his nationality to a certain extent.

It is worth mentioning that when the time comes to shoot promotional pictures, you have to take them well.

After all, there are some personal pictures, which can easily be spoiled by netizens after they appear frequently.

Brother Wu Jing is the most typical example.

Whether it's the picture of him wearing a suit with one hand outstretched, or the picture of him wearing a sportswear with Chinese characters written on it, they have brought endless fun to everyone's life.

After all, who can deny the joy of playing wolf?

Warrior Wolf, are you right?



As a top performer in the industry, Luo Mo has been busy with work recently, and his exposure to the public is not as high as when he participated in variety shows, but anything about him can be on the hot searches.

For [Mo Shengren], they were originally waiting for Luo Mo to post on Weibo tonight to promote "China in Classics".

At the same time, I am also waiting for a few more posters of Luo Mo's "Scholar" to be posted on the official Weibo account of "China in the Classics".

They waited and waited, waited and waited, and finally a bomb detonated the entire network!

"Luo Mo? The National Reading Promotion Ambassador!?"

"What kind of god is my crush!"

"Oh, I don't have any skills, that is, I have been promoting traditional culture. With my own traffic, more people have paid attention to opera, calligraphy, suona, etc., and then created a music genre called Chinese style, which has two hits. I don’t know how many billions of patriotic animations, wrote a few poems that others can’t write, and a propaganda variety show to be broadcast.”

"Luo Mo: Go read a book for me!

Me: ok ok! "

"I can't look directly at him anymore. When I saw his picture just now, I felt my mouth move, and told me to get out and read a book."

"Hahaha, I'm so scared. I'm afraid that I will dream about him in the future. In the indescribable dream, he showed his eight-pack abs, pressed me against the wall, and then leaned into my ear and said : Huh? Still don’t read books?”

【Mosheng people】 have started sand sculpting on the Internet again.

Not to mention, as they turned on the sand sculpture mode, the wind direction of this incident suddenly turned a corner.

Everyone's fun of making memes and jokes was aroused, which made the popularity of this event skyrocket!

On Weibo, the [topic] of [National Reading] originally had only more than 20 million views, because the event has not yet started large-scale promotion and publicity.

It turned out that in just two hours, [topic] had over 100 million views.

On the hot search list, the symbol for the remarks at the back also changed from [boiling] to [explosion]!

As for the traffic niches in the circle, they were all stunned.

It is commonplace for them to be on the hot search.

It's just that sometimes, it's because of the hot search on the negative news, and then write an apology letter or record an apology video, and then go to the next hot search.

They couldn't even learn Luo Mo's style of trending on the Internet.

"Speechless, I'm still working hard on traditional musical instruments recently, and I want to learn from him, so I can get a good impression of him."

"It's terrible, can you get the status of [National Reading Promotion Ambassador]? How did you do it!"

"His force is too high!"

"I wondered why I was scolded by netizens every day. The company finally gave me some endorsements or titles, and I was scolded as unworthy."

After the news was announced, let alone these traffic niches, even Xu Chujing was shocked, and couldn't figure out how Luo Mo did it.

In fact, Luo Mo...he didn't know it very well.

But he could vaguely guess some.

Perhaps for many people, having won such an honor, they may be happy to jump three feet high in place, and they are very happy from ear to ear.

But Luo Mo felt the pressure.

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight." This is a very simple truth.

This is an honor, but also a responsibility.

"What can I do in this process?" He began to think.



Compared with the shock and hot discussion in the entertainment circle, the cultural circle is a different scene.

In this entertainment industry where education is generally not high, and someone who can solve a quadratic equation can be called a top student, everyone will only envy and envy.

But the cultural circle is different, I will hate it!

[National Reading] The cultural circle attaches great importance to this matter.

Especially those who write books.

Honor aside, let's talk about money first.

Everyone is a book writer, and if anyone takes the status of [National Reading Promotion Ambassador], then the books he publishes will not sell well! ?

It is not a dream at all to be on the rich list of writers.

So secretly, many people are competing.

Some people do it for fame, while others do it for profit.

But this group of people never thought that someone outside the cultural circle would win this honor.

Not to mention that this person is Luo Mo again!

"Luo Mo! Luo Mo! Why is it him again?"

Literati look down on each other, which has been the case since ancient times.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, this is not a joke.

The sales volume of your works is better than mine, I can say that you have less connotation than me.

The content of your works is higher than mine. I can say that everyone can't understand what you write, and the masses don't like it. What's the use?

The poems you write are easy to understand. I say you don't know how to write poems at all.

The poems you wrote are obscure and difficult to understand, and I can say that you don't know what is vulgar or elegant, and you are pretending to be arrogant.

In this circle, there are many so-called madmen.

The literati circle loves to tear things apart, no less than the entertainment circle.

Like on the earth, many years ago, chaos was often triggered at every turn.

It's just that people in this circle have not received much attention in recent years, and the exposure is not as big as that in the entertainment circle.

And the chain of contempt in the cultural circle is very strong.

Of course, there must be many people who are highly respected and have both virtue and art.

But those who are more active must be those who dance more.

It's like on the high-speed rail, you can't hear the gentle people communicating with each other, and those who love to cry and talk loudly on the phone can attract your attention.

Many people had been annoyed at seeing Luo Mo earlier, and now they were even spitting furiously behind his back.

But on the bright side... Few dare.

Don't you look at who gave Luo Mo such status and honor?

Therefore, the form this time is very different from the previous ones.

There are far fewer clowns.

But if you want to be convinced, you must be unconvinced!

Of course, there are still some active minds who have already begun to shift camps.

"A group of idiots are still scolding Luo Mo behind their backs. Do you really think there is an impenetrable wall in this world?"

"He became a promotional ambassador. This is a fact. What's the use of scolding him? Why don't you hurry up and lick him?"

"Since he is the national reading promotion ambassador, then, when he is interviewed, someone will definitely ask him to push books."

"He is top-notch himself, and his traffic is terrifying. Coupled with this special status, if he casually recommends a book, what kind of terrible impact will it have?"

It's strange, a person who is not in the cultural circle, suddenly, may be able to affect next year's book sales rankings.

The energy contained in him now is extremely terrifying!

With a single word from him, he can bring a book that is not popular back to life, or make an already popular book even more popular!

Many smart people are like a bright mirror in their hearts: "At least next year's Luo Mo will be someone we can't afford to mess with."



At nightfall, taking advantage of the exposure of the [National Reading Promotion Ambassador], CCTV and Penguin Video began to vigorously promote "China in the Classics", which will be broadcast tomorrow night.

After all, Luo Mo's identity in it is a contemporary [scholar].

After going back and forth like this, the two identities will echo each other!

As soon as the promotion was published, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

"Ah, I didn't like to watch CCTV's programs at first, they felt too old and meaningless. But this time, I'm inexplicably looking forward to it!"

"That's right, there are hardly any young people watching CCTV programs, especially variety shows."

"With Luo Mo, I'll see, he never disappoints."

"Speaking of which, if there is no him, I will be extremely resistant to the name of this variety show."

These days, many people don't even like to read books, let alone variety shows related to books.

I feel very boring even thinking about it, when the whole process will be dry, there will be nothing to watch.

But actually?

Will it really be dry?

I'm afraid I'm going to shed tears to dry it!

This show, like "The Rabbit", will make your blood boil, make you feel proud, make your heart surge, and make you......... tears!

The next day, at twelve noon, the official Weibo of "China in Classics" sent the last promotional Weibo before the broadcast.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, let's see how Luo Mo defines [scholar]."

(ps: The first update, ask for a monthly pass!)

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