This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 126 Unfinished Full Power

"It's useless, I have seen through all your moves."

Walking to Saibo's side, Gu Yi's tone became softer.

If it was the first time they met, the punch from Shattered Space might indeed hurt her.

However, she has dealt with the same punch tens of thousands of times.

When Cyber ​​began to spin at a high speed, she had already seen what the opponent was thinking, and gave him enough time to let him do whatever he wanted.

Because this move no longer threatened her.

Otherwise, there are hundreds of ways for Ancient One to interrupt the 'forward swing' of cyberspace.

Glancing at the Eye of Agamotto on the opponent's chest, a trace of helplessness flashed in Saibo's eyes.

This kind of guy who can peek into the future and conduct actual combat simulations in alternate futures is really foul.

It was as if all his moves had been seen through by the opponent, and targeted arrangements had been made in advance.

What worries the Kryptonians even more.

Now that Gu Yi knew that the red sun's radiation could weaken him, would he know more about the existence of kryptonite?

Besides, he hadn't forgotten that the other party was the strongest mage on earth and even in the universe.

He had been passively defending just now, instead of taking the initiative to attack himself.

If he really used those special attack magics, he might be much more embarrassed than he is now.

Receiving the feeling of weakness from his body, he glanced at the corner of the other party's clothes that were not in the slightest mess, Saibo pursed his lips, and said with some displeasure, "I admit defeat."

People rely on their strength to open up, and of course Saibo will not say that the other party is playing tricks.

He's not the kind of person who can't afford to lose.

Lu... how did Nietzsche say it?

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

After waving his hand to disperse the four dark red light balls, Gu Yi stared at each other with a smile, and said, "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

She said that as far as it goes, it is as far as it goes,

The other party has already admitted defeat, and she doesn't need to continue to maintain the 'Crimson Sun'.

Safety first, she still hasn't exchanged her body from the parallel universe.

On several occasions, the other party took advantage of this opportunity to sneak attack and seriously injure her.


Cyber ​​nodded, eagerly absorbing the sunlight to replenish the energy consumed in his body.

Although he still has a lot of methods that he hasn't used, and what he used just now is only his own conventional strength, but this is not a life-and-death struggle, and there is no need to do it to that extent.

‘Alas, the blood of ordinary Kryptonians still has too many weaknesses after all. '

Realizing the gap between himself and the top heavenly father-level powerhouse like Gu Yi, Saibo sighed silently, and asked curiously: "Who is stronger, you or Odin."

"He can't kill me, and I can't beat him."

Glancing casually at the ground below, Gu looked calm, thought for a while, and added: "Without using the Eye of Agamotto."

‘It seems that the bald woman is a bit weaker than the one-eyed old man, no wonder Asgard is the nominal master of the nine realms. '

Knowing the general strength of the two, Saibo asked: "By the way, how many heavenly father-level powerhouses like you are there on Earth?"

This time, Gu Yi didn't answer directly, but said mysteriously: "This needs to be explored by yourself."

Afterwards, the cyber issue was ignored.

A few minutes later, Gu Yi stretched out his left hand, drew a circle towards the empty space in front of him, pulled out a space door, and saw off the guest: "Okay, you have almost recovered, and it's time to leave."

"It's heartless."

With a dissatisfied murmur, after confirming that there was no hidden danger behind the door, Saibo folded his arms and floated in slowly: "Master Gu Yi, look forward to our meeting in a higher dimension."

Of course he knew that the other party didn't really die in the plot of "Doctor Strange", but abandoned his body, sublimated his soul, and went to explore a wider world.

After the space door was completely closed, Gu Yi squinted his eyes, stood on the cliff, looked at the setting sun in the east, and fell into deep thought.

What she didn't tell Cyber ​​just now is that she is also one of the cores of this multiverse.

When she chose to meet the other party here, she had already determined a backbone from the infinite future.

Gu Yi didn't know whether it would be good or bad to let such a variable exist.

Because, even with the help of the time gem, she can only peek into the future seven years at most.

In the future, due to the influence of certain forces, she can no longer see clearly.

In fact, she had thought of keeping the other party here just now.

However, including this time, she and the opponent met a total of 68,213,895 times and fought 5,234,651 times.

Among them, there were 3,925,486 draws and 941,548 wins, and her winning rate was higher as she got to the back, and she tried to forcefully kill the opponent 20,154 times.

But without exception, in the future when cyber is killed, the earth and even the entire universe will inevitably go to destruction.

Some are caused by his backhands, some are caused by some people's revenge for the opponent, some are directly blackened after the opponent's inexplicable resurrection, and some are caused by some unstoppable enemies.

Looking at the half-cut snow mountain under his feet, Gu Yi pinched out a seal formula with his fingers, and the Eye of Agamotto on his chest opened, releasing a green light, covering the entire mountain.

After the green light and Gu Yi's figure disappeared without a trace, the majestic snow mountain had recovered.


In the dim corridor, a spark suddenly lit up, and then the spark expanded rapidly, forming a circular space door.

Immediately, a black figure floated out of it.

'Where is this? '

Looking around at the graffiti-filled walls, doubts flashed across Saibo's mind, and he directly turned on the super hearing to collect information.

French, Paris, 18th arrondissement.

"What did you send me here to do?"

Muttering dissatisfiedly, Cyber ​​scratched the '5' logo on his chest a few times, and then pressed it lightly, and the black tights instantly changed into a set of blue-gray casual clothes.

Logically speaking, a person like Gu Yi should not be aimless. Sending himself here must have some clear purpose, and there will be no great danger.

Wanting to understand this, Cyber ​​simply shut down his super senses.

He wanted to see what surprise the bald woman had prepared for him.

Walking to the end of the corridor, turning a corner, and going down a flight of stairs, Saibo's footsteps stopped in front of a metal door.

"Scarlet Paradise Bar?"

Looking up at the words made of pink LED lights above the gate, Saibo didn't pay any more attention, and pushed open the gate in front of him.

The blinding lights, the deafening rock music, the hormonal breath of bodyguards, the men and women who gather together on the dance floor and twist their bodies crazily.

There is still a trace of blood?

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