This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 433 Another story about the three countries

After Li Han returned to the hotel, he turned on the computer and encoded the story of "Taoyuan Three Knots" into an electronic document.

Then sent a copy to Cen Xuegeng's e-mail.

As for Cen Xuegeng's hope that Li Han could publish "Taoyuan Three Knots", Li Han originally had such a plan.

Today, I wrote this story in a tea shop, although it was an accident.

But since it's all written, let's publish it by the way.

As for other Three Kingdoms stories, there are naturally many, many of which are classics. Li Han will definitely launch them one by one in the future.

Then all the stories are combined, and it is "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", one of the four major classics of the previous life.

It's just that there is no hurry, and it is not yet time to launch "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Now it's just a matter of putting out a great story every now and then. Such as "Three Heroes Fighting Lu Bu", "Warm Wine Killing Hua Xiong", "Three Gus That Cottage", "The Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows", "Empty City Strategy" and so on, all of them are very exciting.

Come on one story at a time, don't worry about it.

Now, let's publish "Taoyuan Sanjie" first.

Li Han registered a Fetion official account, and he decided to publish "Taoyuan Three Knots" through the Fetion official account.

It's just a small story, so I won't choose to publish it in the magazine. Although published in a magazine, there will be certain economic benefits.

But if the official account is run well, the income will be higher.

Moreover, this is also more convenient, and you can continue to publish other stories in the future, why not do it.

The public account that has just been registered has not yet been followed. Li Han is not in a hurry, and he doesn't care after posting "Taoyuan Three Knots".

He knows that as long as the news spreads on the Internet, the number of followers will rise to a very gratifying number in a very short period of time.


This is indeed the case. When Li Han opened the Feixin official account and published the news of "Taoyuan Three Knots", after it spread on the Internet, countless people were excited and immediately chose to pay attention.

The number of followers of Li Hanfeixin's official account keeps rising, and the speed of its rise is the envy of any star.

Then, the story of "Taoyuan Three Knots" was officially known to everyone.

As a result, there has been a wave of discussions on the history of the Three Kingdoms on the Internet.

This situation was unimaginable before. Who can believe that one day there will be such a large-scale discussion of the history of the Three Kingdoms on the Internet?

This makes history lovers, especially lovers of the history of the Three Kingdoms, excited.

They like the history of the Three Kingdoms, so naturally they hope that more people can like the history of the Three Kingdoms as much as they do, and discuss the history of the Three Kingdoms with them.

But unfortunately, there are too few people who like history. Even fewer people like the history of the Three Kingdoms.

It is difficult for them to find more people to discuss the history of the Three Kingdoms with them.

However, now, the large-scale discussion of the history of the Three Kingdoms on the Internet makes them feel unreal at one time, which is unbelievable.

All this is just because of a processed story, and they are full of emotion.

In addition to them, all historians and historical and cultural researchers are extremely happy about this situation.

This situation may only be temporary, but it proves at least one thing. That is, under special circumstances, there are still many people who are willing to learn about history.

This is definitely a surprising discovery.

Cen Xuegeng laughed, and he was also very happy. The situation was the same as what he thought before, and it was even better.

So, if we don't take the opportunity to promote the relevant historical knowledge of the Three Kingdoms, when will we wait?

Therefore, Cen Xuegeng personally wrote an article, combined with the story of "Taoyuan Sanjieyi", and made a detailed comparison and analysis of the real history of that period.

To a certain extent, Cen Xuegeng was also involved in the discussion among netizens.

Netizens were even more excited when they saw that big men like Cen Xuegeng showed up.

set off a higher upsurge.

Cen Xuegeng saw that the effect seemed to be better than he imagined, and he was in a better mood and was very happy.


Li Han was equally happy when he saw the situation on the Internet. The launch of "Taoyuan Three Knots" this time was an accident, but the effect seemed to be surprisingly good.

In that case, strike while the iron is hot and launch another Three Kingdoms story.

After this story, wait for a while before launching other stories.

So, what's the next story?

In "Taoyuan Three Knots", Guan Yu is very impressive, and he is a full-fledged hero.

So, for this second story, let's choose Guan Yu's story.

What's the story?

Of course it is "Warm Wine Kills Hua Xiong".

This story is fictional though. However, in Li Han's view, this is a story that best reflects Guan Yu's extraordinary force, and it is very exciting.

The background of the story is that Dong Zhuo deposed the young emperor Liu Bian and established Liu Xie, the king of Chenliu, as the empress.

Formed by Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others, the princes of the Eighteenth Road of Guandong jointly attacked Dong Zhuo.

However, the forward Sun Jian was defeated by Hua Xiong when he entered the Sishui Pass.

Hua Xiong beheaded Pan Feng, Bao Zhong, Zu Mao, Yu She, Han Fu and other generals successively, absolutely invincible.

Who can beat Huaxiong? It became a very headache for Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

Against such a background, Guan Yu, who was still unknown at the time, took the initiative to ask Ying, saying that he could go to take Huaxiong's head.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao didn't know Guan Yu, so who is this big guy?

Some people say that this is Liu Xuande's younger brother and is currently Liu Xuande's horse archer.

Yuan Shao was furious after hearing this. A little pony archer went to challenge Hua Xiong. Wouldn't it make people laugh at him for not having a general in his account?

After that, Guan Yu will be kicked out of the tent. A little pony archer, isn't this here to make trouble?

Fortunately, Cao Cao stopped him in time and said that he looks good in appearance. If we don't say it, who knows that he is just a horse archer?

In the end, Guan Yu issued a military order, saying that if he could not kill Hua Xiong, he would be killed.

Cao Cao had someone warm a glass of wine and asked Guan Yu to drink it.

When Guan Yu saw this, he said to Cao Cao, put this glass of wine here first, and return when I go.

Then, Guan Yu took the knife and went out.

After a while, Guan Yu came back with Hua Xiong's head in his hand.

And the glass of wine was still warm.

The story of "Warm Wine Killing Huaxiong" is absolutely wonderful, and Li Han believes that it will definitely satisfy readers in this world.

However, it is worth mentioning that this story is fictional.

In real history, the person who killed Hua Xiong was Sun Jian.

Sun Jian was not defeated by Hua Xiong, but he defeated Hua Xiong.

However, history is history, and stories are stories. Li Han only needs to launch such a wonderful story.

For the rest, there are historians such as Cen Xuegeng to popularize the real history.

Li Han coded out the story of "Warm Wine Kills Huaxiong" on the computer, and then published it on the public account.


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