This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 170: The Comer Is Zhuge...

The universe is so big, the most indispensable are careerists and schemers.

Compared to letting the Cosmic Spirit Orb fall directly into Ronan's hands, Gamora is more willing to hand it over to the previous arms dealer.

After all, after one gets the power gem, it will 100% use it to start a war and cause massacres, while the other is just likely to cause great harm to the entire galaxy.

Besides, she still had a small plan in mind.

After the other party obtains the Cosmic Spirit Orb, they will definitely conflict with Ronan. If the two forces have a battle, both sides will be perfect, and then she will have a chance to regain the Cosmic Spirit Orb.

"Delay for fifteen seconds."

After receiving the answer from the other party, Gamora turned off the engine and sent a call request to the necromancer spaceship behind.

"You let me down so much, sister."

As she expected, Xingyun agreed to the call request: "Among all the sisters, you are the one I hate the least"

"Xingyun, don't do this."

Gamora deliberately slowed down, begging: "If Ronan gets the gem, he will kill us all, everyone!"

"You won't live until then."

As he said that, Xing Yun wanted to press the trigger in his hand.

'Swipe-' 'Swipe-' 'Swipe-' 'Swipe-'...

Suddenly, more than a dozen small battleships over twenty meters long jumped out of the hyperspace and approached the ignorance rapidly.

Although sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, Gamora automatically simulated the sound of their appearance in his mind.

"You are……"

Seeing the starship of unknown origin, Xingyun frowned, and was about to warn the other party, but suddenly changed his words: "Enemy attack!"

Without any warning, blue and white light bullets splashed out like a gust of wind and rain, blocking the retreat of the necromancer spaceship from all directions.

'Bo! ’ ‘Bo! ’ ‘Bo! ’ ‘Bo! '...

A series of fireworks bloomed in space, and silence speaks louder than sound.

After the flames dissipated, only a few necromancer warships used their companions to block the disaster and survived this wave of attacks.

"Notify Ronan that an unknown enemy is coming."

Roaring into the emergency communication channel, Xingyun decisively turned the bow of the ship and fled towards nothingness.

The opponent's warships are at least twenty meters long, and their tattered necromancer warships are only five meters long, and the two are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

Ling Xingyun couldn't afford any reckless thoughts.

But obviously these warships that appeared suddenly didn't want to let them go, and quickly dispersed from the original triangle formation. Every three warships formed a small team, each responsible for a necromancer warship.

And she herself even enjoyed the VIP treatment of five warships pursuing her.

What made Xing Yun most despairing was that the pilots of the opponent's warships were not as skilled as hers. In less than 30 seconds, all teammates except her were killed.

'You bastards wait for me. '

The land of ignorance is very close at hand, as long as she can escape in, she is very sure to use the reinforcements inside to force back, or even kill the opponent.

Unfortunately, Murphy's Law is not so easy to escape.

'Bo! '

Perhaps the operators behind these warships got a little impatient, and directly reunited more than a dozen warships, formed a strange formation, and fired at the same time.

This time, the density of light bullets was even greater than in the initial sneak attack, covering every dodgeable space of the Necromancer Warship.

A gorgeous firework bloomed beside the huge natural head without causing any waves.

Surviving a desperate situation, Gamora breathed a sigh of relief, watching the fleet chasing his sister and the four necromancer warships away, an instant thought of reneging on the debt came to mind.

Just as he was about to restart the engine and return to ignorance, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed.

Looking up, I saw a medium-sized warship hundreds of meters long appearing above my head at some point, but the radar on the mining spaceship did not give any indication.


A beam of pale yellow light fell from overhead, and Gamora found that he could no longer control the spaceship under his feet.

Knowing that he had been locked by the tractor beam, and there was no possibility of escape, Gamora picked up the cosmic spirit ball placed next to him, and stood alone at the door of the hatch.

Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon, who had just arrived, saw this scene and slammed into it, deliberately letting the tractor beam capture it.

As the tractor beam gradually recovered, three mining spaceships the size of cars also entered the interstellar battleship hundreds of meters long.


The hatch opened automatically, and Gamora, the spaceship next to her, stepped out and landed firmly on the deck. A woman with golden skin, ear-length short hair, well-dressed, and hot figure was in sight.

"Ms. Gamora, Mr. Peter Quill, Mr. Rocket, hello, welcome to starship AWP-745. I am the general manager of the Peace Lovers Club, Delia."

Greeting the three of them with a smile, Delia took the initiative to explain: "Because the boss is still in ignorance, he has entrusted me with the transaction of the Cosmic Spirit Orb."

"I don't want to trade anymore."

Gamora frowned.

"Ha ha."

Expecting this possibility a long time ago, Delia just smiled and squinted at the other party and stopped talking.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Xingjue didn't understand that his prospective new love was obviously conditional on the cosmic spirit ball, in exchange for the other party's help, and eliminated Ronan's pursuers.

However, this is exactly what he wants!

"Hey Gamora, what are you talking about!"

Therefore, he turned into a moral person in an instant, and came out to smooth things over and said: "To be a man, we must be honest. Since we have agreed to the deal, then we should not go back on our word."

After being secretly kicked by Xingjue, Rocket Raccoon woke up like a dream, and hurriedly echoed: "Yes, Gamora, the most important thing in interstellar chaos is to keep credit."

"Several, this is not a place to discuss business, please follow me."

Ignoring the rich body language of the two comedians, Delia made a gesture of invitation: "There will be a grand firework for everyone later."



'Bo! '

"Stage Clear!"

Seeing the voice prompt from the holographic projection screen, Cyber ​​let go of the steering wheel, leaned forward, and then tapped twice on the control panel on his left arm to turn off the projection.

‘Are you out of touch with the times? '

Tiwan found that he couldn't understand the behavior of the man in front of him: "What are you doing?"

"Play games."

Standing up from the chair, Saibo made a 'bye' gesture: "Thank you for providing the venue, see you next time."

He didn't choose to go directly to the spaceship at the port, but came here to prevent accidents and let the cosmic spirit ball fall into Ronan's hands in advance.

Tiwan's collection hall is just at the center of Nihility, and staying here is convenient for him to coordinate the overall situation.

Fortunately, everything is in the calculation.

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