This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 300 It is a permanent regret that the poem was not passed down

As a result, Li Han really didn't get any game.

He also didn't really engage in bamboo shoots, grasshoppers, centipedes and the like. Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue will definitely not eat these things.

In his own words, the bamboo shoots worms are fine, they can be eaten when they are cooked, and they were really roasted and eaten when I was a child. But he couldn't actually eat grasshoppers and centipedes.

He just said that.

I didn't get any game, but I wouldn't be hungry at noon. There were a lot of wild fruits and wild fruits along the way, and I would be full if I just ate a little.

Just a little hungry.

But it doesn't matter, just eat when you're hungry. It's everywhere anyway.

It was only about six o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to the village.

After playing on the mountain for almost a whole day today, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue finally had fun.

Of course, I also enjoyed eating the things on the mountain.


The next morning, the three set off for the ancient city of Linqiong, the provincial capital.

The ancient city of Linqiong is located in the west of the provincial capital of Shu.

It is a veritable ancient city.

Now, the ancient city of Linqiong is regarded as a famous tourist city, and there are not many guests who visit the ancient city of Linqiong every day.

Near noon, Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue arrived at the ancient city of Linqiong.

"Do we need to contact Director Jing Wenbo first?" Su Yuqing asked.

Li Han said: "Let's go to have lunch first, and then go to the ancient city to play. The area of ​​this ancient city is not too big, and we should be able to meet the "Feng Qiuhuang" crew who are filming here, and then we will naturally find director Jing Wenbo. ."

"Okay!" The two women agreed at the same time.

There are many shops in the ancient city, there are many places to eat, and all kinds of special snacks are everywhere.

into a restaurant,

Ordered food, and while waiting for the food to be served, I heard guests talking around.

"Have you heard? The "Feng Qiuhuang" crew is filming here now."

"Of course I heard, that's what we came for. After we had dinner, we planned to go and watch the crew to see how they were filming? I've never seen the filming on set before. Take advantage of this time. The opportunity must be seen.”

"We're here for this too. The person who plays Zhuo Wenjun, but the beauty star Xia Xiaoya, I have to go to the scene to see it no matter what."

"What's the point of just watching? I heard that the crew is still recruiting extras. If you are interested, you can give it a try. You can pass the addiction of acting and still have money. What a good thing? If you are lucky, say Maybe you can show your face."


Hearing the chatter of the surrounding guests, Li Han said, "It seems that the matter has spread in the ancient city."

Su Yuqing said: "Watching the filming crew and star actors will indeed attract a lot of people to watch. The news will naturally spread quickly."

Li Han nodded and said, "Furthermore, this movie is about Zhuo Wenjun. This will even interest the local people in Linqiong."

Su Yuqing said: "Indeed. Linqiong people definitely hope that more people in the country can know the ancient city of Linqiong and know that this is the hometown of Zhuo Wenjun. And this time the movie will be a good promotion. Chance."

Li Han said: "So, the hopes and expectations of the people in Linqiong for this movie will be very high."

Su Yuqing nodded in agreement.

At this time, the ordered dishes were brought to the table one after another, and the three of them began to eat.

After dinner, walk in the ancient city.

Walking all the way, I can still hear many people talking about the filming of the "Feng Qiuhuang" crew.

After walking through the wall and enjoying the scenery of many ancient cities, I really met the crew of "Feng Qiuhuang" who were filming.

We are filming a street scene, and there are many people watching.

Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue also watched with great interest.

After watching it for a while, I realized that the scene being filmed should be a story that happened when Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru were selling wine for a living in Linqiong City.

"The love story between Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru? I don't know much. Does anyone know? How about listening? After understanding their story, I guess I can watch the scene being filmed. understand better."

"The love story between Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru is indeed quite tortuous. Let me briefly talk about it."

"Okay! Thank you, please!"

"It is said that Zhuo Wenjun is the daughter of Linqiong's richest man, Zhuo Wangsun. She is beautiful, intelligent, good at poetry and prose, and good at playing the piano. She is a well-known talented girl.

However, her marriage seems to be very unfortunate. She got married when she was seventeen. However, within two years, the husband died.

Poor Zhuo Wenjun was widowed at a young age.

One day, Zhuo Wangsun held a banquet. The impoverished Sima Xiangru came to be a guest.

During the banquet, Sima Xiangru accidentally saw Zhuo Wenjun's youthful beauty, and couldn't help but be moved.

