This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 104 This idea is incredible!

Sure enough.

The old man was a little happy. When he thought about it, since Li Han could easily see that the most crucial element was the word "fragrance", he might have a better idea.

Although he can't think of a better idea himself, it doesn't mean that there really is no better idea.

He laughed and said to Li Han, "Do you really have a better idea? Can you tell me?"

The rest of the people in the garden pavilion also had an impression of Li Han. They also remembered what this young man said just now. The most crucial element was the word "fragrance".

Now I hear that Li Han has a better idea, but he is not too surprised.

It's just that they are not too optimistic about Li Han's better ideas.

Because, in their view, it is almost impossible to have a better idea than those three paintings.

Of course, except for a few teachers who knew Li Han.

Li Han is a very magical boy, and it is entirely possible to have better ideas.

They are looking forward to it.

The three painters also looked at Li Han. To be honest, they didn't think that such a young man would have a better idea than himself.

But everything is not absolute, maybe people really have it.

After the old man finished speaking, Qiu Feng said, "This little brother, I am willing to make another painting according to the little brother's idea."

When Qiu Feng thought about it, Li Han should not be good at painting. Even if you really have an idea, you can't draw it yourself.

I can only express my thoughts and let him or two other painters paint on their behalf.

Of course he meant it.

Li Han smiled and said, "Old Huang, there are three other gentlemen who are polite. I don't dare to bother Mr. Qiu to do it for me. I also have a little bit of dabbling in painting, and there is no problem with painting some simple paintings."


The old man and the three painters were a little surprised, but not too surprised.

Li Han likes to paint, and it is normal to have practiced.

In addition, Li Han said this, it means that he is willing to draw his own ideas.

The old man laughed and said, "It turns out that the little friend can paint, but we are overthinking it. Then, I will trouble the little friend next."

Qiu Feng also said, "Little brother, please!"

The other two also made the "please" gesture.

Li Han said that he could paint, and the rest of the audience were also not too surprised. It is normal for people to paint as a hobby.

The most surprising person is Deng Cui, Li Han can still paint? Why doesn't she know?

At this time, the more familiar people are with Li Han, the more surprised they will be.

Li Han was not pretentious. After saying "then it's ugly", he walked to an easel.

At this time, a blank drawing paper has been re-laid on the easel.

After Li Han signaled to the old man and Qiu Feng again, he picked up a paintbrush and started painting.

Everyone looked at Li Han painting.

Although the rest of the people are not very optimistic about Li Han's ideas, they are still very curious about Li Han's ideas.

Li Han's speed is also not slow. With a few strokes, it is a beautiful scene of sunset and dusk.


The old man and Qiu Feng were really surprised now.

Look at Li Han's method,

The attainment in painting does not seem to be low!

They originally thought that Li Han was only an amateur, but now it seems that it is obviously more than an amateur.

Li Han kept writing, and behind the beautiful sunset and dusk background, there was a rather wide road, extending from far to near.

After that, a tall horse appeared on the road. The young boy on the horse's back prancing horse and whipping the whip.

The whole painting looks very well painted, and it doesn't seem to be much worse than the paintings of the three painters just now.

The old man and Qiu Feng were even more surprised, as were the rest of the audience.

What is the amateur level of this kid? Clearly a master!

The person who is most surprised is still Deng Cui, Li Han also draws so well?


How much talent does he have yet to show?

Deng Cui thought so in his heart.

Others were surprised that Li Han's painting attainments were not low.

However, although Li Han's painting is very good and beautiful, it doesn't seem to have any clever ideas.

Now that there are people and horses, we should paint flowers next, right?

Very common.

The old man, Qiu Feng, and everyone else at the scene were a little disappointed.

The old man and Qiu Fengsan were the most disappointed.

Because the rest of the people were not very optimistic about Li Han's idea, they were not so disappointed. They were just thinking, "The third painting is indeed the most cleverly conceived."

Deng Cui and the several teachers who knew Li Han also muttered in their hearts, "How can it be so ordinary? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!"

Li Han smiled lightly and continued to write.

Around the horse's raised hoof, a dozen butterflies are drawn.

Butterflies are chasing the horses' hoofs and fluttering.

Then stop the pen, and the whole painting is completed.

But everyone at the scene didn't know that Li Han had finished painting, and they were still waiting for Li Han to paint flowers.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see Li Han continue to paint, and then I noticed that Li Han had put down the brush.

What do you mean?

Finished painting? What about flowers?

At least two flowers must be painted. When people see flowers, they will know that there is a fragrance of flowers, right?

People are thinking about this question in their minds. But suddenly I heard the old man laugh, and then said with some excitement, "Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! What a step on flowers and go back to the fragrance of horseshoes! Good!"


Everyone was stunned, what do you mean?

wonderful? Is this painting wonderful?

They frowned and looked at the painting, wonderful? Why can't they see it?

Suddenly, their eyes fell on the butterflies chasing the horses' hooves.

Then, suddenly cheerful!

Got it, they got it too!

They just thought that Li Han should continue to paint flowers, and completely ignored the butterflies.

Now, they understand, the key is because of those few butterflies.

Butterflies were supposed to be flying among flowers, but now why are they chasing horses' hooves?

Logically, this should not have happened.

Well, it can only be because butterflies treat horseshoes as flowers.

The reason why horseshoes are regarded as flowers again is obviously because of the fragrance of flowers on horseshoes.

This must be because the horse had just stepped on the flowers, and the scent of the flowers was on the horse's hooves.

second! Really wonderful!

In this way, there is not a single flower or petal in the whole painting, but the "fragrance" is perfectly expressed.

What a "horseshoe incense"!

This idea is simply stunning!

Everyone was very excited. They thought that the young man's idea was not good before, but now they realize that they were completely misunderstood.

Deng Cui and several teachers who knew Li Han were also pleasantly surprised. They all thought to themselves, "Let's just say, how could Li Han's thoughts be ordinary?"

The three of Qiu Feng sighed repeatedly and admired Li Han very much. They all said that Li Han's wonderful ingenuity was far beyond their comparison. It is said that this painting is really amazing, it is much more brilliant than theirs.

Li Han repeatedly said modestly, saying that it was just what he had in mind.



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