This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 406: Visitors from Another World

"who are you?"

Looking at the two uninvited guests in front of him who couldn't see their real faces clearly, and their information didn't have the slightest relevant records, the white-haired old man asked with lightning-like eyes.

"It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is, who are you, visitor from another world?"

Taking a step forward to block Lorna behind him, Saibo's face darkened, and he directly revealed the biggest secret of the other party.

"Interesting, how did you find out?"

Hearing this, the old man narrowed his eyes and showed a hideous look on his face.

Now that he knows this secret, no matter what, the other party must confess it here today.

"You are the funder behind Ajax, the person in charge of this human experiment project?"

Without answering the other party's question, Cyber ​​listed dozens of possible conjectures one by one: "Exile? A follower of a demon god? Or a force from a parallel universe has taken a fancy to our universe and sent you as an outpost? Or is it just some unlucky guy with bad luck?..."

It can be determined so quickly that the other party is not a person from this earth or this universe, except that Alita cannot find any clues of the other party's existence through the appearance of the old man.

The most important thing is that if the visitor from the other world does not deliberately cover up, there will be a strange fluctuation on his body all the time.

This fluctuation is caused by the conflict between the underlying rules of the two worlds.

It will take several years, and after the traverser is completely assimilated by the rules of this universe, this kind of fluctuation will naturally disappear.

This knowledge was also learned by Cyber ​​from the Magic Encyclopedia that Ancient One gave Wanda.

After learning about this extremely useful method, Cyber, with the help of the little witch, developed a detection device that can identify visitors from other worlds, and installed it on the Solar Armor.

Just when he arrived near this warehouse, the polyphase detector detected this strange fluctuation from this place.

The moment the old man appeared, he directly locked on the source of the fluctuation.

Since the other party doesn't know where he exposed himself, Cyber ​​has no obligation to explain to the other party. At the same time, it also shows that the other party is probably the first time to shuttle, and he doesn't know much about these matters.

"You may call me Colonel Domo,


The other party didn't want to reveal his method, and he also didn't want to reveal his details. Colonel Domo sneered and simply reported his code name.

In the next moment, the figure flashed and came to Cyber ​​and Lorna, waving the high-frequency wavelength blade that popped out from the front of the gauntlet, and swept towards the two black figures in front, preparing to cut them four times.

'Boom! '

The gray-yellow figure flew back faster than when it came, and smashed heavily on the concrete wall behind.

"how is this possible!"

In the big hole in the wall, the gleaming human-shaped diamond propped up his body, looking at the black armor that was close at hand, his eyes were full of disbelief.

You must know that the biological armor on his body is made of the genes of a speed-enhanced mutant. Not to mention the fastest speed is up to Mach 10, not to mention ordinary superpowers, even missiles cannot catch up to him.

The opponent's speed was actually faster than him, so fast that he couldn't react!

'boom! '

A punch pressed against the opponent's chest, breaking the opponent's resistance just gathered, and five gravity shackles popped up from behind Cyber, and they were automatically placed on Colonel Domo's limbs and neck.

He is very interested in information from another universe, so he needs to keep a life alive.

"Ha! Yaya~!"

Even though he was restrained by a gravitational field hundreds of times stronger, Colonel Domo still did not give up struggling. The armor on his body was constantly changing, turning into gray-white granite for a while, red magma for a while, and silver-white metal for a while... …

After switching nearly ten forms, he still couldn't break free from the shackles of gravity.

It's a pity that when Cyber ​​was designing the gravity shackles, he considered the possibility of encountering "rubber men" who could change the body shape at will, so Colonel Domo would never have a chance to take advantage of it.

"Sentry armor? An interesting technology."

Once again, he punched Colonel Domo in the head, and after the opponent calmed down, Saibo looked at the familiar exoskeleton armor on the opponent with disgust: "But... there are only eight forms, that's all? "

Five minutes have passed since the opponent showed up, and Alita has already scanned and deciphered the structure and technological principles of this suit of armor.

Saibo found that although the opponent's armor was different from the Sentinel armor he developed, they were all modified and designed with the technology of the Sentinel robot as the core.

However, the technical content is much lower than the sentinel armor in his hand.

After the first-generation Sentinel armor was dismantled by cheap father-in-law two years ago, although Saibo had no chance to use it again, he did not stop researching on this series and has updated it to the fourth generation.

Whether it is strength or versatility, it is much stronger than the one worn by this visitor from another world.

"what do you want?"

Hearing the other party casually mentioning the name of the organization's highest technological crystallization on his body, Colonel Domo was startled in his heart, and said sternly.

"Tell me, what is your purpose in coming to this world?"

Saibo said in a deep voice.

"Cough, hahaha~"

Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Colonel Domo laughed sternly, his eyes instantly became extremely fierce: "Of course it's for... die with me!"

As early as when he was defeated by the opponent's move, he knew that he was in danger this time, and prepared for the worst.

After resisting and struggling to no avail, he decisively decided to take the other party to hell with him.

‘Puff——! '

With a flash of blue light, the red long blade pierced through the chest, cutting off Colonel Domo's vitality, and at the same time destroying the energy core of the Sentinel's armor.

In front of Cyber ​​who turned on the speed mode, the other party is not even qualified to commit suicide, let alone die together.


Coldly uttering a word, Saibo took out a blue and white capsule from his waist, and lightly threw it into the empty space next to it.


The white smoke cleared away, and a special container more than two meters long, one meter high, pure white, similar to an ice coffin appeared in the center of the blood-stained hall.

Throwing Colonel Domo's body into the container, Cyber ​​gently tapped on the control panel at the front, and the pure white container was wrapped and compressed by a special force field, and it shrank instantly, turning into a blue and white container again. will bag.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Lorna slowly came to her boyfriend, looking at the blue and white general pouch in the other's palm, her curiosity flared up again.

"I'm more interested in the information in his head."

After shaking the capsule in his hand, Saibo smiled and said: "Preserve his body first, and then go back and repair it with the regeneration cradle."

It's not that easy to want to die in front of him!


PS: I wrote and fell asleep last night. I was going to go to bed and squint for a while, but who knew that I squinted until dawn ヽ(ー_ー)ノ

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