This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 208 There can only be 1 scene and only 1 actor

Yuanxi Village.

Li Han was resting on a grass beside the creek and ditch, watching a group of bear children play and play in front of him.

After receiving a call from Luo Heng, after listening to Luo Heng explain the situation.

Script Challenge?

Li Han also heard about it. The United States often does it, and its own national screenwriters association occasionally holds it.

This kind of competition is really good, and it really inspires writers to create better and more creative scripts.

For the screenwriters, this kind of competition is also very interesting.

Li Han is still a little interested. Anyway, there is nothing to do now. It would be good to write a script to play.

However, the two guys Clarence and Arvid, the purpose of inviting themselves to participate is obviously obvious.

This made Li Han a little less interested.

Moreover, I am a little helpless. I am purely a new screenwriter, and my work is only one movie. How can I be targeted by two guys?

It seems that the American film industry is paying close attention to the dynamics of the film industry on the Yan Kingdom side!

It is estimated that he really felt the pressure from the Yan Guo film industry.

This is also normal. This world is different from the previous life. The films of the Yan Kingdom in this world are qualified to compete with the movies of the United States, although there is still a gap between the two.

So, do you accept the invitation?

Some of Li Han, who is not in the mood, intends to decline. As for the decline, how will the two guys make a fuss? Li Han didn't care.

Whatever it is.

When you have nothing to do, you can lie on the grass and watch the playful bear children not far away, feel the cool breeze blowing from time to time, the fragrance of flowers and plants, the butterflies flying by your side, and the dragonflies that pass by from time to time. , what a comfortable day.

Even the somewhat irritating cicada sounds are no longer irritating.

Why bother to care about how other people make a fuss?



Li Han declined.

Luo Heng was not too surprised.

He just felt a little regretful, he actually hoped that Li Han would accept the invitation. Because he believes that Li Han can win this challenge.

Later, Luo Heng said to Arvid: "Mr. Arvid, you heard it too, Mr. Li Han has no interest in it."

At this time, the phone has not hung up. Arvid signaled, can you give him the phone? He wanted to communicate with Li Han in person.

He has deliberately learned the language of the Yan Kingdom. Although the tone of his speech is a little weird, he can communicate normally.

Luo Heng asked Li Han for his opinion, and Li Han agreed.

Give the call to Arvid.

"Hello, Mr. Li Han, I'm very happy to be on the phone with you," Arvid said.


Yuanxi Village.

Li Han said, "Hello, Mr. Arvid."

Although the other party has no good intentions, there is no problem with the surface courtesy, and Li Han will naturally not lose his courtesy.

"Mr. Li Han, in fact, our script challenge this time is really very difficult. We really need talented screenwriters like Mr. Li Han to participate. We sincerely invite Mr. Li Han to participate."

This guy will wear a high hat. If it is another young screenwriter, it is very likely that he will just float away.

Unfortunately, no matter how tall the hat is, it is useless to Li Han.

However, he is a little interested to know, how difficult is it?

So he said: "How difficult is it very difficult? If possible, Mr. Arvid might as well talk about it."

"I would very much like to. Our script requirements for this time are that there can only be one scene and only one actor. That is to say, the whole movie can only be carried out in one scene from beginning to end, and only There is an actor performing. Mr. Li Han, isn't it big?"

"It's really difficult. How many screenwriters in your country participated in this challenge?"

"I'm very ashamed, maybe because the difficulty this time is really too big. So far, including me, only five screenwriters have signed up for the competition. It is estimated that no more screenwriters will sign up in the future. Of course, if If Mr. Li Han also participates, there will be six people."

"So, what are the specific evaluation criteria?"

"Based on the selected scenes, the design of the plot, and whether there are film investors willing to invest, etc. Comprehensive evaluation. Whoever chooses a more challenging scene and who designs a plot that affects people's hearts will naturally have a higher score."

"There is only one scene and only one actor. Under such conditions, it is not easy to design a plot that touches people's hearts."

"Yes, so this time the challenge is very difficult. Is Mr. Li Han interested in participating?"

"This is..."

Li Han originally did not intend to participate, but now, he has changed his mind.

Because, he remembered a movie in his previous life, a movie that was very suitable for this challenge.

That being the case, it was just right for these two guys to shoot themselves in the foot.

Li Han said: "Presumably Mr. Arvid's script is almost ready, right? You should be sure to find investors and make it into a movie, right?"

"No, not yet. It's too difficult this time, and I haven't thought of it yet. But if I can, I do hope to make it into a movie."

"In that case, I wish Mr. Arvid's script this time can be successfully made into a movie."

"Thank you! So, is Mr. Li Han going to participate in this challenge?"


This time, Li Han answered neatly.

"Okay! We are very honored that Mr. Li Han is willing to participate. I believe that Mr. Li Han's script this time will be a very successful script, and then he will win this challenge."

"Thank you! However, dare not compare with Mr. Arvid's script."

Next, after saying a few more words, the call ended.

Li Han put down his mobile phone, crossed his fingers on the back of his head, and held a dog's tail grass in his mouth, thinking about the script.

The more challenging the selected scene, the higher the score?

So, there shouldn't be a scene more challenging than that movie, right?



Arvid had a very excited conversation with Luo Heng and said, "Mr. Luo Heng, it's a great honor, Mr. Li Han has changed his mind."

Luo Heng was thinking, why did Li Han change his mind?

Could it be that after listening to Arvid talking about the restrictions, did he really become interested?

There can only be one scene and only one actor. This is an unprecedented difficulty, right?

Perhaps it was because of the difficulty that Li Han changed his mind.

Li Han is indeed Li Han, and he never takes the usual path.

Although it was extremely difficult, Luo Heng was not worried about Li Han. Since Li Han changed his mind precisely because of the difficulty, it means that he is sure.

Luo Heng was overjoyed for a while, Avid and Clarence, this time, they were afraid that they really lifted a stone and smashed their feet.

After thinking about it, Luo Heng smiled lightly and said, "Yes, Mr. Li Han has changed his mind, which is really surprising."

Arvid said: "Actually, I was also a little surprised."


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