"Okay. Xiao Lan replied, and then stepped forward, bent down and picked up the broken dishes and the wine and food spilled everywhere.

The Emperor of Heaven was dumbfounded, he didn't expect his son to be so astute that he would get the truth of the matter. If it was usual, he would definitely be pleased with his son's cleverness and cleverness, but at this moment, he hated his son. hated his son for revealing his old bottom and leaving him with no face.

Xiaolan knows how to observe words and feelings, tonight the emperor and the queen of heaven reconciled, and quarreled with the prince, which is really unheard of and unseen. As an immortal attendant, she should have the consciousness of an immortal attendant, and she should not tell others about tonight's situation.

However, the

fairy world has no time, and sometimes it is boring, and she will participate in the gossip. Tonight's situation must be the news they talked about after dinner.


reporter from the Five Realms Today newspaper may soon interview her, and she needs to be prepared and think of her words.

Well, that's it.

When her mind wandered beyond the nine heavens, the crown prince and the emperor paced away one after another.

The Emperor of Heaven paced slowly and walked towards his study.

In the study of the Emperor of Heaven in the

Taoyang Palace, as soon as the Emperor enters the study, the door is Wu Daozi's calligraphy and painting, the four walls reach the top of the bookcase, and the books are placed, and the wooden brown rotating book ladder can be extracted and checked at any time.

Next to the window is a

spacious bookcase, the bookcase is neatly placed side by side with the four treasures of the study, the left hand is the pen holder, the right hand is the pen mountain, next to the desk is a mortal Jingdezhen magnetic cylinder, which has dozens of scrolls of paintings.

The Emperor of Heaven looked gloomy and ugly, and after taking a deep breath, he slowly took a piece of rice paper, pressed it on the bookcase, lifted the pen, splashed ink, and wrote the edict of abdication:


reigned for 25,000 years, and was overthrown by the world, but fortunately, thanks to the spirit of my ancestors, I was able to survive in danger. However, looking up at astronomy and looking down on the hearts of the people, the number of Yan Jing is over, and the fortune depends on the prince. It is the achievements of the previous king who has established a martial arts, and now the king is bright and bright to respond to his period, which is a clear number of times, and the letter can be known. The trip to Fu Avenue is for the public, and the selection of talents and abilities is selected, so Tang Yao is not selfish, but famous in infinity. I envy and admire, now it is chasing Yaodian, Zen is located in the prince.

"Someone. Putting the rat whisker brush on the pen mountain, the Emperor of Heaven raised his head and said in a loud voice to the door of the study.

"Yes. A black-robed immortal servant stepped forward with a respectful expression.

"Make this abdication edict public. Handing over the black and white letters, the Emperor of Heaven waved his hand and said with a gloomy expression.

"Yes. After taking the black and white letters, the fairy servant turned around and left.

Inside the Prince's bedroom.

Behind the large antique screen, a huge wooden barrel sits with steaming heat and white mist.

It turned out that the prince was bathing in the hot water of the wooden barrel. On the surface of the water, the prince's strong chest and sexy collarbones were exposed, and the heat blurred the lines of his strong muscles, however, there was a hint of extreme charm.

His expression was relaxed, his eyes were slightly closed, his thin lips were as bright as the morning sun, and he grinned lightly, which made people blush and heartbeat for no reason.

Suddenly, he frowned, as if he remembered something tangled. After a moment, his brow soothed again, and a smile appeared on his face.

The empty shell puppet standing beside the vein, Bai Yu holding a plain long towel in his small hand, his face was unwavering and shaped like a puppet.

"Limai, what are you doing now?" he opened his Danfeng eyes, which were slightly hooked up, looked at the "Limai" in front of him, and muttered to himself.

"I'm waiting for you to take a shower. The detached shell puppet replied, its expression remaining unwavering.

The prince's slender fingers caressed her delicate cheeks, and his eyes stared at her with affection and distantness, as if he wanted to see through her the real her who he had in his heart.

"Why, today in the Flame Mountain Range, you want to help me, but also threaten me? You are eager to let my father abdicate and let me ascend the throne, but why are you so cold to me?"

His fingertips flicked her cheek with infinite affection, and he asked the above words as if he were singing in a low voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about, sorry. The detached shell puppet replied abruptly.

He smiled wryly, withdrew his long, slender fingers, and the tips of his fingertips slid down the droplets, making a slight "ticking" sound on the ground.

At this moment, the melodious ancient bells came from the depths of the Heavenly Palace, and the majestic dragon chant resounded throughout the universe, lingering at the end of the four seas.

What's going on?," he wondered.

He got up, stepped over the edge of the barrel, took the clean towel from the Limai Shell Doll, dried it, and quickly wrapped it in a white midcoat.

Immediately, he opened the window, raised his blue eyes, and saw the shocking golden characters.

It was the abdication edict of the Heavenly Emperor, a scroll, magnificent and shining golden in the sky above the Heavenly Palace.

Below the Heavenly Palace, the immortals flew out of the room one after another, standing in the wide and bright outdoors, looking up at the few lines of golden characters, some sighed, some were stunned, and some were calm.

The time has come for Guanyu. The queen of heaven looked at those lines from afar, leaning against the window and muttering to herself. She didn't know what it was like in her heart, on this day, too many things had happened, and she couldn't digest them in a short time.

First, the two worlds of fairies and demons ceased war, and then, Limai coerced her husband to abdicate, and then, her son exposed her husband's ugly affairs, and now, she broke off her righteousness with her husband and broke ......

It's really a mixture of joy and sorrow, making people's mood ups and downs, strong as a diva, she pursed her red lips vigorously, and then her eyes were like torches, and she said lightly: "It's a good thing overall." "

Under the dark and vast Optimus Prime, there is a fiery red phantom standing alone, which is the vein of the white skin and the red color.

She was attracted by the melodious and heavy bells, and because of the fact that she had been in the demon world for the past seven hundred years, she stopped here and did not set foot in the fairy world.

However, the Emperor's abdication edict flashed in mid-air, falling into her sharp eyes, and her plump honey lips hooked, and a bright smile bloomed.

The Emperor of Heaven, who was unworthy of virtue, invited herself to leave and gave way to the crown prince, and her purpose had been achieved.

The mortal world is

facing a greater calamity at this time, and there are always people who disappear inexplicably, is this a natural disaster or man-made? Next, she needs to go down to the mortal world to investigate the matter clearly.

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