Nine Dragons Gorge.

He Lu and her colleagues are still playing here.

He Lu would take out his mobile phone from time to time to see the data changes in that video.

Every time you watch it, the number of likes will increase by several hundred. There are also dozens or hundreds of more messages. Even the number of his own fans has risen by a dozen or twenty.

This rapid and visible change is always exciting and exciting. I can't help it more and more, and always want to keep refreshing the data.

Now, the video has more than 200,000 likes and tens of thousands of comments.

It really is on fire.

He Lu is unprecedentedly excited. Ever since she played the video, He Cheng has thought that one of his own videos will become like this?

The key is that the popularity is still rising, the number of likes is still rising, and the number of comments is still increasing.

To what extent will it eventually catch fire? He Lu couldn't imagine it anymore.

"Xiaolu, how many likes do you have?" a colleague asked. Colleagues naturally know that the video He Lu posted not long ago was completely popular.

He Lu took out her phone and looked at it again, and said excitedly, "It's already over 230,000. Even the video I posted earlier has more than 20,000 likes."

Colleagues naturally sigh again.

Then, the number of likes for the previous video also exceeded 20,000?

Colleagues heard this number, and it was a whole new round of excitement.

Because, in the previous video, they also left the country. He Lu not only recorded the scenery, but also recorded them all.

The number of likes has exceeded 20,000, so there must be tens of thousands of people who have watched the video, right?

They are also a little fire, right?

After the colleagues were excited, they took out their mobile phones and found the previous video posted by He Lu. Sure enough, the number of likes has exceeded 20,000, and the number of comments has exceeded 2,000.

Many of them are envious of them.

This made them even more excited, and the decision to choose to visit Jiulongxia was too correct.

This trip to Jiulong Gorge is destined to be a very unforgettable trip.


Li Han finally had a harvest and caught a few small carp. Then they all became the Chinese food in the belly of the cranes.

After that, put away the fishing rod, pick up the bamboo wormwood, and continue to row to the deeper waters of Jiulong Gorge.

After entering the depths, there are no pedestrian roads on both sides of the river, and there are no longer gentle slopes, but the vertical mountain walls are poured directly into the water, which is no longer accessible to tourists.

Of course, unless, like Li Han, he came by a bamboo raft or a small boat.

The bamboo raft is close to the mountain wall, looking up and looking up, the straight mountain wall goes straight into the sky, making people a little dazzled.

At this time, there was a crisp bird song, and several big birds flew over the top of the mountain. Li Han couldn't help but feel a little envious. It would be great if he could also fly over the top of the mountain like birds.

That feeling is also quite wonderful.

The crane beside him suddenly chirped a few times and flapped his wings again.

Li Han turned his head to look at it, and then continued to set off on the bamboo raft. The deeper he rowed, the more lonely he felt in the vastness.

The scenery is getting more and more beautiful.

After a long journey, the front was still deep and secluded, and a fork began to appear. A mountain peak turned one waterway into two waterways.

Then, after passing the mountain, the two waterways merged into one again. The journey during this period is not short, Li Han rowed with all his strength, and it is estimated that it will take about an hour.

Li Han didn't intend to go any further, turned the raft's head and began to row back.

It's past noon now, and if you slowly go back, it's almost half of the afternoon.

As for lunch, Li Han put some food in his space, and he has already eaten it.


Slowly, when Li Han returned to the village, it was almost four in the afternoon.

After returning to the village, the crane left and returned to the depths of the jungle.

At the dock, the villagers are still busy, and the village chief is also here.

After Li Han approached with the bamboo raft, the village chief said, "Xiao Han, you are back. There are two guests looking for you."

Li Han agreed. He had already seen two strange men here. It turned out that they were looking for him. He must have been waiting for a long time.

These two men are naturally Qiu Feng, the director of the costume drama "Heart Plum", and his assistant.

After they drove to the village, after a series of inquiries, they learned that Li Han had not returned to the village yet, and inquired about the construction of a wharf in the village. If Li Han returned, he would have parked the bamboo raft there.

So, the two found a place to build a wharf. After inquiring about the situation with the villagers who are building the wharf, I learned that Li Han will indeed dock the bamboo raft here.

He decided to wait here for Li Han to come back.

While waiting, I chatted with the villagers, and then learned the identity of the village chief.

Now, finally seeing Li Han back, both of them were pleasantly surprised. It's just that they didn't see the crane, which made them feel a little regretful.

After Li Han docked the bamboo raft, he went ashore, and the two guests and the village chief came over.

"Mr. Li Han, I'm very sorry to bother you."

"This gentleman is very polite. I'm sorry to keep you two waiting."

After shaking hands and greeting a few words, Qiu Feng and his assistant introduced themselves.

After a few more greetings, Qiu Feng explained his purpose, and then said: "I also ask Mr. Li Han to write a poem. In terms of remuneration, please rest assured that Mr. Li Han will definitely satisfy Mr. Li Han."

A song about the difficulty between lovers?

Li Han understood the meaning of Qiu Feng and the two of them, and there was indeed such a poem in his previous life, and there were quite a few, many of which were classics.

After thinking for a while, Li Han said, "Director Qiu, please invite the two of you to sit at home, have a cup of tea, and then ask Director Qiu to tell me about the episode in detail."

Qiu Feng and his assistant were both overjoyed when they heard it. Li Han said that, it could basically be said that he agreed. Let's not say the final word, at least one more chance.

Immediately, Qiu Feng said: "Then disturb Mr. Li Han."

Then, the three said goodbye to the village chief and the villagers.

When Li Han arrived at Li Han's house, Li Han invited the two guests to sit down in the courtyard and poured a cup of tea for each of them.

After that, Qiu Feng explained that episode in detail.

Li Han nodded slowly. In his opinion, the plot design of that paragraph was still very good.

However, it is not enough. The reluctance to part with each other between lovers is not thorough enough, not touching enough.

Li Han thought to himself, but didn't say it.

He intends to accept the invitation and use this opportunity to bring over a poem from his previous life.

This is a good thing, and Li Han will not refuse.

Then, after Qiu Feng saw the poem, he would naturally understand that the plot design was not enough.

Therefore, Li Han said that he was very honored that the two guests personally invited each other and was willing to try to compose a poem.

Qiu Feng and the assistant were even more overjoyed, and repeatedly said that I would ask Mr. Li Han.


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