This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 232 I feel like my poems are so ordinary

Many of the new tourists are sighing with regret.

The tourists who were there before, their eyes lit up at this time, and said with a smile: "It's really a pity that you are late."

"Really?" the newcomer said, "Could it be that Li Han wrote this poem, does it really have a story?"


"What's the story? Please tell me and listen to it." The new tourists heard that there was a story, and they all acted a little eager and looking forward to it.

The tourists who were at the scene before still said with a smile: "This story has to start from the other poems hanging here..."

Some of the tourists who were here before told stories on the spot.

Then, some tourists who were here before set their sights on the Internet.

On the Internet now, many people are talking about the movie "Buried Alive" and where did Li Han go after he left the crew?

Now, it seems that the confusion can be solved for those people.

Said on the Internet: "Many people seem to want to know, where did Li Han go after he left the crew? Is that right?"

There was a quick response.

"Yes, I want to see the media interviews with him. However, I guess I won't be able to see it again this time."

"What? You mean, do you know where Li Han went?"

"Where did you go before? I don't know. However, I know where Li Han went today? Or, where is Li Han now?"

"Really? Where? How did you know? Did you meet Li Han?"

"I'm not in a hurry. Let me ask you a question first. If you were asked to praise the West Lake, what would you compare the West Lake to?"

"West Lake? Why is the West Lake suddenly mentioned? Also,

West Lake is a lake, or a scenic spot, what can it be compared to? Is there such a comparison? "

"The West Lake is really beautiful. If you want to praise it, it's best to use a poem to praise it, right? How can you compare the West Lake to something to praise? Whether it is in history or now, there are many poems praising the West Lake. If you want, Go find it yourself. Aren't we talking about Li Han? How can we say it is about the West Lake? Could it be that Li Han is in the West Lake?"

"Well, let me give you a hint. Xi Shi, one of the four beauties in history, was born not far from the West Lake. The West Lake is beautiful, and so is Xi Shi. How is it? Have you thought about it now?"

"West Lake? Xi Shi? What do you mean? Why did you talk about Xi Shi again. By the way, is Xi Shi's birthplace not far from the West Lake? I really don't know that."

"Forget it, let me show you a poem directly."

"Poems? What poems? Poems praising the West Lake? Why show us this? There are so many poems praising the West Lake, but we won't read them ourselves? Hurry up and talk about Li Han. Stop talking nonsense. "

"What do you know? As soon as this poem praising the West Lake comes out, all the other poems praising the West Lake will be eclipsed."

"Really? It's so awesome?"

"Let's see for yourself.' The water is bright and clear, and the mountains are clear and rainy. If you want to compare the West Lake to Xizi, light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable." Poetry fades in an instant?"

After seeing this poem, everyone on the Internet was shocked.

They finally understood why the man had asked them that before.

If you want to compare the West Lake to the West, it is so, so it is!

It turns out that we can really praise the West Lake by comparing it to something.

Who wrote this poem? It's too arrogant! It can all be thought of together.

They dare not say this poem, it is better than all the poems praising the West Lake. But in their image, there is indeed nothing comparable to this poem.

Moreover, it can be said that it is far less. Compared with this poem, those poems can indeed be said to be eclipsed.

They haven't heard such a poem before, is it a new one?

Wait, they suddenly seemed to understand something before?

Could it be that this poem was written by Li Han? Li Han is in the West Lake today? Even in the West Lake now? Then after seeing the beauty of the West Lake, wrote such a poem?

After thinking about this, I quickly asked the doubts in my heart on the Internet.

"Hahaha! Yes, you are right. That poem was written by Li Han not long ago at the site of West Lake. Now, Li Han should be still at West Lake. He just left the site where he wrote the poem. Now, The scene of the poetry festival where Li Han wrote poetry was very popular, and many people came here to see the poem that Li Han left at the scene."

I wipe! It turned out to be true.

Everyone on the Internet was inexplicably surprised in an instant. Someone said, "So Li Han went to play in the West Lake."

"Yes, there are two very beautiful girls around. I really envy others!"

"Two very beautiful girls? But those two girls at the Magic City Temple?"

"I haven't seen the two girls at the Devil's Temple Fair. However, they should be those two."

"Damn it! I said before that Li Han shouldn't go to play with beautiful women again. I didn't expect it to be true. West Lake is indeed a good place. I've always wanted to visit it, but it never happened."

Then, everyone on the Internet suddenly had a strong premonition. Since Li Han left such a poem at the West Lake Poetry Conference.

Then, what kind of story should have happened at the scene at that time?

This made them suddenly curious about the story that happened at the scene.

Then they said on the Internet, let the previous person tell them the story of the scene.

The man was naturally happy before, and he put his eyes on the Internet, originally to tell everyone the story of the scene.

The situation where everyone is waiting for him to tell the story makes him feel very good, and he can even pretend to be a little forceful.

That's what he meant for this time.

Then he spoke...

In this talk, the poem itself, "After the Rain in the West Lake", and the story about the birth of this poem, quickly began to circulate on the Internet.


In the poetry world, "After the Rain at the beginning of the West Lake" has also begun to circulate.

Really good poetry, the speed of circulation is very fast.

A group of professional poets, famous poets, and countless poetry lovers have all seen this poem one after another.

Just looking at it makes them completely amazed.

In today's West Lake Poetry Conference, a poem like this was born, praising the West Lake.

Especially those famous poets and great poets who have also written poems about the West Lake, they are particularly amazed.

They unconsciously compared "The First Sun and Rain in the West Lake" with the poems they wrote about the West Lake, but they found that there was no comparison between the two.

The difference is really huge.

The famous poet Liu Changqing once wrote a poem about the West Lake.

It was written once when he and a few friends were visiting the West Lake.

At that time, it was spring, and at that time, he and a few friends were very active in traveling. Seeing the beauty of the West Lake in front of him, he suddenly burst into inspiration and wrote a poem of praise, "Spring Journey to the West Lake".

After the poem was completed, friends all praised it very much. It is said that this poem is not only the best among the poems praising the West Lake today, but even if it is compared with those famous poems praising the West Lake in history, it is not too much.

Liu Changqing thought so too.

For this reason, he is very proud and proud, and regards it as one of his representative poems.

I often take it out for my own appreciation, or show it to my friends. The more I appreciate it, the more satisfied I feel.

But now, when he saw "First Sunshine and Later Rain in the West Lake", he instantly felt that his "Spring Journey to the West Lake" was so ordinary.

This made him feel very helpless.

Then, I was very emotional, the poem "Early Sunshine and Rain in the West Lake" is really good, Li Han who wrote this poem...

not simple!

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