In a hotel room in Jingdezhen.

Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue have just finished auditioning five songs on the official website.

Li Han feels okay, all five songs can still make people's eyes shine, but I can't say how good they are.

The difficulty of writing this song is indeed not small.

Su Yuqing said: "Let me just say, don't hold too much hope for their works. Although it is better than expected, it is not much better. This kind of song can make people interested in ceramics and ceramics culture. Weird."

Qin Xiaoyue also said: "It's really difficult. If you have to choose one of these five songs, the Jingdezhen cultural department's idea this time is doomed to fail."

"So..." Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue looked at Li Han at the same time.

The meaning is obvious, it's your turn.

Li Han is indeed ready to take action, because there is indeed a very good song in his previous life, which can fully meet the needs of this time.

After listening to that song, I don't say how much interest I will have in ceramics and ceramic culture, but it does make people have some interest.

Of course, not everyone will have some interest. But it is not necessary for everyone to have some interest, as long as there can be some people, it is enough to have some interest.

After spending so many days in Jingdezhen, Li Han learned more about ceramics and ceramics culture. This made him more willing to bring the song from his previous life.

So, Li Han said: "Yes. After staying here for so long, I really want to create a song."

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue were both overjoyed after hearing it, and finally they were able to hear Li Han's new song again.

At this time, Jingdezhen Tourism officially launched the second voting project, and the number of votes gradually increased, and the results were gradually seen.

The second-to-last option with the most votes, "little interest".

Nearly 60 percent of netizens chose this option.

Then the last option, "No interest at all", won the second place with more than 30% of the votes.

And then the "General" option,

Got a handful of votes.

As for the first two options, "must be interested" and "interested", they hardly got any votes. With over a dozen votes, I still don't know what mentality the voters are voting for?

Then, some netizens left a message in the "Other" option saying that the song can still be listened to, but it is very, very reluctant to say that it can make people interested in ceramics and ceramics.

After seeing the voting results, Su Yuqing said: "Look, most netizens are not very interested, or have no interest at all. Our judgment is still accurate."

Li Han nodded, and now it seems that the song should indeed be released.


Jingdezhen Cultural Department.

Lin Xiang sighed with great regret and said, "Director, it seems that we really need to think of a way again."

Lu Hongliang was also very sorry and said, "The song is actually a good song, but if it can't achieve our goal, it's meaningless. Be prepared to try new methods."

Lin Xiang said: "Then we still need to officially launch, do you have the best song selected by netizens?"

Lu Hongliang said: "Let's launch it. This way, it won't let down the efforts of so many musicians. We need to express our gratitude to them. We also need to pay out the rewards that should be paid. Besides, after the launch, there will still be some more or less. use."

Lin Xiang said: "Then wait until two days later, after the voting closes, the song with the highest votes will be officially released."

Lu Hongliang nodded.


All the musicians are frowning, especially the author of the five songs, frowning even more.

After listening to the song, is it difficult to develop an interest in ceramics and ceramic culture?

One by one is really demanding!

None of these five songs can interest them, so what else can interest them?

However, on second thought, this result does not seem to be too unexpected.

"Oh! It's not too surprising. It's almost impossible to make a song generate interest in ceramics and ceramic culture. It's very difficult to make them feel good about the song."

"That's true, it's an almost impossible thing to do. If they can get interested in the song itself, it's already a great success. Besides, for ceramics and ceramics culture, it is more or less the same. It will be useful."

"Anyway, we have suppressed Li Han this time. Even from this perspective, we have succeeded."

"By the way, have the people in Jingdezhen inquired about it? Has Li Han voted for a sample this time?"

"I went to inquire, and it seems that I didn't vote."

"Didn't vote? That's really a pity. I want to see his work this time. What does it look like?"

"It's really a pity. But it also seems to prove that he can't write songs this time. Unless, he didn't plan to write songs this time at all."

"I feel that this possibility is very small. He is young and gentle, and it is impossible for him to miss such a showy thing. It should not be created, or he is too embarrassed to take it out."

"So, for us, this time was a very successful one."



After Li Han wrote the score, he went to a recording studio with Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue, made the accompaniment, and sang a demo by himself.

It was just a demo, and he didn't bother to look for a singer.

Before, just seeing the lyrics, the two girls didn't feel anything. But now, after listening to Li Han's demo, the two girls were excited.

Even asked Li Han, what is the name of this song?

Li Han smiled and said, "Blue and White Porcelain!"

""Blue and White Porcelain"?" The two girls nodded slowly, but the title of the song was straightforward. If you just look at the title of the song, it may not make people interested, but after listening to the song, or even just hearing the prelude, I already fell in love with this song.

The gentle and euphemistic, elegant and refined melody makes people's minds easily emerge, a picture of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

The picture of Misty Rain Jiangnan is very popular with many people.

Also, Su Yuqing remembered that Li Han had asked her before, what kind of ceramics she liked the most?

She answered "blue and white porcelain".

Sky blue is waiting for misty rain, and I am waiting for you...

Is it...

Su Yuqing was extremely happy.

"Let's go, let's send the sample to the Jingdezhen cultural department." Li Han said.

Since the person was in Jingdezhen, Li Han also chose to send it directly.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue quickly agreed.


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