This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 176 The Nosy Surprised Aunt

"This Kryptonian is too steady ()"

Hearing this request, Carol frowned.

Ronan's reward in the Nova Empire was as high as more than 400 billion star coins. How could she have so much money to give to the other party.

This guy is not top-notch in strength, but he is a first-class player in pulling hatred.

According to the statistics of an unknown organization, more than 10% of the people in the Nova Empire with a population of hundreds of billions hate him deeply, but unfortunately, they have nothing to do with him. Under the heavy reward, there can be brave men.

If the rewards offered by the Skrull Empire and other civilizations are added, the amount of rewards offered by Ronan in the interstellar black market has exceeded one trillion, and he is the figure with the highest rewards besides Supreme Wisdom and Queen Shia.

Although he has been in StarCraft for more than twenty years, Carol is not rich.

As a strong man with a name in the universe, it is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life.

He doesn't know how to do business, but he just needs to get rid of violence and collect things like loot, so that he can maintain his life like this.

As for snatching it from the opponent?

After all, she is a famous superhero, but she can't do such an evil act, and her inner moral sense doesn't allow her to do so.

Usually only after defeating the criminal, she will take some of the unclaimed loot for her own use.

‘By the way, criminals, stolen goods! '

Carol's eyes lit up, and she remembered who the guy in front of her was: "Are you the owner of the Peace Lovers Club?"

'The opponent is ready to do it. '

With a thud in his heart, Saibo instantly analyzed Aunt Surprise's mental state through her body language and micro-expression, but on the surface he still calmed down: "That's right, what's the matter?"

Seeing the other party's generous admission, Carol raised the corners of his mouth slightly and rubbed his fists: "Just right, I caught you and Ronan together."

"Hey, I'm a law-abiding interstellar citizen, why are you arresting me?"

Cyber ​​was full of question marks, he had indeed never violated the laws of the Nova Empire on the surface.

Since the Nova Empire is a federation formed by the fusion of multiple civilizations, the cultures, customs, and values ​​of each race are too different, so the basic criminal law provisions are very loose.

Except for intentional homicide, rape, endangering public safety, theft... and other acts, many acts that are judged to be illegal and criminal on the earth are legal in the interstellar world.

As for the sale of arms, it is really a normal trade, and the volume even accounts for more than 5% of the interstellar trade GDP.

As long as they don't sell those star-killing weapons that can destroy a planet, or crazy biochemical weapons, the officials will never take the initiative to cause trouble.

"Ha ha."

With a sneer, Carol began to recount Cyber's 'crimes': "Three months ago, you sold two hundred medium-sized battleship raiders, and they successfully ransacked two civilizations that had just stepped into the interstellar space. Millions of civilian casualties were caused.

Half a year ago, you sold hundreds of super mushroom eggs to the rebel organization on Planet Akka, and they used this to launch an attack, causing the planet's surface ecology to be completely destroyed.

Seven months ago, you sold two Dreadnought-class cruisers to the Mecarian civilization, which caused the hawks in their country to expand rapidly, brazenly launched a war, and wiped out the Taomi civilization in the same (fixed) galaxy.

a year ago……


After a pause, Carol's voice became colder and harsher: "Although you have not violated any laws, these blood debts are inseparable from you."

'I am just a seller of 'cooking knives', what does the buyer do with it, and what does it have to do with him? '

Some can't understand the other party's brain circuit, and Saibo is not going to argue with this 'dead' brain anymore: "Hold her."

After speaking, he took the mechanical guard carrying Ronan and flew straight to his spaceship.

At the same time, the eyes of the four mechanical guards who received the order instantly changed from green to red.

"Don't try to run!"

Carol frowned,

An orange-yellow energy ray was thrown out of his hand, and shot straight at the figure that was leaving at high speed.

However, a mechanical guard, which was obviously larger in size, propped up the energy shield in advance, as if it had been expected. Blue and yellow flames spewed out from the soles of their feet, soaring into the sky, blocking the path of the energy ray.

The movements of the other three mechanical guards were not slow. Almost at the same time, their arms quickly deformed and transformed into their own special weapons.

The two arms of one set were replaced by a red-glowing sharp blade from below the arms, the palms of one set turned into a giant hammer, and the five fingers of the last set continued to diverge, forming ten spiked swords. mechanical tentacles.

While Carol was in a stalemate with the big mechanical guard, ten cold-glowing spiked tentacles shot out from under his feet, like a sea monster raiding a cruise ship from under the sea surface, and surrounded him from all directions.

The other two mechanical guards soared into the sky, one behind the other, and attacked the red and blue figures in midair.

The crimson sharp blade drew a white mark in the air, piercing the golden anise star symbol on the chest, and the giant hammer roared from behind, and the two attacks were connected in a line, trying to produce an effect where one plus one is greater than two.


With a chuckle, Carol didn't dodge or dodge, letting the attacks hit him.

It's not that she can't hide, but she doesn't want to hide at all!


With a muffled sound, the sharp blade and the giant hammer hit the female man's body at the same time, but they couldn't even shake the opponent's figure.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the surface around Carol is always covered with a faint energy film, which blocks all the attacks of the mechanical guards.

'Boom! '

Under the continuous output, the big mechanical guard who had been in a stalemate with the female man finally couldn't hold on. The shield module was directly overloaded and burned, and was hit by the orange energy ray, which immediately turned into fireworks.

Holding the metal chain wrapped around his body, Carol pulled it hard. Even with the help of the booster, the mechanical guard under his feet lost his balance in an instant and flew up into the sky involuntarily.

‘Bang~’ ‘Dang~dang~’ ‘Boom! ’ ‘Crack! '...

The mechanical guards, who were able to suppress Ronan the Hammerless when the two joined forces, were actually powerless against Captain Marvel, and one was dismantled in two or three strokes.

In less than thirty seconds, the four mechanical guards turned into pieces all over the place.

However, thirty seconds is enough.

Cyber ​​is not far away from his car, and under the high-speed flight, it only took five seconds to enter the spaceship.

After picking up the owner, the starship that had already been ready to go started instantly, flew out of the ignorance, and entered the warp speed navigation mode.

After solving the enemies blocking the way, Carol frowned slightly, the red half-covered hood reappeared, the light on his body gradually increased, and then he stretched out his arms, posing the classic super flying posture, 'swipe' Fly out of ignorance.

Then the speed increased suddenly, chasing the special trace left by the warp drive, entering the hyperspace, and quickly chasing the small starship carrying the cyber.


PS: There will be an update tomorrow.

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