
autumn wind was even more chilly, and the withered yellow leaves left the branches with great affection, and drifted away with the wind step by step.

In the past half a month, Guanyu and Yueyong's mana has not recovered at all, and the two of them have not been able to achieve unity on the matter of reconciling yin and yang, and returning to heaven has become an unattainable dream.

Yueyong was anxious and helpless, and kept a diary in his mind every day:

On November 1st, the restaurant played tricks for the first time, which was very successful, and the scene effect was very good. Our mana has not recovered at all, and we cannot return to Heaven.

Guanyu bought five strings of sugar gourds

for Xiao Changsheng, Changsheng was ecstatic, and ran away with five strings of sugar gourds in his two little hands. Changsheng sat on the swing under the crooked neck tree, quietly making a snack.

After a while, the daughter of the sister-in-law next door passed by here and saw Changsheng holding four strings of sugar gourds, her eyes burst into light, and she ran over happily.

Her name was Cuihua, she was just five years old, she was fat and strong, and her fat and flesh shook when she ran.

Changsheng was like a fierce rival, and he knew that it was too late for him to finish eating, so he licked all four strings of sugar gourds. Seeing this, Cuihua stopped her steps, and turned her face and went home after snorting at Changsheng.

The boat of friendship is capsized. Changsheng has not yet been enlightened to share food, maybe it would be better to grow up a little.

On November 2, the restaurant played a trick for the second time, and the prince watched from the wall, and the silver received a soft hand. We were very rich and gave the silver to the beggars and outcasts.

They were so excited that their snot ran down and they sucked it up again.

Our mana is restored by a star and a half,

even if it is only a star and a half, but it is enough to make us happy, because we have mastered the trick of mana recovery - do good deeds, and mana will be restored.

The day of returning to Heaven is far away. Will Grandpa Yue be in a hurry, but unfortunately it's useless to be anxious. Since he was a child, he should be in a hurry, hey, ......

On November 3, the restaurant played tricks for the third time, and the mana stopped.

After earning money, I dragged His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to a good place - the Teaching Workshop Division. The red lanterns are hung high here, and it is a famous red light district.

I found a richly decorated building with a plaque that read: Baihualou. The building has two floors, and the window above is open, and the gorgeous woman leans out of the window, waving a scented towel, and her attitude is extremely warm and flattering.


reciprocated their warm attitude with kisses and whistles, tonight I am the uncle, their benefactor, and the fox friend of His Royal Highness the Prince.

The Department of Teaching is an institution of the imperial court, and all the money earned must be handed over to the state. Moreover, not everyone can enter the consumption of the Teaching Workshop Division, because its basic consumption is five taels of silver.

These five taels of silver are only the opening fee. Five taels of silver is equivalent to five years' income of a farmer, so there are only three types of service objects served by the Teaching Workshop Division

One is the wealthy businessmen. is the so-called full of warmth and lust, their money bags are swollen, so they have the idea of sleeping with the relatives of the officials.

The second is officials. After the dispersion, the officials would meet here to chat, socialize, and judge the prostitutes of all ranks, as if the prostitutes would not rank them.

The third is a reader. Although such people may not have a few steel hammers in their pockets, they are polite, so they are better served than officials and merchants. Moreover, if their poems were available, the prostitutes' worth would skyrocket, and it was not impossible. Therefore, this type of person is the most popular among prostitutes.


porter's little servant, accustomed to seeing all kinds of people, and having developed a tactful attitude, welcomed us in while squinting at us.

He may be thinking that the two of us are well-looking and well-dressed, and we should be well-educated scholars. It's a pity that he guessed wrong, we came here, except for insulting Sven, we didn't look like a scholar at all.

The prince refused at first, but later found that the warblers and swallows were thin and fat, enthusiastic and very cute, and he immediately entered the state.