So, he boldly played a tune to express his admiration to Zhuo Wenjun.

And that song is the later famous "Feng Qiuhuang". Everyone should have heard of this name. "

"'Feng Qiuhuang'? I've heard of this. I really want to know it's a piece by Sima Xiangru. This... you go on, go on, please!"

"Then I went on to say that although Sima Xiangru was poor at this time, we all knew that he was a very talented person. Zhuo Wenjun also fell in love with him at first sight.

The two of them can be regarded as talented and beautiful, and they are both good at qin and poetry, so it can be said that they are a natural pair.

However, Zhuo Wangsun firmly opposed Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru together. This is of course normal. Who would want their daughter to marry a pauper?

No way, Zhuo Wenjun finally chose to elope with Sima Xiangru.

However, Sima Xiangru was a poor man. After the two eloped to the capital of Shu, their life was very poor.

In the end, the two of them returned to Linqiong City as a last resort, opened a small restaurant, and sold wine.

The scene that the crew is shooting now is a story that happened when the two returned to Linqiong to sell wine. "

It turns out that people around who are not familiar with the story of Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru finally know what kind of scene the crew is shooting at this time?

This makes them even more enjoyable to watch.

Then, they all highly praised Zhuo Wenjun's spirit of giving up a wealthy life for love and sharing weal and woe with his lover.

"What about the back? Is there any more behind? Is this the end of the whole story?"

"Of course it's not over yet." Another person added, "If it ended like this, I'm afraid this story would not have been circulated for more than 2,000 years. Moreover, Sima Xiangru later did something that was not very authentic. ."

"Oh? What's the matter? Please tell me."

"It is like this. Although Sima Xiangru is poor, we all know that he is indeed a very talented person. And his talent was finally appreciated by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty one day.

As a result, Sima Xiangru began to develop.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made him an official, and he went to the capital alone to become an official. From that time on, he and Zhuo Wenjun lived in different places.

Over time, Sima Xiangru had the intention of abandoning Zhuo Wenjun and marrying her as a concubine.

When you say this, is Sima Xiangru acting inappropriate? "

How is it not authentic? It's quite rude! The people around were discussing at once.

For the sake of Sima Xiangru, Zhuo Wenjun gave up his rich life, and would rather live a poor life with Sima Xiangru.

But after Sima Xiangru developed, he had to abandon his wife and take a concubine, which is absolutely inauthentic!

"Of course, this matter may not necessarily be true. The love story between Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru has been circulated for more than two thousand years, and it is inevitable that people will continue to process it.

It is possible that in real history, Sima Xiangru did not mean to abandon his wife and take concubines, but since the story is spread like this, from this love story alone, Sima Xiangru means to abandon his wife and take concubines. ' said the man again.

The people around nodded.

"And then? Sima Xiangru shouldn't really abandon Zhuo Wenjun and take another concubine?"

"That's not true. Sima Xiangru woke up in time. Fortunately, he woke up in time. Otherwise, this beautiful love story would have turned into a tragedy."

At this time, another person said: "I heard that Sima Xiangru woke up in time because Zhuo Wenjun wrote a poem to him. I am too familiar with their love story, but I seem to have heard this I don't know if that's the case?"

"That's true. At that time, Zhuo Wenjun was heartbroken after learning that Sima Xiangru wanted to abandon her to take a concubine. But she did not cry and try to win back her husband's heart like ordinary women. Instead, she resolutely wrote I wrote a poem to Sima Xiangru to show the meaning of grace and justice. It was that poem that made Sima Xiangru feel ashamed, so he dismissed the intention of abandoning his wife and accepting a concubine."

"As expected. Zhuo Wenjun is indeed a generation of talented and strange women. So, what kind of poem is it? It can make Sima Xiangru abandon his intention of abandoning his wife and accepting a concubine."

"That's not known! That poem was not handed down along with this story. We only know that Zhuo Wenjun wrote a poem, which saved the heart of her husband Sima Xiangru. But we don't know the specific What kind of poem?"

"It didn't get passed down? Wouldn't that be quite a pity?"

"It's really a pity! Every time I hear this story, I regret that this poem has not been handed down. This love story that has been handed down for more than two thousand years is not perfect after all."

"Alas! That's really a pity. I said how I heard of such a poem, but I never heard the specific content of that poem. It turned out that it was not handed down."

"If it is not passed down, there is no way, it can only be a permanent regret."



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