This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 386 Protest from the audience

She was naturally looking for the old man and Yuan Shijun.

Yuan Shijun didn't tell her that he had already bought two tickets and would come to watch it today.

Therefore, Lin Yuemei didn't know whether Yuan Shijun got the tickets? She only knew that Yuan Shijun would definitely try his best to get tickets.

Maybe got tickets, maybe not.

Therefore, Yuan Shijun and his father may or may not be sitting below.

Lin Yuemei didn't see Yuan Shijun and her father, but she knew that it didn't mean they were definitely not there.

If you look around like this, the probability of being able to see them is very small.

That's all, it's impossible to meet anyway, there's not much difference between being there and not.

After quickly adjusting her mood and state, Lin Yuemei began to interact with the audience at the scene under the guidance of the host.

This is a commercial performance, so if you don't come up, you can sing, and then go down after singing.

In the audience, the old man kept looking at Lin Yuemei, and he finally saw his daughter in reality again.

The distance is not too close, but it is not too far, only 20 to 30 meters away.

However, in the distance of 20 to 30 meters, there is a bottomless gap in the middle, which may never be passed.

So close, yet so far.

The old man's eyes were happy and relieved, but also gloomy.

on the stage.

Under the guidance of the host, Lin Yuemei started to sing after interacting with the audience for a while.

"That's Clear Sky", Lin Yuemei's representative song, is familiar to most of the audience.

There are also many audience members at the scene who are Lin Yuemei's fans.

Therefore, when Lin Yuemei sang, the audience always gave a warm response.

applause, cheers,

The voice that sings along is always there.

At this moment, Lin Yuemei was the only focus of the audience, and the bright spotlight on the stage always hit her. The audience at the scene shouted her name.

Seeing such a situation, Yuan Shijun somewhat understood why Lin Yuemei made such a choice.

This feeling of becoming the focus of the audience, as long as there is once, may make people very obsessed.

Of course, not everyone likes this feeling, but there are definitely a lot of people who like and enjoy this feeling very much.

Lin Yuemei is such a person.

That's why she was so afraid of losing everything she had now.

Yuan Shijun sighed, feeling heavier than before.

He originally thought that one day Lin Yuemei might really go back to visit the old man and return to the little girl she used to be.

But now, he feels that possibility is almost impossible.

Because Lin Yuemei will only become more and more addicted to this feeling, more and more afraid of losing what she has.

The more famous and popular she is, the more afraid of losing her.

Therefore, she will only become more and more afraid to go back to see the old man.

She may indeed want to go back, but she will only become more and more afraid of going back.

Yuan Shijun's mood was even heavier.

Yuan Shijun thought so in his heart, and Li Han also thought so.

Next, Ye Qingxian should sing that song, I hope it can be of some use.

In fact, Li Han didn't have much confidence. Human nature is the most incomprehensible thing.

At the end of Lin Yuemei's performance, the applause and cheers of the scene fluctuated with each other.

Lin Yuemei enjoyed such a moment.

At this time, she no longer has the slightest regret for her choice.

She loves and enjoys moments like these, and she absolutely cannot lose them.

The corners of Lin Yuemei's manager's mouth curved up, she knew that at this time, even if Lin Yuemei suddenly saw her father in the audience, she would definitely pretend not to see it.

At this time, Lin Yuemei would not put herself in danger because of any factors.

This way you can rest assured.

Lin Yuemei slowly exited the stage, excited and excited, she felt that her popularity seemed to be higher.

Then, should Ye Qingxian appear next?

Very good, let's see if Ye Qingxian can make the atmosphere of the scene reach the level she just did?

If Ye Qingxian sang "Prisoner Bird", it would still be possible. But since the song has been changed, it is impossible.

Lin Yuemei did not immediately go to remove her makeup, but waited with great interest to see Ye Qingxian appear.

The audience at the scene also knew that it was time for Ye Qingxian to appear next. Next, it's time to hear the live version of "The Prisoner Bird."

Although it is reported that Ye Qingxian temporarily changed songs. But everyone thought that it was a fundamentally unreliable news.

Therefore, it can be said that the excitement just now has not passed, and new excitement will be ushered in immediately.

Of course, there are two people who are completely in no mood to look forward to Ye Qingxian's appearance.

They are naturally Yuan Shijun and the old man.

Yuan Shijun was in a heavy heart, he felt that the old man would never have the chance to see Lin Yuemei again.

Of course, the old man felt the same way. Although he was old, his perception in this regard was still very keen.

Compared with the excited audience around them, they seem out of place.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of the old man, they would have chosen to leave at this time.

Ye Qingxian appeared.

The audience at the scene began to cheer Ye Qingxian's name again, and the atmosphere was no worse than before.

The host said at this time, "What song do you want to hear Ye Qingxian sing the most?"

Most of the audience at the scene answered almost in unison: "The Prisoner Bird!"

The host said: "It seems that the popularity of "Prisoner Bird" is really high! Mr. Li Han's works are different."

The audience at the scene laughed.

The host also laughed, and after laughing, he said, "However, everyone may be disappointed today."


All the audience at the scene was stunned. The atmosphere that had been very high suddenly cooled down quickly.

What does the host mean? Ye Qingxian really changed songs?

That sucks! They came for "Prisoner Bird". Now even tell them not to sing "Prisoner Bird".

Of course, it's still not clear what the host means? Have to wait for the host to continue talking.

Just listening to the supporter continue: "Yes, Ye Qingxian did want to sing "Prisoner Bird" before. However, just yesterday, because of an incident, Ye Qingxian decided to change the song."

"Damn it! The song really changed. What are you doing!"

"No! No! We just want to listen to 'Prisoner Bird'."

"If you don't sing the most popular song, you want to change the song. What is this operation?


The audience reacted violently and protested.

The rumors I heard earlier turned out to be true.

What nonsense!

The host and Ye Qingxian laughed and said nothing, and neither seemed to be affected by the audience's protest.

Lin Yuemei and her agent frowned slightly.

They don't like the current atmosphere very much. It's not that they think about Ye Qingxian.

But because the audience is so protesting now, it is actually reflected from the side that "Prisoner Bird" is really very popular now.

They don't like it.


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