This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 193: Battle Begins

"This Kryptonian is so steady ()" Find the latest chapter!

"Everyone has something to fear."

Wanda is still very confident in her own abilities.

"If you want to invade my consciousness and make me experience pain, then I know you're not here to do business, and I know what you say doesn't matter."

Spreading his hands, the man said casually, "I only talk to those who have the final say."

Since the other party didn't directly kill him, it meant that he had something to ask of him. Proper airs can help him gain more benefits in the later transaction. This is the experience he has accumulated in his decades of career as an arms dealer.

It's a pity that the guy he traded with this time thinks differently from humans.

'Wow! '

A big silver mechanical foot kicked through the window, landed on the man's waist, and kicked him into the corridor outside the room.

"It's not people who have the final say"

Walking up to the man, Ultron looked down at him and said, "Let's talk about business, Ulysses Crow."

Seeing that the mastermind behind the scenes turned out to be a robot of unknown origin, the man resolutely admitted his love, and led a few people to the vault where the vibration gold was stored.

"It's a lot of money to get these things, and they're worth billions of dollars."

Throwing Ultron a jar of liquid vibrating gold stored in a special container, Claude proudly said.

Smiling and nodded indifferently, Ultron closed his eyes, and instantly transferred billions from Tony Stark's private account to Crowe's account: "Check the account, the money has been transferred to your white glove in the account."

As a two-day-old minor, isn't it only natural to use your own father's money?

"Finance is really weird."

Allowing the other party to check the information with the mobile phone, Ultron's talkative nature broke out again: "But I always say, let your partners get rich together, so that you can naturally distinguish between friends and foes."



"Tony Stark said that to me"

Hearing this, Crowe's face changed, and he said firmly: "You are his subordinate!"

As everyone knows, what he said was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and instantly stimulated Ultron's G-spot: "You think I'm Stark's puppet, and I obey his orders?"

"Look at me carefully, do I look like his steel suits? What is Stark!"

'Crack. '

Cutting off Crowe's arm with a knife, Ultron leaned over like the ugly man next door: "I'm so sorry,'ll be fine in a while, I'm so sorry."

"I just don't understand why you keep comparing me to Stark!"

"Stark is the cancer of this world!"

After finishing speaking, Klaue, who was holding his arm and screaming, kicked out and rolled down the stairs.

"Oh, you're really going to break Dad's heart, boy."

A golden red battle suit fell from the sky and landed firmly on the back of the silver robot.

Turning around and looking at the Big Three of the Avengers in front of him, Ao Chuang showed a true expression: "If necessary."

Faced with the 'Big Enemy', the two brothers and sisters instantly blushed and stared at the golden-red figure with hatred.

"It's really humorous, Mr. Stark."

Looking around at the various weapons produced by the original Stark Industries, Wanda sarcastically said, "Do these feel familiar, just like before?"

"I've never done that before."

Seeing this, Tony's tone was a little low.

He has never sold these things to such black market dealers or terrorist organizations, and has always only dealt with official forces in decent countries.

"I know you both have suffered a lot."

Steve tried to persuade: "But there's no need to go through this muddy water."

"No, there must be now."

Before he finished speaking, a ball of scarlet energy was thrown out from the little witch's hands.

Since the opponent took the lead in launching the attack, there was nothing to say.

'boom! '

Resisting the sneak attack of the little witch, Tony shot a beam of particle light from his hand,

Go straight to the energy core of Ultron's chest.

Blocking the attack with one arm, Ultron sighed regretfully: "I still want to delay for a while, really..."

Immediately, he stretched out his palm, and his five fingers emitted an orange-yellow ray, retaliation to Tony.

Seeing that the energy attack had no effect, Ultron decisively raised his fist and rushed straight up.


The two steel monsters wrestled together, you punched and kicked each other, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing,

But it was a pity that they couldn't cause any actual damage to the opponent, so they had to move the battlefield while fighting, and finally broke through the cabin and rushed out of the transport ship.

Three punches and two kicks crushed a steel robot. Steve raised the shield in his hand to block the little witch's sneak attack, then twisted his waist, and smashed the round shield in his hand towards her fiercely.

Facing the galloping blue-red shield, Wanda's eyes showed uncontrollable panic, and she was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to deal with it.

It has only been less than a year since she became a superpower. During this period, Baron Sterak has been guarding them secretly, and no one has arranged for them to teach them special combat skills and develop their abilities.

He hadn't even experienced actual combat formally, and following Ultron's operation for the past two days was just paddling behind, fishing, and using his own ability to torture intelligence.

She might not even be able to beat Natasha head-on if she didn't burst her seeds. Compared with the great witch who was able to tear the essence of purple sweet potatoes a few years later, it was a world of difference.

Fortunately, her brother's target was the fastest man in the world next door. With a flash of his figure, he moved Wanda to a safe place tens of meters away.

Then he returned quickly, and punched Captain America's chin, who was still in the throwing motion: "Go to hell, the lackey of the US emperor!"

On the other side, he didn't know whether he was dazzled by anger or was too confident in himself, Klaue clutched his severed arm, like a thoroughly enraged beast, roared: "Fire!"

"To whom?"


Following Crowe's order, the sound of intensive gunfire rang out in the cabin, providing a smoke-filled accompaniment for this battle.

'Crack! '

Hitting the bridge of the nose of the attacker behind with an elbow, pushing away the muzzle pointing at her, Natasha took a step forward and punched the cannon fodder in the throat.

Then he grabbed the enemy's neck, using his body as a support point, kicked on the metal wall, and kicked hard at the heads of the two cannon fodder surrounded by him.

"Ah!" X2

Only had time to let out two screams, and the two big men lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

She may not be able to deal with those Ultron steel robots, but she is very good at dealing with these cannon fodder who can only outline human bodies.

Hawkeye stood guard at the end of the passageway behind her, like an emotionless killer, constantly pulling out arrows with different functions from the quiver behind her, killing those gunmen who opened fire indiscriminately one by one.

All of a sudden, bullets, light beams, arrows, and magic balls flew around in the field, dazzling people's eyes.

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