This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 321 Provides a new way of thinking and direction

On the Internet, countless martial arts fans feel sorry for Li Wenxiu's fate.

Many people say that Li Wenxiu is really stupid. Not only does she push her lover to others, but she also saves the woman she loves again and again. She is really stupid.

But some people say that Li Wenxiu is not stupid, but too kind. For her lover's happiness, she can do anything for her lover, and she doesn't want her lover to be hurt.

Just like in Gaochang Labyrinth, Huahui was seriously injured and was about to die. Before he died, he asked Li Wenxiu, why did Li Wenxiu refuse to leave before he let Li Wenxiu leave?

Li Wenxiu also knew Huahui's identity at this time, and felt sad, but still replied: "Master, if you can't get the person you love, kill her. I can't get the person you love, but I can't bear to let him give it to me. People were killed."

This is Li Wenxiu's kindness and infatuation.

"Li Wenxiu is infatuated, and his master Huahui is also infatuated. It's just that Huahui's infatuation is terrible."

"Indeed. Huahui was infatuated with Oman's mother, and finally chose to kill Oman's mother because he could not get Oman's mother. If he couldn't get the one he loved, he killed the one he loved so that others would not get the one he loved. Death is indeed quite scary."

Li Wenxiu and Master Huahui are in the same situation. They both love the person they love, but they can't get the person they love.

Then, one of them desperately protects the beloved, while the other kills the beloved with his own hands. It can be said that after loving someone to the extreme, there are two extreme manifestations.

"If you look at it like this, after the deepest love, it's a little scary!"

"Actually, it's not 'deep love' that scares people, but the kind of people who are sick in their hearts. It's 'deep love' that scares people, just like Huahui. For normal people, although it's hard to be like Li Wenxiu That way, but it's also impossible to kill someone you love."

"That's true. In Li Han's work, in addition to Li Wenxiu and Su Pu, Huahui and Aman's mother, there are also several episodes of unrequited love. It doesn't feel like a pure martial arts novel."

"Indeed. This work 'Wu' can only be ranked second, and 'Emotion' is the first."

"Live because of love, die because of love, kill because of love, save people because of love, where love is, and where sin is, there is always one word 'love'. This work is indeed 'love' in the first place ."


This work is indeed a martial arts work.

But what impresses martial arts fans the most is not "wu", but "love".

Of course, at the end, Li Wenxiu rode an aging white horse and went to the Central Plains alone.

What will Li Wenxiu's life be like next? No one knows, and she doesn't know it herself, which is indeed very sad and embarrassing.

In this work, why did Li Han abandon "wu" and focus on "emotion"?

The answer is actually not hard to guess.

He just created the story of Liang Zhu before, and he asked what is love in the world? Direct teaching life and death promise!

Then, the word "love" was a topic that Li Han could not avoid during this period of time. This novel naturally abandons "wu" and emphasizes "emotion".

And although this novel makes people sigh and sigh, there is no doubt that it is a very wonderful work, which can leave a very deep impression on people.

Doesn't this mean that martial arts novels don't necessarily have to focus on "martial arts", but if you are good at writing "emotions", and you can write "emotions" well, it can also be a wonderful martial arts novel?

Does this provide a new way of thinking and direction for those writers of martial arts novels who are not very good at writing "wu"?

The eyes of the martial arts fans brightened, it seemed that this was the case.

And this is obviously very good news for them.

Because, in this way, wouldn't it be possible for them to see more wonderful martial arts novels?

This is a good thing! The martial arts fans were all delighted.


Martial arts fans have noticed this, and so have all martial arts authors.

Then, a lot of martial arts writers laughed, which is not really useful. "Qing" is actually more difficult to write than "wu". If you blindly pursue writing "Qing", you are actually putting the cart before the horse. The most important thing in martial arts novels is "wu" after all.

Therefore, it is enough to write "Wu" well.

Of course, if it can reach the level of Li Han. So, "Wu" is heavier? Or is "love" more important? It doesn't matter anymore. You can write whatever you want.

But how many people can reach the level of Li Han? Therefore, it is better to write "Wu" well.

However, for some other martial arts writers, this time was quite a surprise.

Generally speaking, "Qing" may indeed be more difficult to write than "Wu". But for them, "Qing" is better to write than "Wu".

Before they wrote martial arts novels, the most troublesome part was the "wu" part. No matter how they wrote it, it felt wrong. After all, they lacked some talent for writing "wu".

But they have the talent to write "love". They thought they were more suitable for writing romance novels, but they prefer to write martial arts novels.

Therefore, I have always insisted on creating martial arts novels. But when they are creating, they always feel a little awkward.

Because they think that since it is a martial arts novel, it must be based on "wu". As a result, they always give up their strengths and constantly toss with their weaknesses in the process of creation.

If your writing is not smooth, the quality will naturally not be much better.

They always sighed before, thinking that it was because they didn't have the talent to write martial arts novels and there was nothing they could do.

Now, however, they have discovered new continents. It turns out that martial arts novels can also focus on "love".

In this way, when they create, they can give full play to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses as much as possible.

As you can imagine, in this way, they will not only create more smoothly, but also the quality of the work will be higher.

They were pleasantly surprised and excited. Li Han's "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" is likely to be a turning point in their martial arts novel writing career.

I must thank Li Han for this work.

And then, for the famous martial arts masters, they finally understood, why did Li Han choose to launch a martial arts novel at this time?

Abandoning "wu" and emphasizing "love", they have to admire that Li Han dares to try anything, and he has the strength to try.

This attempt was undoubtedly very successful.

Then, what they were most worried about finally happened.

"White Horse Roaring West Wind" stole the popularity of their works and became the most popular martial arts novel on the Internet.

Nine times out of ten, the discussions of martial arts fans are all about "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind".

The famous martial arts masters were very distressed, but there was nothing they could do.

Now, they can only slowly wait for the popularity of "White Horse Roaring West Wind" to drop.

Then, I can only hope that Li Han will stop staring at their martial arts novel world.

When they are ready to win Li Han's works in the future, they will take the initiative to find Li Han.

Now, they are not ready, so Li Han should not take the initiative to show up.

The martial arts masters all hope so.


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