This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 203 The 'Sisters' join forces

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In an underground cave in the capital of Sokovia, Sol smashed the wall in front of him with a hammer.

Walking back for dozens of steps, the field of vision suddenly opened up, and the dim light flowed, illuminating the secret hidden in the darkness.

Blaster guns, steel robot production lines, some incomprehensible high-tech instruments, and even saw a Chitauri Leviathan battleship he smashed in the Battle of New York two years ago.

Taking out the nano-USB disk that Cyber ​​had prepared for him in advance, Sol searched twice, and went straight to a USB interface, and gently inserted it.


With the endorsement of the United Nations, Prime Minister Sokovia, although he looked confused, had to believe this fact. He immediately issued an emergency notice and began to evacuate the crowd: "Citizens, please pay attention, I am Prime Minister XXXX, next words It's not a joke, repeat, the next words are not a joke, we..."

On the TV and radio in every household, all the channels are broadcasting the same piece of news, reminding people of the disaster.

Coupled with the air defense sirens constantly echoing over the city, the streets are already overcrowded even when the sun is shining.

Men and women, big and small, tens of thousands of civilians, under the guidance of a group of police and officials, lined up neatly like ants and evacuated from the city in an orderly manner.

The superheroes who just arrived also helped maintain order at various intersections, guiding the evacuation of civilians, and contributed a lot.

But the good times don't last long. As a super villain, Ultron will naturally not let the superheroes get what they want.

'Boom! '

The asphalt pavement suddenly exploded, and a silver-gray intelligent robot, like an undead resurrected from a cemetery, jumped out pulling the surrounding stones.

Immediately afterwards, identical robots jumped out of every road, river, and pond in the city, and began to attack the surrounding humans indiscriminately.

In an instant, the sound of exclamations, explosions, and screams all became one, and the sound entered the ears.

He set up his shield to block a particle cannon flying from the sky, then threw the round shield with his backhand, knocking away a robot that was about to attack from behind. Steve shouted with all his might, "Go!"

Immediately, he fought with the surrounding robots.


Pulling out the special high-current dagger at his waist, Hawkeye yelled, and stabbed the robot hard into the head that climbed up from the wall behind him.

Immediately afterwards, he drew a high-explosive arrow from behind and aimed at the robot in the sky that was constantly attacking civilians without hesitation.

'Boom! '

In the next second, an orange firework bloomed in midair.

Putting up a thin layer of scarlet energy shield in front of her, Wanda turned her head anxiously and shouted, "Get off the bridge!"

But Ao Chuang doesn't know what it means to be sympathetic to the sweet and the jade, and the light blue energy cannons are continuously fired from its left hand, bombarding the energy shield in front of it.

'Boom-' 'Boom-' 'Boom-'...

After blocking seven or eight attacks in a row, the scarlet energy shield was finally broken, and the little witch was knocked to the ground by the huge impact.

It is a pity that the masses who have been baptized by the flames of war are incomparable with the big hearts of New York citizens. Seeing that things are not going well, they have already run away without a trace.

As it approached the target lying on the ground step by step, the light on the silver-gray robot arm became more and more dazzling.


At the critical moment, the robot's limbs seemed to be attacked by an invisible force, twisting continuously, becoming extremely deformed, and then the whole body began to be squeezed, compressed into a steel ball, and fell to the ground with sparks.

"Hey, witch, you don't seem to be able to afford the knight's high opinion of you."

Raising her head, a tall woman in a black tight-fitting battle suit, a fully enclosed black helmet, and a green light in her hand appeared in Wanda's field of vision.

"Thanks, Polaris."

stand up from the ground,

The little witch curled her lips: "I will show you my true strength."

With a confident smile on her lips, Lorna said arrogantly: "Then let's compare and see who kills more machine monsters."

After finishing speaking, the green light in his hand flourished, and he tore at the three robots that were rushing towards them in the sky ahead.

'Wow~' X3

Just as the three metal robots were about to launch an attack, they shattered into fragments.


Wanda, who has always been strong, will not give up easily, and when she shakes her hand, a cloud of scarlet energy hits the robot that is about to attack from the side.

'Clap. '

Under the impact of chaotic energy, the robot made of ordinary alloy was instantly shattered into pieces.

The red and green feast started, and the robots couldn't get closer than 20 meters from the two of them, and they were dismantled into pieces. Even with long-range attacks, they would be easily blocked.

Compared to the little witch, Lorna is much more relaxed. With a tick of her fingers, she can easily destroy a robot that ordinary people can't do anything about.

These metal robots can be said to be completely defeated by her, and they are not all enemies at all.

However, in terms of killing efficiency alone, Wanda and Lorna combined cannot compare to the little witch's brother.

In the dilapidated streets and alleys, a silver phantom shuttled continuously, waving its silver fists, crushing one silver gray robot after another, saving hundreds of innocent people.


Panting heavily against the wall, Pietro wiped the sweat from his forehead and ran as hard as he could again.

Everything that happened in front of him was inseparable from their brothers and sisters, and he would never back down, let alone evade his responsibilities.

Because this is his hometown, his motherland!

Destroying a robot again and saving four compatriots, looking at the pair of gauntlets covering the entire arm in his hand, he felt mixed feelings.

This pair of gauntlets was temporarily loaned by the guy before the operation.

Said that his strength is too good, in order not to die too ugly on the battlefield, it was specially built for him.

However, after wearing this pair of gauntlets, Pietro felt that his strength had indeed improved by more than one level.

'Shin! '

Adamantium alloy sharp claws protruded from the metacarpal bones, and the vest on Logan's body was already riddled with holes.

In order to protect these innocent civilians, he relied on his immortality to bear the bombardment of many robots.

Although he didn't like these ordinary humans, he would not let the massacre happen in front of his eyes.


With a painful snort, Logan tried his best to get another shot, and rushed to a robot again.

'brush! ''brush! '

A pair of claw shadows passed by, and the robot made of ordinary alloy was cut into several pieces by the sharp claws of Edman alloy, which was no different from a piece of tofu.


Feeling the tremor coming from the ground, Logan frowned, looking solemnly at the church in the center of the city.

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