This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 427 Buy and sell by force

Half an hour ago, a group of elites in suits and ties, led by two guards, stepped into the conference hall on the top floor of the Knut Building, while George Knut, chairman of the Knut Group, and four company executives It has been waiting for a long time.

Staring at the short and fat old man sitting opposite him, George sat up straight and asked, "Why is it so urgent that you can't wait for a few days, Malik?"

When I was with Rowling last night, this guy suddenly called him and said that he wanted to meet up today to talk about a very important matter.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party is the largest European partner of the Knut Group, he would have sprayed it all over his head and face, let alone even thinking about the meeting.

"Hey, you know me, George, I'm always good at taking chances."

Spreading his hands, Malik had a formulaic smirk on his face: "Specific drugs for cancer and HIV, regenerative technology for severed limbs, human body enhancement drugs, etc... The emergence of your Konate Group has directly changed the world! "

After being praised fiercely, George didn't feel any joy in his heart. Instead, he frowned and said in a deep voice, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I also know that your company is secretly researching Extremis virus and gene grafting technology."

Taking out a stack of documents from the briefcase next to it, Malik placed it on the flat and smooth table and pushed it forward: "So, I want to buy it."

"Buy our two flagship patents?"

Pressing and sliding the file in front of him, George put it aside without even looking at it.

And secretly made up his mind in his heart, after this conversation, he must rectify the company, and find out which ghost leaked the information of these two highly confidential projects.

Malik Lion opened his mouth: "Of course not, what I want is the entire company, the most powerful company in the biomedical field."

"Hey hey~"

Several executives sitting on both sides of George laughed together.

Buy this trillion-dollar company? Think you're the Fed?

"That kind of joke is not funny, Malik."

George didn't laugh, his voice became cold, and his face showed obvious displeasure.

Others may not know, but he still knows a lot of inside information.

Although Malik is only a super-rich man on the surface, he secretly controls a huge force. Not only has he served as a member of the World Security Council for several consecutive times, he is also the uncrowned king of Europe.

And it's the real uncrowned king, not those rats who can only operate on the dark side.

Except for a few countries, without his support or acquiescence, even if the election is successful, that person will not even think about taking the position of boss.

It belongs to the character who stomps his feet and shakes the European continent three times.

Since the other party proposed this deal, it shows that they definitely have the ability to swallow the entire Konut Group.

"No, I'm serious, I want you to sell me the company."

Malik also didn't smile, and added with a serious face: "Of course, the price will be very fair."

"Listen, I don't want to hurt my peace and ruin future cooperation."

After confirming that the other party was not joking, George's face darkened instantly: "Although I admire your courage to make such a suggestion, I really don't like others wasting my time.

I hate this behavior. "

The other party is not kind to the visitor.

However, it is not so easy to seize the Konate Group from him, not to mention his mysterious son behind him.

"This will be the best choice for you."

Suddenly, sitting on Malik's right hand, a tall and burly young man who knew that he was not easy to get along with just stood up from his seat and said faintly.

"Who is this?"

George ignored him, but continued to keep his eyes on Malik.

He has been up and down in the business world for too long, and he still retains the way of thinking of a businessman. He didn't realize something was wrong immediately, and only thought that the other party was a newborn calf of the Malik family who was not afraid of tigers.

If it were cyber, at the moment the young man said this, he could roughly guess that this guy was the real initiator of this meeting.

Malik said seriously: "This gentleman can fully represent my opinions and negotiate."

"Negotiation? Oh, Malik, are you sleepy?"

George sneered, and already had plans to see off the guests: "I repeat, I will never sell the Konate Group to anyone."

The old and the young looked at each other, the young man stood up slowly, shook his head and sighed: "Why don't you just cooperate obediently?"

"What do you want to do?"

George realized that something was wrong, and quickly winked at the two security guards standing behind him.

After receiving the instructions from the big boss, the two guards held the handles of their guns at their waists and walked quickly towards Malik and his party.

Before halfway through, a ferocious middle-aged man standing beside the young man lifted off the round sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, revealing the pair of dark black eyeballs below.

In the next moment, the black eyeballs were covered by white light, and the two people in the center of the field of vision felt a pain in their hearts, and their consciousness fell into darkness, so soft that they fell to the ground and lost their breath.

"How dare you!"

For a moment, George was frightened and angry, his voice trembled, and some couldn't believe that these guys dared to commit murder here.

At the same time, he pressed the alarm button hidden under the conference table without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, four energy cannons resembling enlarged surveillance probes popped out from the ceiling, locked onto the hostile targets in the field, and fired blue and white light bullets in salvo.

The moment the mutation was discovered, an Asian man came behind Malik and the young man, propped up an orange shield, and blocked all the blue and white light bullets.

Another black woman stretched out her hands, aimed at the energy cannon on the ceiling, and gave a firm grip.

'Crack——' X4

Under the squeeze of the invisible thought force, the four energy cannons made a piercing metal twisting sound, and they were twisted into a mass of scrap iron within less than three seconds.

"Hehe, why don't you dare, you don't know anything about real power."

After solving the threat, the young man condescended, looked down at the trembling company executives in front of him and George, who was barely maintaining his composure, and smiled evilly.

Countless fine ash like gravel drifted from the young man's body, rushing towards the guards who had just broken in.

Caught off guard, the guards bumped into clusters of gravel-like unknown substances without warning.

"Ah...!" Xn

In the next second, a miserable howl came from the mouths of the guards who broke into the conference hall.

The skin, muscles, and blood disappeared layer by layer, as if eaten by some bloodthirsty beast, leaving only pink skeletons covered with meat residue and bloodshot.

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