He put his arm on my shoulder, and walked in with a smile in his eyes. As soon as we entered the Baihua Building, the scene suddenly fell silent, and the pipa player forgot his job, and the prostitute who entertained the eldest lord stared at the two of us motionlessly. Even the prostitutes looked at the two of us, as if they were saying, "Brother, you're here too."

It's all a bunch of guys who crave our good skins!

After the o'clock, the prostitutes and prostitutes withdrew their gaze and began to have fun again, and the scene was very lively, and it was indeed a man's paradise.

The girls of the Teaching Workshop Division are divided into four categories according to their character, appearance, talent, and rhyme. Oiran belongs to the first class, and there are three in total.

The Oiran on duty today is Miss Revue, known as the poetry and dance, that is, the poet who can dance the most, and the dancer who is the best at composing poetry.

"Fifteen taels of silver. "The porter followed the hospitality procedure and charged the tea fee first.

The porter's legs were sharp and ushered us into the Oiran Luhua Girl's reception room. I was overjoyed, because the tea gathering in the reception room had already begun.

The reception room is on the first floor, facing the shoji door of the Baihua Building, and a curtain of beads hangs down to separate Liao. More than a dozen prostitutes sat inside, chatting and changing glasses, so happy.

When they saw us coming in, they looked at us, and I tried to keep my smile as obscene as possible, hoping to fit in with the group as quickly as possible.

"In the lower Gyeonggi Xiucai Zhang Yueyong, I have seen you. "

"In the lower Gyeonggi Xiucai Li Guanyu, this is polite. "

Deceitful nonsense, Guanyu and I will come as soon as we open our mouths.

Some of the sitting prostitutes nodded slightly at us, and some were quite disdainful of us

Oiran Luhua's face is like a peach and plum, her eyes are wandering, and her demeanor is elegant, but she is a first-class girl. Compared with the detachment, she has a little more style, and than the Fei Fairy, she is a little more approachable.

Her shoulders were half exposed, revealing her charming collarbone and swan neck, and her chest was covered with a layer of flesh-colored tulle, which was gaudy and beautiful.

Miss Reva plays the role of Xi Jiao, also known as the commander, presiding over the wine order, and is the person with the rhythm during the banquet. This job is not accepted by everyone, and requires both IQ and EQ to be online. This can reflect that Reva Girl is not only an ordinary vase, but also a vase that makes people feel like a spring breeze and hurry to pay for it.

At this moment, everyone was pairing, and to my left was the fat dun in a blue robe with a jade ring around his waist, and it happened to be his turn.

He lowered his head and

groaned, then raised his head, and said confidently: "I have three times a day, what I eat in the morning, what I eat at noon, and what I eat at night." "

What the hell, no wonder you're so fat! I couldn't help but complain in my heart.

Miss Luhua has excellent cultivation, the smile on her face is undiminished, and she is embarrassed to blow at Shanglian: "This guest officer vividly expounded the principle that the people take food as the sky in a funny way, and the battle is neat and the rhyme is long, which shows that the guest officer's literary accumulation is very deep." "

What kind of literary accumulation?!Isn't it just a foodie?!I almost complained about it.

Hey, let's think about how to make the next couplet. Oiran Luhua moved her gaze to me, as if to signal to me that it was my turn.

I groaned slightly, yes, such a small couplet is not too difficult for me. I said, "Recently, I have been dieting to lose weight, drinking water in the morning, tea at noon, and drinking water at night. "

There was a sudden dead silence at the scene, and everyone who came in was talented, especially me, who was only eight buckets tall and no one could match me.

Oiran lady: "......



did it on purpose, because I couldn't see the Oiran boasting about the behavior of the person in front of me, so I deliberately said nonsense. Hmph, how can Miss Reva slap me on the back now?

After sorting out her emotions and managing her expression, Miss Luhua poured me a glass of wine with her slender and white jade hand, and said, "It's night, the guest officer should be going to drink water, right?"

Good guy, she listens carefully to my next link, and can also dissolve into gentle service, what a wonderful person!

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