This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 189 Works written because of that incident

The next day, Li Han continued to wander around the village.

Then, on this day, something related to Li Han was happening, and a new issue of "Children's Fun" was released.

In this issue, in addition to the serialized long work "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta", there is also the latest work "Little Red Riding Hood".

After watching "Little Red Riding Hood", what are the reactions and comments of young parents?

Hao Jianfeng and He Chan are looking forward to this.

After young parents buy "Children's Fun" back, they will still habitually simply read it.

Some parents saw "Little Red Riding Hood" and noticed that the author was Li Han.

This made them gasp, and Li Han actually wrote a new short story.

This made them interested and began to watch Little Red Riding Hood quite carefully.

Although it is a children's story, if the author is Li Han, they are interested in watching it.

Some parents also turned to "Little Red Riding Hood" and did not notice that the author was Li Han.

Therefore, it was directly turned over in a general way, and did not take a closer look.

And those parents who watched "Little Red Riding Hood" carefully, and suddenly realized one thing, why did Li Han launch such a new work?

In the story, the big bad wolf keeps stealing information from Little Red Riding Hood, but the naive Little Red Riding Hood doesn't realize that the big bad wolf is a bad guy, and keeps revealing the information to the big bad wolf...

Then, the big bad wolf cheated to open the door of grandma's house, ate grandma, and then ate Little Red Riding Hood...

This is very easy to think of the news event that happened in the magic capital a few days ago.

Obviously, Li Han's "Little Red Riding Hood" was written specifically for that news event.

After discovering this, all parents who watched "Little Red Riding Hood" carefully were all extremely pleasantly surprised.

This story came at such a good time! They desperately need such a story right now.

The news incident in the magic capital shocked them all.

Since then, they have repeatedly told their children to never open the door to anyone when they are home alone. Also don't listen to any strangers.

No matter where you are, you can't listen.

The effect made them very helpless. They felt that the effect did not seem to be very big, which could not help but make them feel at ease.

Now, with Li Han's "Little Red Riding Hood", they should be able to feel more at ease.

Because children like to listen to stories, when they tell the story of "Little Red Riding Hood" to the children, the children will understand that Little Red Riding Hood trusts the big bad wolf, and grandma easily opens the door to the big bad wolf. very dangerous thing.

It is obviously better to let children understand the truth through stories than to tell them over and over again.

The parents were overjoyed and grateful to Li Han at the same time.

Li Han specially wrote an article "Little Red Riding Hood" about the incident, which was really intentional.

Parents and children across the country should thank Li Han.

Then, they couldn't wait to share it on the Internet, so that more young parents could see this story.

"Have you all bought the latest issue of "Children's Fun"? This issue is strongly recommended for everyone to buy. Because, in this issue, Li Han specially wrote about the news event that happened in the magic capital a few days ago. I wrote a story called "Little Red Riding Hood." This story must be told to children."

"Little Red Riding Hood was written by Li Han? I saw it when I was just flipping through it, but I didn't notice that it was Li Han's work. I'll wipe it! I'll re-read it now."

"Written specifically for that news event? That must be seen, I'll buy it right away."


Li Han wrote a story called "Little Red Riding Hood" specifically for that news event. After the news spread on the Internet, more and more people bought a copy of the latest issue of "Children's Fun".

Many of them are dedicated to "Little Red Riding Hood".

In addition to young parents, there are also many young people without children, especially young people from Modu.

Two nights ago, the story about Li Han that happened at the temple fair is still being talked about, and now Li Han has written a story about that news event.

Such a story must be read, even if it is just a children's story.

After reading it, countless people sighed that Li Han really had a heart.

Such a heartfelt story naturally attracted some media attention.

For a while, there were media reports all over the country, recommending that all parents and friends can tell the story of "Little Red Riding Hood" to their children.

There are print media, online media, and even television media.

When many children's literature writers saw it, they were all envious and emotional.

A piece of work has been reported and recommended by paper, online, and TV media all over the country at the same time. This Nima is really enviable.

At the same time very regretful and regretful.

The news event in Modu caused a stir all over the country, and they all knew about it, and even discussed it in the group.

Why didn't they think of writing a story for this incident?

Why can Li Han just think of it?

Is this the all-round gap?

Of course, even if he thought of it and wrote it, he might not have the same influence as "Little Red Riding Hood" now.

Because, "Little Red Riding Hood" is now so influential, in addition to being a story written specifically for that incident, there is another very important reason.

That is the quality of this work is very high.

Even without the incident in Modu, the popularity that "Little Red Riding Hood" can achieve would certainly not be low.

In the final analysis, the quality of the people is very high.

A group of children's literature writers are not sure that they can write such high-quality works as "Little Red Riding Hood".

Therefore, they are more helpless about this matter.


Children's Fun Magazine.

He Chan excitedly said to Hao Jianfeng: "Editor-in-chief, as we expected, after the publication of "Little Red Riding Hood", the reputation of our "Children's Fun" has been further improved."

Parents from all over the country, the one who is grateful is Li Han. But "Children's Fun" is the carrier of "Little Red Riding Hood", and everyone is also somewhat grateful to "Children's Fun".

Naturally, the reputation of "Children's Fun" has been further improved on the basis of the original.

Hao Jianfeng was also in a very good mood and said, "Not only that, the sales of this issue will definitely hit a new high. Moreover, I am afraid it will reach an unexpected number."

He Chan said again: "Editor-in-chief, all of this stems from the last time we invited Li Han to dinner."

Hao Jianfeng sighed: "Yes! We just invited Li Han to have a meal, but he brought us such huge benefits."

Both of them were filled with emotion!


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