This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 89: Come back home

Early in the morning, the birds were looking for food, the local dogs were happily screaming, the chatter of the early hawkers, the chatter of the diners, and weaving into the noisy and lively scenes unique to the village in the city, began another day of noise in this sleeping giant city. The small electric fan quacked was very worrying when it would strike. It was already overwhelmed, but still swaying youth to resist Yu Xia's last heat wave. The open wooden window was a bit lacquered, and the old curtains were still a little bit old. The breeze slowly blew into Archie's little world, and took away the sweat on his forehead with the small fan.

‘Tick’, sweat beads converging, sliding across the corners of Mu Na ’s eyes, the straight nose bridge, the corners of the slightly opened mouth, the drooping beard, and finally dripping into the floor. Although September has passed and midsummer has passed, Hangzhou, a city not south and north, is still sultry after the sun rises. Archie woke up in the familiar hustle and bustle, then sat on the mattress and froze.

I don't know when to fall asleep or how long I have slept. I feel that this feeling has made a long beautiful dream. After returning to God, I just want to catch the tail of the beautiful dream and engrave the joy into my heart forever. Mumu stared at the small 3D animation of the computer screensaver for 10 minutes. I dare not open it and check it. I'm really afraid that everything is just a dream!

‘Gurulu—” Weijun began to clamor, let Archie recover, excited mood returned, rushed to the computer and repeatedly confirmed, finally confirmed yesterday, the previous, is not a dream! But why suddenly lost the urge to enter the game? What's wrong? The game has accompanied Archie for many years, occupying his brain every day, getting up is a game, eating is a game, before bed is a game, even the spouse selection standard must also play games ... but today ...

Draw out the food cartons and get used to the instant noodles will solve the breakfast, but the whole week of sleepless nights and nights without leaving the house, the stored grain has been exhausted, for a few seconds, boring and relying on shutting down the computer, playing has been only The bank card used to decorate the wallet, looking at the beard drooping in the black screen ...

"It's time to return home." Scratching his head and laughing at himself, Archie simply packed up and went out, and his life seemed to be different.


Habitually did not call the parents, but informed the elder sister. The older sister is obviously very happy, saying that everyone is here on the weekend, and is ready to eat, nagging to come back quickly ... indeed nagging, I used to be annoying, now I feel very warm, and I especially want to listen to my parents ’nagging. Nagging.

Of course, even with a huge amount of money, you can also go back to the scene of the luxury car before leaving home, but when you have the strength, you ca n’t find the kind of flaunting heart. It turns out I'm just not reconciled! Ran into a Chinese medicine store and bought two ginseng strains, then set foot on the bus back home. Just like when you left home half a year ago, the same pale white T-shirt, the same jeans, the same ripped canvas bag, the only difference might be the virtual helmet in the bag and the confidence you didn't have when you left home.


Although in the same city, but also at both ends of the city, I transferred several buses to my hometown in the suburbs. The elder sister did not lie. Today, the house is really lively. There are many private cars parked at the door and many young people standing. .

Archie smiled and greeted: "Hello eldest brother, elder elder sister, second elder sister, second elder brother, elder sister, elder brother-in-law." Long time no see, can you be affectionate, and it will not be rusty in a long time. .

"I'm back?" Hearing the movement, the parents appeared to greet him.

"En." It seems that the quarrel before leaving home does not exist.

"The meal is ready, there is something you like to eat." After the mother finished talking, she went back to the kitchen to work, and her father greeted everyone to come in and take a seat.

Unexpectedly, there were a few strangers in the living room, a couple, a handsome young man, and when they were seated, they filled the table. There was naturally laughter and laughter in the dining room. The young people and the young people chatted and ate, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

There are outsiders, Archie is hesitant to tell everyone his legendary experience, it is really tangled: "Hey, why is that handsome guy tangled?"

Although the politeness of the youth is good, it will also stimulate the atmosphere, but Archie clearly feels that this man also has a lot of thoughts, the same tangles ... Then took advantage of the gap as if he finally made up his mind and threw the topic.

"Dad, Mom! It's almost the same as the old one. Let's discuss today's business."


"Yes, this time I mainly want to come to see Archie, the guy is good, we are very satisfied, then ..."

and many more! This atmosphere is wrong, how do you feel like selling your son?

Mother was very happy and said with a smile: "Satisfaction is enough, then this family is like this ..."

"and many more!"

"and many more!"

Aqi and the handsome guy looked at each other in a tacit understanding, and reached a consensus in an instant. Don't even think about what the baby kisses! The handsome guy gestured to Archie first.

"Parents, uncles and aunts, let's not talk about the old unreliable things such as baby kisses, let's first see how I can give your daughter happiness?" Achi was very thankful that he had no brains to buy luxury cars home ~ www. ~ Do you love baby, men like it, but the other party must be beautiful? At least not ugly? But last time there was an enthusiastic person who came to the sister's 200-pound shape to kill Matt, which made Archie not interested at all!

"It's okay, although our family is not rich and expensive, but it's not bad money. What's more, young people, business can take your time." The other party didn't care about Archie's silky dress.

"I don't have a job!" Archie doesn't give up and continues to hack himself, career? I do n’t have a career, so what do you say!

"It's okay, our family is still a bit of a family business. It is not a problem for young people to be confused for a while. Just come to work in our company."

Yep? Does this work? Uncle, how sad is your daughter?

"Secondary, I love to watch anime, delicious lazy! Now I play games every day." After that, I took out my virtual helmet. "Look, how can a gnawing old man like me deserve your daughter!"

"It ’s okay, young people. It ’s instinct to play. I ’m happy when I ’m young. I do n’t understand anime and games, but my daughter likes it too. The helmet is a virtual connection to Dragon Continent, I Your daughter is also playing, you will certainly have many common topics. As for work, in fact, parents who are willing to let their children suffer. "Then he pointed to the handsome guy. Son, the money you make is enough for you to play for ten lifetimes! "

Let me go, this is to force brother to the road!

"I am Virgo!"

Hum, force brother to do tricks! No solution?

"Okay! My daughter is also a Virgo. I'm afraid you can't stand her **** in the future. You are definitely a natural match!"

This will do! Feelings are not that parents sell their sons, but uncles and aunts give their daughters! Archie looked for help, handsome boy, brother, look at you!

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