This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 280 Justice Advocate

With the chant of Cyber, the energy of hell that devours all light emerges from around the blue and white figure, condensing into black squares one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the various squares were seamlessly connected together, and the higher and higher they were, they finally formed a tens of meters high, like a pure black coffin magnified tens of thousands of times, completely enveloping the blue and white shadow figure.

Thousands of slender black nailed swords shaped like crosses are inserted obliquely on the five sides of the black coffin.

A gravitational vortex like space-time distortion was generated inside, firmly imprisoning the desperate-looking figure in place.


As the indifferent voice sounded, thousands of nailed swords on the surface of the coffin released purple light as if they were ordered, and the sword body suddenly disappeared, stabbing at the blue and white bird man in the center of the coffin.

At the same moment, a purple-black light shone in the sky, causing the surviving demons around the oil field to tremble, evoking the fear buried in the deepest memory.

Ten seconds later, the light disappeared together with the pure black coffin, leaving an extremely lonely figure on the spot.

"This is... what... magic?"

Numbly looking at the purple-black armor in front of him, Malachi's eyes were empty and his voice was intermittent.

"A skill created by a great poet called Kishi... Kubo led the people, and the world calls it-the ghost way."

Cyber ​​tells the truth.

However, this is not the real 'black coffin', after all, he has never seen what a real spiritual pressure looks like.

Instead, he used the power gem to deliberately imitate the attack method with hell energy, purely for fun (zhuang) play (bi).

"It seems that you are really not from heaven."

Sighing, and showing a flashing smile, Malachi completely lost his life.

‘Ka—’ ‘Ka—’ ‘Ka—’…

Immediately afterwards, dense black holes emerged from the body of the angel, and with a soft sound, cracks like spider webs crawled all over the body in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, the blue-white angelic body instantly shattered, turning into countless pure white light spots, and completely disappeared in this universe.


Looking at the slowly dissipating figure, Johnny couldn't believe it.

When Malachi appeared,

He was completely desperate, thinking that his side was doomed.

As the host of the Spirit of Vengeance at the same level as the Cherub, Johnny is well aware of the strength of the other party.

It was a blessing that they tried their best to eliminate Kazan, and they had no spare energy to deal with another enemy of the same level or even stronger.

Unexpectedly, this guy's strength is so strong, and he easily eliminated the opponent.

I haven't seen you for eight years, has the earth changed so much?

He took out the cosmic spirit ball from his chest, closed it again, walked to the side to help the little witch, and Saibo replied without turning his head: "It's over, if there is no iron-headed baby who continues to jump out to give the head."

"Master, Mr. Stark sent a communication request."

Looking up at the night sky filled with stars again, Saibo said lightly: "Connect."

"Hey, Cyber, what are you doing at night?"

On the smart screen, Tony had deep dark circles on his face, his hair was messed up like a chicken coop, and his complexion was extremely bad.

He had just paid the public rations in the early morning and was sleeping soundly with Pepper in his arms. Suddenly, the alarm in the room was beeping crazily.

Forcing him to leave the warm bed to see what happened to the emergency.

After browsing through the information collected by Jarvis, he found that the culprit who disturbed his dream was an old acquaintance.

"I just saved the world again."

Shrugging his shoulders, Saibo looked relaxed, showing no sign of nervousness.

It seems that what was saved just now was not the earth, but a dispensable stray dog.


Tony suspects that he is hallucinating.

How come the earth was almost destroyed again?

"Hey, see those monsters?"

Turning the scene to the Obsidian and the Lawbreaker Fort that are besieging demons, Cyber ​​is full of pride: "They are all demons that just escaped from hell, and I have killed millions of them.

There are also two birdmen who call themselves angels, and I have beaten them to pieces. "

"Shit, such a big thing happened, why didn't you inform us sooner!"

Tony's eyes were wide open, his jaw was about to fall to the ground, and his tone was raised by a notch: "Also, demon? Angel? Are you sure you're not kidding me?!"

As a not-so-devout Christian, he never imagined that one day he would actually meet these biblical creatures.

"Who is interested in teasing you a big man."

Casting a disgusted look at the other party, Saibo said casually: "Besides, if you don't believe me, just ask Saul, he must know the existence of these guys."

Hearing what the other party said, Tony had already believed it. However, there was still a doubt lingering in his heart: "I can understand that you killed the devil, but why did you kill two angels?"

"Aren't you constant...drinking too much holy water, your brain is broken."

Hearing this, Saibo mocked mercilessly: "Why do you think that angels must be righteous?"

"Could it be a devil?"

"No, I am."


After destroying all the demons that descended on the earth, Cyber ​​resolutely led a group of people to leave the scene, left the aftermath to the belated Avengers, and returned to the base.

"Are you sure you don't want to join us?"

Staring at the middle-aged white man in front of him, Saibo was a little disappointed.

He appreciates Ghost Rider, an all-around hero who can resist, fight, and control, and he is happy to absorb him into his team.

So, decisively sent an invitation to the other party.

"I have other things to do and it's not time to stop."

Sensing the other party's gaze, Johnny was a little hesitant, but in the end he rejected the other party's invitation.

Although the conditions given by the other party are very heartwarming, Beelzebub and Azazel who killed his wife and children have not yet received their due trial.

He swore he would make them pay.

"Is it?"

After roughly guessing the other party's thoughts, Saibo was rather regretful: "Then I wish you good luck."

Since the other party is unwilling, he will not force it.

"In the future, if you need my help with anything, you can use this number to contact me."

Handing the black-haired man in front of him a straight note prepared in advance, Johnny said seriously.

In this incident, he owed the other party a lot of favors, and he had to find an opportunity to repay them.

After leaving a contact information, Johnny drove his beloved motorcycle and left the base alone.

"The world is getting more and more lively."

Seeing the figure going away, Saibo felt emotional.

Then, carrying the two wooden boxes, he went straight back to the laboratory of the East Hampton Villa, and then took out a bottle of azure potion from it, and studied it carefully.

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