This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 122 You Are Here

At the beginning, Cyber ​​only chose to announce the list of Pierce's Hydra, but did not expose the list of other Hydra's forces.

The purpose is to prevent any moth from appearing and affecting the birth of the 'Scarlet Witch'.

Now that the 'Scarlet Witch' has appeared as in the original book, he will naturally not let the Hydra in this branch go on at ease.

And the purpose of this trip is not only Wanda, but also the mind gem stored in Loki's scepter.

Among the six infinite gems, the gem of reality is dispensable to Cyber, so he didn't forcefully snatch it in the battle of the dark elves and gave it to Asgard.

The Mind Stone is his second priority.

This infinite gem can not only make up for the big hole in the Kryptonian's mind, greatly improve Cyber's mind resistance, but also plays a vital role in Alita's evolution.

After all, the birth of the only two intelligent life in the original MCU is inseparable from this gem,

Even more beautiful, if you can gain the power of idealism through comprehension of this gem.

Then wouldn't he be able to become a real One Punch Man like Da Chao?

At that time, no matter what Thanos, Ancient One, or Odin is, it's just a matter of punching him.

If that doesn't work, get serious and pack another punch.

Raise your right fist.

Tighten the abdomen, twist the waist, and smash out like a cannonball, bringing a sonic boom with a punch.

'boom! '

The red fist collided with the light blue energy shield, making a loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, the energy shield, which was enough to defend against a small-yield nuclear bomb, disappeared instantly like a punctured bubble.

Slowly adjust your facial bones, shorten your height by a few centimeters, and then tighten your bulging muscles.

In a blink of an eye, Cyber ​​has changed drastically. Even if Alita uses the most advanced facial recognition software, he still cannot identify his true identity.

This change was made naturally because Saibo did not intend to contact Wanda in his apparent identity.

He already has a Lorna by his side,

Then use your original identity to contact, it is difficult to completely gain the trust of the other party.

Without complete trust, Saibo naturally didn't dare to let her do that for him.


Well, he admits that he is a scumbag.

I don't want to face the Shura field in the future, so I can hide it for a while, let's cultivate my relationship first.

Taking a step, Saibo just wanted to move, but his body suddenly froze, and his face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the air ahead, a little orange-yellow magic spark suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, the sparks rapidly expanded in Cyber's eyes, and formed a circular space portal, and quickly slammed towards him.

Facing the round space door that came galloping suddenly, Cyber ​​did not dodge or dodge, allowing it to swallow itself in.

If he wants to hide, he can naturally avoid this space door which in his eyes is not much faster than a snail.

However, that bald woman in Gu Yi wanted to see her, so what's the point of avoiding that space door?

As soon as the surrounding scenery changed, the sky was already bright.

Turn on the super vision, scan the surrounding terrain, and Saibo confirms.

He has come to the top of a certain snow mountain in the Himalayas.

Turning his eyes to the shining bald head, Saibo's face was displeased, and he asked as he walked, "Master Gu Yi, what do you mean?"

Gu Yi was wearing her god's iconic bright yellow mage robe, facing the setting sun in the east, sitting cross-legged, floating in the mid-air above the edge of the cliff.

"You came."

Turning around, meeting Saibo's eyes, Gu Yi smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand as an invitation: "Please sit down."

As the words fell, the snow on the top of the mountain gathered automatically, forming a seat made of ice and snow.

"I am coming."

Ignoring Gu Yi's good intentions, Saibo crossed the seat, and when he came to Gu Yi or two meters away, he activated the biological force field, slowly floated up, imitating the other party's appearance, and sat cross-legged, hanging in the air.

Don't let the other party take the absolute initiative!

"I knew you would come."

With a wave of his hand, the ice and snow seat in front of him was dispersed, and Gu Yi uttered standard Mandarin.

"I also know you know I'm coming."

Seeing the familiar attitude of the other party, Saibo narrowed his eyes: "How many times have we met?"

"The first time and the 68213894th time."

He took out two ceramic teacups and a purple sand teapot from nowhere, and after filling both cups with steaming hot tea, Gu Yi pushed one of the teacups in front of Saibo, and took a sip from the teacup in front of him.

"Is that the last time?"

After drinking the hot tea in one gulp, Cyber ​​said teasingly.

He has always disliked such bitter drinks.

Gu Yi nodded with a smile, without any surprise or anger.

"Actually, as early as nineteen years ago, when I first came to this world, I have been waiting to meet you, but I didn't expect that you didn't take the initiative to come to me for so many years."

Glancing at the cup that was automatically filled with tea, Saibo's mentality became more peaceful, and he wondered: "I'm curious, shouldn't you be the first to drive out, imprison, Killed or exiled?

Why do you just let me live on the earth like this? Are you not afraid of creating a butterfly effect and destroying the future you originally chose? "

"Because some great being wants you to stay."

The ancient master sighed, and the news came out of the mouth: "Also, I can see that although your body belongs to a certain gifted alien race, the essence of your soul is still human, not from other dimensions. of those creatures.

I believe that you are a kind person, and your existence will add more guarantees to the safety of the earth. "

She believes in a fart!

Wasn't it because after spying on hundreds of millions of futures through the time gem, it was discovered that among the possibilities beyond that, the other party neither took the initiative to destroy the earth nor had the idea of ​​ruling mankind. Instead, they repelled powerful enemies many times and avoided the destruction of the earth Only then did he feel relieved of his fate.

‘Isn’t my time travel an accident?

But what kind of PY deal did some bigwigs from DC reach with the bigwigs from Marvel? '

Saibo frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple, and countless schemes and schemes flashed through his mind.

"Why did you choose this moment to meet me?"

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Saibo spoke in a bad tone.

Of course he could see that the other party chose this moment to meet him, naturally to prevent his next actions.

"The time has not come."

Gu Yi understood what the other party was referring to, and patiently explained: "The past cannot be changed. When it happens, it will become an established fact. But there are countless possibilities in the future, both good and bad."

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