This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 677 This is a classic victory

The latest website: As for the final ratings, will it be higher than that of "Double of Kings"?

It doesn't really matter.

If it is higher, of course it is better. If not, it doesn't matter.

This time the show has been so successful, how can you ask for more?

Don't be insatiable, this is the most basic truth.

Therefore, the entire Funan Satellite TV people were extremely excited and relaxed.

The show continued, and one challenger after another appeared on the stage.

There are many viewers watching and discussing on the Internet.

"I haven't seen such a happy show for a long time! This may not be the best entertainment show, but it must be the happiest entertainment show."

"Of course, we shouldn't just see joy. We also want to applaud the brave challengers. Not to mention, some of the challengers are really good."

"This is definitely a unique variety show. It is unique. This show has broadened the horizons and thinking of variety shows. It is indeed Li Han's show, but it is different."

"I've never watched variety shows before, but now I'm enjoying it. I know there are many people like me all over the country."

"The ratings are definitely worth looking forward to! Maybe it's even higher than "Double Kings". Li Han has once again maintained the tradition of being able to succeed immediately when he sets foot in a new field. Simple slips to the limit."

"Pretty handsome! I just like watching Li Han create records one after another. Hahaha!"


The audience can foresee that the ratings of "Brave Forward" will not be low, and they are also very interested in the ratings.

So, what will the ratings end up being?

Ordinary viewers and people in the TV circle are all very concerned.

With the passage of time, "Brave Forward" was the first to end.

Those who originally planned to watch "King of the Kings\

,"And those who didn't watch it, finally switched the TV to Shonan TV at this time.

The real-time viewership of "King of Kings" has skyrocketed.

And it didn't take long for "King of Kings" to end.

The two programs are over, and the topics about the two programs quickly increased on the Internet.

The most interesting of them is, of course, what are the ratings of the two programs?

The ratings of the two programs will be put together for comparison, which few people thought of before the broadcast.

The two programs that should have been incomparable now seem to be evenly matched, which has to make people feel infinitely emotional.

The people at Shonan TV are the most nervous, and they are praying that their ratings will be higher than "Brave Forward".

Otherwise, it will really be a little faceless!

Even the high-level personnel, including Wei Xiang's balcony chief, were a little nervous.

People from Funan Satellite TV are very relaxed. Whatever the outcome, they will be excited.

Of course, they must also want their shows to have higher ratings.

In this way, their Funan Satellite TV has created a miracle.

As for the rest of the ordinary TV stations, almost all hope that the ratings of "Brave Forward" will be higher.

The people from Shonan Satellite TV are quite awkward and have a sense of superiority. This time, we must treat them well.

Those guys just need to clean up.

Under the curiosity and expectation of many people, the final accurate ratings were finally released.

"Brave Forward" averaged 4.12 ratings. The highest rating was 4.43, which appeared in the initial stage.

The average rating of "Kings of the Kings" was 4.10. The highest viewing rate was 4.39, which appeared at the end of the stage.

As soon as the data came out, countless people were excited, and a few people sighed.

The most excited people are undoubtedly the people from Funan TV.

They actually did it!

Both the average ratings and the highest ratings are slightly higher than that of "Double Kings", which is definitely a miracle!

A brand new variety show, an ordinary satellite TV ranked at the bottom. But it turned over one of the most popular variety shows on the top-ranked David TV. Who would have thought of this before? Who can believe it?

This will definitely be recorded in the history of variety shows, becoming a classic victory for Funan Satellite TV and a classic victory for ordinary TV stations.

The entire Funan TV station went into a carnival. Then he was even more grateful to Li Han in his heart.

Everyone knew that it was Li Han who gave them such a classic victory.

In contrast, it is naturally the sighing Shonan Satellite TV.

They actually lost!

Who can believe it? Who can believe it!

Moreover, the highest ratings appear near the end of the stage. That phase of Brave Forward is over.

This just proves that there are really many old viewers of "Due to the Kings" who are watching "Brave Forward".

It was not until the end of "Brave Forward" that I finally started to watch "Double of Kings".

The popular king Wu Ye has never done those ordinary guests, which is really bitter.

The entire Shonan Satellite TV sighed, this was the first time they had lost to a low-ranking ordinary satellite TV.

This time is destined to be remembered by the TV station circle, and at the same time, I am afraid that it will also be remembered by the history of variety shows, becoming an important failure in the history of Shonan Satellite TV.

I really didn't want this to happen, but it happened.

Li Han, that terrifying guy, it was he who let Shonan Satellite TV taste the taste of this defeat.

The people of Hunan Satellite TV were bitter and helpless.

Even the director Wei Xiangyang sighed helplessly. I hope he can win it back in the next episode of the show.

Those old viewers who watched "Brave Forward" and "Die with Kings", after watching this episode, shouldn't they watch it again in the next episode?

Wei Xiangyang thought so and hoped so.

The rest of the people at Shonan TV, of course, also thought and hoped so in their hearts.


The rest of the ordinary TV station circles laughed at this time.

Funan Satellite TV actually won this time, and it really gave the mighty Hunan Satellite TV a taste of defeat.

Finally, I cleaned up Shonan Satellite TV, which I had to clean up.

What about the hottest variety show? It's not a brand new show that Li Han planned at will.

What if Wu Ye, the popular king, is a guest? Still lost to a show full of ordinary guests.

This is a classic victory in the history of variety shows! This is definitely going to go down in history!

Now, the people from Shonan Satellite TV don't dare to be embarrassed, right?

Let someone say it! It's because those guys are too shy at ordinary times, and Li Han will take action to clean them up in the dark.

So, people, don't be shy.

People in ordinary TV circles are in a good mood.

And at the same time in a very good mood, he is very envious of Funan Satellite TV.

If this show belongs to them, all the better.

Then, many TV stations were thinking, can they also invite Li Han to plan a variety show for them?

I just don't know if Li Han is interested? Will you agree?

Well, anyway, you can try it.


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