This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 197 Li Han chose to give up the game?

However, there is still little hope.

All the players present are the elites among the elites, how to match Hundred Blossoms? For every player, it's not a big problem.

Li Han may still have an advantage.

Fortunately, there is still some hope that people can see. Yu Qiu, Duan Yong, Huang Jian, Wang Chang and others have some expectations in their hearts.

"A hundred flowers competing for beauty?" Li Han nodded slowly, "That's interesting."

How to draw? Li Han thought in his heart.

The rest of the contestants are also thinking in their hearts, how many kinds of flowers to draw? How to match to better reflect the effect of competition? This is undoubtedly the key to this question and the key to getting a high score.

Time is only 20 minutes, very nervous.

After thinking about it, the players started writing one after another.

Soon, everyone started writing, except Li Han.

Li Han hasn't started writing yet, and it seems that he hasn't thought about it yet.


Yu Qiu, Duan Yong, Huang Jian, Wang Chang and the others all felt a sudden shock, Li Han hasn't thought about it yet? It shouldn't be.

For Li Han, even if there is no advantage in this question, it is absolutely impossible to be at a disadvantage!

How is this going?

The presidents of the other provincial painting associations also felt a little strange in their hearts. Did they all think highly of Li Han before? Li Han was actually worse than he thought?

However, this is a good thing. It is always nice to have one less competitor who may counterattack.

The presidents of the provincial painting associations all had bright eyes.

The three masters Yan Guoli, Zhang Daqian, and Lin Zhongzhi frowned slightly. Before the game, they were still looking forward to Li Han's performance. Are they still too young after all?

Not a disappointment, but not a surprise either.

The audience at the scene also found it difficult to understand Li Han's delay in writing.

It's not like you haven't thought about it yet, okay? This is a bad thing!

The game time is only 20 minutes. It can be said that every second is very precious. If you delay writing, you will suffer!

Look at the other contestants, they are fast moving, they have already painted several flowers, colorful and competing for beauty.

In this round, Li Han had already lost at the starting line.

The audience talked a lot, and the focus of the discussion was on Li Han, and they all felt very regretful and pity.


The anchor at the scene was still doing a live text broadcast, "Aiya! The situation seems to be a little bad! The rest of the players have already started writing. Only Li Han hasn't started writing yet, it seems that he hasn't figured out how to draw yet? I'm afraid this round I'm going to lose again."

The reaction of netizens was quite strong.

"No. Logically speaking, this should never be the case. What happened to Li Han? Could it be that this round of performance is going to be seriously abnormal?"

"Is it because of my mentality? It's unlikely."

"It's really possible. You must know that Li Han was successful in everything before, no matter what field he is in, he can be said to be an absolute success. Now entering the field of painting, he has lost two games in a row before, which can be said to have given him a blow. In addition, he is young, and his mentality is normal. I just hope that it will not affect him too much. He needs to know that he is actually very good. "

"It's all set..."


Perhaps in response to everyone's remarks, the anchor shouted again at this time, "Oh! What's wrong? Li Han actually left the competition seat. Where is this going? Did you just give up? Really? Are you upset?"

This time, the reaction on the Internet was even stronger.

"Damn it! Isn't it? You just gave up? Wouldn't it be really frustrating?"

"Shouldn't Li Han's mentality be so bad? What the hell is going on? It's not a shame not to win the championship, but if you just give up the game, it's really a bit..."

"Yeah. The rest of the players are at least 26 years old. Li Han is only 21 years old. It's normal that he didn't win the championship. How can he just give up?"

"What exactly happened here?"


Everyone on the Internet is difficult to understand,

They all feel very sorry, they really do not want to see such a situation.

Could it be that they all hoped that Li Han could win the championship before, which brought a lot of pressure to Li Han?

However, Li Han didn't have access to the Internet, so he shouldn't know what they were thinking.

It is estimated that the guys at the scene were talking about that Li Han should be able to win the championship, and Li Han heard it and felt pressure in his heart.

It's really a pity.

Netizens are sighing.

Of course, there are also a few people who rejoice in misfortune.

At a young age, Li Han has achieved success in many fields and achieved many glorious moments, which will always make some people jealous.

Those who are jealous, the mood at this time is naturally excellent.


Magic City.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue's two daughters frowned.

They never thought that Li Han's mentality would jump, but Li Han left the competition seat, what was this operation? They really don't understand.

The time is only 20 minutes, and I left the seat directly...

I don't understand.


Children's Fun Publishing House.

He Chan and Hao Jianfeng didn't understand Li Han's operation either.

They naturally didn't think Li Han's mentality would jump.

He Chan said, "Editor-in-chief, what's the situation?"

Hao Jianfeng shook his head: "I don't understand at all either."


Many children's literature writers are also paying attention to Li Han's competition this time.

Originally, Li Han's ranking in the first two rounds was not high, which made them a little happy.

Li Han finally ranked first in every competition.

But now Li Han seems to have chosen to give up directly. While it is difficult for them to understand, it is also difficult to accept.

Is this still the Li Han who once executed and suppressed them?

It doesn't matter if you can't win the championship, and it doesn't matter if you fail, but if you simply choose to give up, you will be a complete loser.

Did you really give up?

Many children's literature writers are thinking about this question.


People in the music world are also paying attention.

Even choosing to give up, is this still the high-spirited young musical genius?

But if you don't give up, then what is this operation?

Most of the musicians frowned, and there were also a few musicians who gloated over the misfortune, expecting that Li Han would be hit hard by this, and would never be able to write good songs again.

In addition, directors Luo Heng, Du Menghui, Jing Wenbo, actors Zhou Xingcheng, Chen Qianxiang, Gao Pei and other people in the entertainment industry all frowned at this time.

What happened to Li Han? This is not at all like the Li Han they know!

Is it still too young to withstand a little setback after all?

But how can there be failures and setbacks in life?


game scene.

Li Han suddenly left the competition seat and left in a hurry, which also made everyone on the scene feel an uproar.

Did this just give up?

At the moment when Li Han left in a hurry, everyone thought so.


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