This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 216 Many actors are reluctant to audition

Afterwards, Luo Heng and the crew began to discuss to see which actors are suitable, and there is a schedule recently, and intends to send them an invitation to audition.

Li Han planned to take Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue out for a walk.

Li Han didn't bother to discuss such matters as suitable actors. When the actors come to audition, he can be there.

And at this moment, someone came to the door.

Seeing Li Han, I was a little surprised, but more of a surprise, and said, "It turns out that Mr. Li Han is also here."

Everyone knows the people who come here, and they collaborated on the filming of "Tang Bohu Points to Autumn Fragrance" last time.

It is a rookie actor who plays the role of Wu Zhuangyuan, Liang Renkang.

In "Tang Bohu's Autumn Fragrance", although there are not many scenes of Wu Zhuangyuan, all the scenes can be said to be quite classic.

Impressed the audience.

Therefore, Liang Renkang can be considered to have some fame now, and I heard that there are already many crews looking for him to make an appointment.

Li Han smiled and said, "It turned out to be Mr. Liang, we met again."

After Liang Renkang and Li Han exchanged a few words, they greeted Luo Heng, Liang Cheng and other crew members.

After another chat, Liang Renkang said: "Mr. Li Han, Director Luo, Director Liang, everyone, I actually came here to audition. This time, Mr. Li Han's requirements for the external image of the actor must be a tough guy. I feel I should be more in line, so I took the plunge."

Li Han, Luo Heng and others nodded, and everyone had already guessed Liang Renkang's intention.

Li Han looked at Liang Renkang. He was 1.8 meters tall. He had a good sense of muscles, giving people a very strong feeling. It really matched the requirements of this time.

It's just that although Liang Renkang's acting skills are not bad, this time the actor's acting skills are very demanding, and I don't know if he can handle it?

Of course, you can audition.

This time, in addition to the high requirements for the actors' acting skills, the requirements for the external image of the actors are actually quite high.

Must be a tough guy.

In the actor circle, more than half of the more well-known actors did not meet the character requirements this time.

Zhou Xingcheng contacted Li Han very early.

He expressed his desire to cooperate again, but Zhou Xingcheng's external image did not match his character this time, so Li Han declined.

Chen Qianxiang also contacted Li Han, but Chen Qianxiang's external image also did not match, so Li Han had to decline.

At the same time, he also expressed that there will definitely be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Now Liang Renkang's external image is quite in line with the character, so naturally he has to give him the opportunity to audition.

If you can pass the audition, you are lucky.

Next, Liang Renkang read the script and prepared for the audition.


At this time, the outside world has always been discussing about Li Han's script.

Many people are always worried about Li Han's script, but they can only worry about it, and it is impossible to help modify the script.

In fact, in the screenwriting circle, many screenwriters have really had this idea.

Let's work together to help Li Han improve the script?

But of course this is impossible, everyone just thinks about it this way.

The script is estimated that there is no way to do it, and there is no way to worry.

The "Buried Alive" crew officially stated that Li Han has now personally arrived in Hengdian, and the crew is recruiting actors.

I don't know if the casting of the actors went well or not?

Many people are starting to worry about this again.

However, this time there is only one actor in total, so there should be no problem, right?

Although this time, Li Han's external image requirements for actors will be blocked by a considerable number of actors. For well-known actors, it is estimated that they are not willing to play such a worrying play.

But for most rookie actors, it is definitely still very willing.

There should be quite a few that meet the external image requirements.

Therefore, even if Li Han can't find a well-known actor this time, it should be very easy to find a new actor.

I hope so.


Netizens are discussing the recruitment of actors for the "Buried Alive" crew, and many actors in the actor circle are also discussing.

For Li Han's new play, which hastily challenged and completed the script in a hurry, most of the actors, like everyone in the outside world, are not optimistic.

Many people are shaking their heads, not willing to act in such a movie.

In their opinion, this drama of Li Han is almost certain to be a bad drama.

What a pity!

How classic is the last "Tang Bohu Points to Autumn Fragrance"? And now there's a bad show coming right after.

Most of the actors think that Li Han really shouldn't accept this challenge. Isn't this smashing his own brand?

This time, Li Han also asked the actor's external image to be a tough guy. Without this requirement, it is estimated that not many people are willing to audition.

With this requirement, I am afraid that no one will audition.

Of course, everyone here is referring to famous actors.

If it is a lesser-known actor, or a newcomer actor, someone should audition.

"I'm a little worried about one thing now. My external image should be very consistent with Li Han's requirements this time. I'm worried now that the "Buried Alive" crew will send me an audition invitation. How should I decline? Director Luo has a good relationship. He knows that I have a schedule recently, and it feels really hard to decline. I hope they don’t send me an invitation to audition.”

"Haha! Lao Luo, I think it is very likely that they will send you an audition invitation. You can think of a reason to decline now, so as not to find a reason when you get it. I don't have that worry this time, my The external image doesn't quite match."

"Alas! Well, I'll think about it."

"I feel that Li Han will really smash the signboard this time. Originally, when the last time "Tang Bohu Dianqiuxiang" was publicly recruiting actors, I didn't go to the audition because I was not optimistic. Later, I regretted it. I was saying at the time , if Li Han makes another movie and publicly recruits actors again, I will go to audition anyway. Now, Li Han has really released another movie, and has really publicly recruited actors again, my appearance The image still meets the requirements. But I can't think about it. Moreover, this time it will definitely be a bad drama, and there is no need to go. And, I can also be sure that after this time, it will not be like it again. This time I regretted my bowels."

"So, don't do anything impulsive. Li Han is still too young after all."

"It's okay. As you said, Li Han is still very young. This time he smashed the signboard, and it's just a matter of putting it up again next time. I'm still very optimistic about Li Han."

"It is true, we are not doubting Li Han's ability. His script this time is actually a special case. If the next script is well written, there should be no problem."



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