This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 211 Beauty and the Beast

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'Boom! '

A circle of white air waves exploded from the intersection of the two huge fists.

"Caught you."

An icy voice came from the mouth of the silver-black robot, making the green monster who didn't know what happened bewildered.

In the next moment, the silver-black mechanical fist retracted instantly, and the armor around the arm stretched forward abruptly, 'swallowing' the green monster's forearm in its entirety, and fixed it firmly.

Realizing that he had fallen into a trap, Hulk was about to stretch out his other hand to tear apart the shackles that locked his arm, but another silver-black robot that was identical to him rushed to his side and grabbed his only remaining arm. With only his left hand, he repeated the same trick and locked it inside.

He frantically shook his arms, trying to shake off the two sticky brown candies, but unfortunately it was of no avail.

Veronica's combat system is not only designed by Tony, but also Dr. Banner, the person who knows the Hulk best in the world, is involved. He knows his strength level in detail, so naturally he will not let him break free easily.

Driven by the fighting instinct, the green monster lightly jumped on the spot, and then kicked towards the enemies on both sides with all its strength.

Another silver-black robot rushed from behind, stretched out its hands, hooped Hulk's waist from behind, and lifted him in mid-air, making him completely lose his main focus.

Immediately afterwards, the last silver-black robot flew in front of the green monster, fisted with its right palm, and kept making piston movements.

'boom! boom! boom! ...'

Thousands of heavy punches were thrown in a row in a minute, which not only made Hulk dizzy, but also forced the teammates who were holding the enemy from behind to keep retreating, plowing two deep ravines.

Seeing that the opponent temporarily lost the power to resist, the two forearms of the silver-black robot were put together side by side, and the mechanical parts were continuous, forming a thick muzzle.


A crimson beam of light burst out from the black muzzle, distorting the surrounding air, and hitting the green monster's chest straight.

Even for Hulk, a metamorphosis with amazing energy resistance, facing the continuous attack of tens of thousands of degrees of high-energy laser beams, the green skin gradually began to dry, crack and burnt...

Natasha and Hawkeye have joined together at this time, and are constantly destroying the surrounding cannon fodder robots, while observing the battlefield between the five monsters not far away.

"It can't go on like this. Hulk alone is no match for those four robots."

To deal with a mechanical soldier who wanted to sneak attack, Natasha frowned as she looked at the... teammate who was at an absolute disadvantage.

This is one of the strongest forces on their side, and they must not fall here easily.

"It is difficult for us to intervene in the battle between such monsters."

After detonating a mechanical soldier who just flew in, Hawkeye calmly analyzed.

Thinking of the information about the Hulk that Dr. Banner usually told her, Natasha suddenly noticed: "We can't intervene directly, but we can help him indirectly."

"What can you do?"

"cover me."

With a certain look in her eyes, Natasha walked straight to where Hulk was with her long legs.

After discovering Black Widow's actions, although Ultron didn't know how she could turn the tide of the battle, he naturally couldn't let her go so easily.

However, he was influenced by cyber invisibly and underestimated the strength of a certain archer.

Under Hawkeye's shooting skills, those mechanical soldiers who wanted to stop Natasha were shot by him one by one.

'Bang bang bang—'

When she came ten meters away from the five-headed monsters, the Black Widow didn't hesitate, she pulled out the Glock on her thigh, and kept pulling the trigger on the mechanical monster that was burning her teammates with energy beams.


The silver-black robot is not afraid of the Hulk's iron fist, how could it be injured by such a small pistol.

Seeing this, a mechanical soldier who imprisoned the Hulk's arm raised his hand and fired a shot.

'Boom! '

The flames scattered, and the smoke and dust puckered up.


Seeing that his goddess was alive and dead because of saving him, the Hulk's eyes were instantly filled with blood red, and the green muscles on his body suddenly swelled.


The metal 'shackles' that had been tightly confining his arms immediately cracked, exploded, and shattered into wreckage all over the place.

After gaining freedom, the green monster backhanded with an elbow, knocking out the silver-black robot that was hooping him behind him, and then jumped violently, kicking the enemy who was still suppressed by the laser to the ground.

Then she rode on him, held down Yuanyuan's head with both hands, and forcibly tore it off.

Then he turned his eyes and stared viciously at the remaining three robots who were about his size.


'Boom! ’ ‘Boom! ’ ‘Boom! '

At the same time, three missiles fell rapidly from the sky, hitting three blue and white robots that were about to make up for an 'ice sculpture'.

Immediately afterwards, a golden-red figure descended from the sky, releasing an orange-yellow beam of light from its palm, continuously suppressing the three robots that had just been hit hard.

"Tony, you are haunted."

Ultron's cold voice came from the mouth of the only intact robot.

"Each, each other."

Looking at the red dots on the radar that are constantly gathering towards the abandoned church, Tony's face is serious.

As the first person to arrive here for support, I didn't expect to see an ice sculpture that looked exactly like Steve as soon as I arrived at the destination.

Immediately, he rushed straight to the center of the abandoned church, guarding the manual switch of the Destroyer's engine in the middle.


Seeing the young man frozen into an ice sculpture in the middle of the abandoned church, Susan was very anxious.

Previously, under the siege of a group of mechanical soldiers, the three of them could barely protect a group of civilians behind them from harm, and they were unable to organize a decent counterattack at all.

But after a speed-type superpower came to support them, their situation was instantly reversed, and the besieging robot soldiers were quickly eliminated, and the group of civilians were escorted to a temporarily safe hiding place.

Then he received a message from the communicator and rushed to the abandoned church in the center of the city to help.

"Do not impulse."

Looking at the group of robots around Johnny, Reed hurriedly grabbed his girlfriend who was about to run over, and reminded: "Be careful of the trap."

"That's my brother!"

Susan said anxiously.


He hastily turned into a human shield to block the energy bombs that came from behind for his girlfriend, screamed in pain, grinned and said, "I know, but..."

Before he could finish speaking, a silver phantom moved Johnny who had been frozen into an ice sculpture in front of the three of them in the blink of an eye.

"no need to thank me."

After speaking, the silver phantom disappeared into the distance again.

A few seconds later, when he came to his sister, Pietro was out of breath and said, "Witch, the knight told us to rush to the center of the church to help."

Glancing at Sol, who was killing so much, Wanda nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Take me there."

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