This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 141 All Parties Enter

Ile de la Cité is one of two small adjacent islands in the middle of the Seine, measuring less than two hectares.

As the romantic capital of Paris, even at three o'clock in the morning, the streets are still full of people, especially the Ile de la Cité, which is located in the most prosperous area.

Different from the past, the island of Cité was extraordinarily quiet tonight.

Not only the tourists who can be seen everywhere on weekdays disappeared, even the locals living on the island seemed to have received some news in advance, and they 'fleeed' this right and wrong place in unison.

Moreover, the eight bridges outside the island that could enter the island were all blocked by soldiers with live ammunition.

You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder.

Even if this kind of strong blockade can block ordinary people, it is useless to those dark creatures with extraordinary power.

Perhaps, some people who knew the inside story didn't want to stop those guys who couldn't wait to go in and die, just to prevent some innocent people from going in and dying.


The calm water surface was broken, and all of them were short and fat, with a few slender beards growing from the corners of their mouths, and their bodies were covered with a layer of gray-white appearance, and they landed on the land of Isle de la Cité.

"Remember, never take the initiative to take action before the final winner appears."

Shaking off the water stains on their bodies, the leader among them turned his head, and said earnestly: "With the strength of our rat people, we absolutely cannot compete with those perverts for the "Book of Darkness" head-on. Only then is it possible.”

Seeing the clansmen behind him nodding, the leader of the Ratman hunched over, covered by the night and the buildings, and quietly moved towards the ancient church at the east end of Isle de la Cité.

Make a position.

In the flower garden next to the main road of Isle de la Cité, the land full of various flowers and plants suddenly sunken into a large pit with a diameter of nearly two meters.

Immediately afterwards, a group of lizard-like monsters with dark green scales, crawling on the ground, and spitting out long snake letters crawled out of it.

After vigilantly looking around and confirming safety, the shapes of the monsters began to change one after another.

The legs gradually stood upright, the forelimbs turned into arms, the dark green scales were hidden in the body, revealing the skin of a normal person, and the tail extending from the tailbone disappeared, turning into a human appearance.

"The Book of Darkness is in Notre Dame, let's go there quickly."

After breaking into a nearby shop and looting the clothes from inside and putting them on, a hoarse voice rang out from the crowd.

Compared with these sneaky and dark creatures, the actions of werewolves and witch unions are much more aboveboard.

Yachts galloped from the upper reaches of the Seine and headed straight for the Notre Dame Cathedral at the easternmost end of the Ile de la Cité.

After William's death, the positions of host and guest of werewolves and witches have been exchanged.

Angelica, who is known as the 'Winter Witch', is now at the forefront, while Harold and Amos, the leaders of the other two major clans, follow behind her, like two knights guarding the queen. generally.

Glancing at the hundreds of werewolves following behind him, Harold let out a breath and said in a deep voice, "Shall we go in directly now?"

"You want to be the first to step into this trap?"

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar church in front of me,

The corners of Angelika's lips curled up: "Just wait, sooner or later someone who can't stand greed will find the way for us."

As for the vampires, they recruited the army at the bridgehead...

At about one o'clock in the morning, an armored convoy with a special military number plate came from afar. Two vampire princes, Forsworth and Cromwell, were sitting in one of the cars, closing their eyes and resting their minds.

After verifying the secret order, the soldiers guarding the bridge opened the blockade without saying a word, allowing the convoy to enter the Ile de la Cité unimpeded.

Ten minutes later, another train team arrived, and after verifying the order, it was also put in.

The altitude above the convoy's kilometer.

Saibo crossed his arms, stood on Neltharion's back, stared at the thousands of red dots on the holographic projection screen in front of him, and exclaimed: "You dark creatures are making a lot of noise this time. so many people."

"If it wasn't for the fact that Ile de la Cité is too small, and we have invited the French military to block it, there will definitely be more guys coming tonight."

Rubbing the metal armor on the soles of her feet, Nissa said casually.

"By the way, I've always been curious. Logically speaking, you vampires and humans should be in the relationship between predator and prey."

Glancing at the human soldiers who were inspecting the convoy of the Grand Makinos family on the side screen, Saibo was a little puzzled: "Why do you seem to have a good relationship with the high-level humans in Europe?"

"There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies in the world, only permanent interests."

After seeing the true strength of the man in front of her, the Grand Duchess lost her initial anxiety and explained leisurely: "After the disappearance of Count Dracula in the 20th century, the situation of the vampire family became increasingly difficult, and they had to passively change the way of getting along with humans.

No longer regard them as blood food, but as an equal opponent, and seek the possibility of cooperation.

After tens of hundreds of years of struggle and development, our two races have become me in you, and you in me, and the relationship of interests has become more complicated. "

"Although vampires must live on human blood, after the end of World War II, especially after the invention of mushroom eggs, in order to restore the relationship with human beings, all big families have explicitly prohibited family members from hunting living people at will and drinking blood."

Knowing what the other party cares about, Nisha continued to explain: "They are investing and investing in the establishment of hospitals in various countries around the world, using legal means to obtain blood to survive."

"After a few years of implementation, various high-level vampires have discovered that this method works surprisingly well.

Now, not only do they not need to risk being discovered to hunt for food, they only need to make a phone call to transfer the blood that could only be obtained by slaughtering an entire village a hundred years ago, and the blood transferred from the hospital blood bank is unexpectedly delicious. "

Speaking of this, the Grand Duchess smiled self-deprecatingly: "I have found through research that various viruses and bacteria are rampant in human blood.

Such as HIV virus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex virus hepatitis C virus, hepatitis B virus, West Nile virus, etc... There are even cancer cells that even vampires cannot resist.

Randomly grab a human from the side of the road, there is about a 10% chance of encountering the carriers of these viruses and bacteria. We suck this kind of blood, just like humans eat spoiled food. Not only will it not be beneficial, it may even make people We're 'sick'.

These viruses and bacteria rarely appear in the body of a healthy, beautiful virgin.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for the former vampires to like to drink the blood of such people. "

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