This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 101 Obsession

"So, I compiled a dream for Pierce, which promoted the development of the insight plan. As long as the insight plan is successfully implemented, no matter whether Hydra succeeds in ruling the world in the end, it will greatly change the pattern of the human world.

During World War I, they didn't attack directly. During World War II, I faintly noticed their movements, but I didn't figure out their true colors.

This time I want to see if they will really show up, stop my actions, and maintain the development track they originally set for human civilization. "

'Crack! '

Sebo couldn't help applauding for the opponent.

After the operation of Alita and the Sky Eye satellite system, Cyber ​​did notice the clues in this regard, but he didn't fully understand what those unknown forces were. He only knew that one of them was a group of mages headed by the Supreme Mage .

However, it is indeed a remarkable person for Dr. Zola to discover this as an ordinary person.

Asked rhetorically: "Aren't you afraid of killing you after forcing them out, or, don't you doubt that this series of actions of yours was also deliberately guided by them?"

"I'm not that easy to kill."

Zola grinned: "Also, of course I doubted it, but this kind of doubt is meaningless, whether it is guided by them or not, this is what I want to do.

Their existence has greatly hindered my pace of exploring the truth and limited the infinite possibilities of the future of mankind. "

Zola has self-knowledge, relying on himself, it is impossible to answer the questions he just raised, and he must rely on the strength of the huge group of human beings.

He now has a nearly infinite lifespan, as long as he parasitizes on the human species with unlimited potential, he will be able to achieve his goal sooner or later.

Finding out the identities of those people behind the scenes and their weaknesses is the first step for him.

"So, you are still a good person for the sake of all mankind?"

Saibo's tone was teasing, and he sneered mercilessly.

"From the perspective of a human group, I am indeed a 'good person'. But I also know that from a personal 'moral' perspective, I am a villain who has done all kinds of bad things, perhaps using a new word that has appeared on the Internet in recent years — 'Supervillain' would be a more appropriate description."

Zola told the truth, and then sent an invitation to Saibo: "I can see that you are also a person who pursues the truth, how about joining me, or giving up meddling in this matter?"

After turning around, Saibo's eyes met the monitoring probe on the monitor again: "To be honest, you disappointed me."


A row of question marks appeared on the display.

Didn't you still applaud yourself just now? Why did he turn around and mock himself.

"I thought you could bring me some surprises, but I didn't expect..."

Cyber ​​shook his head, disappointment palpable.

In fact, as early as five or six years ago, Cyber ​​wanted to meet Dr. Zola.

When watching "Captain America 2" in the cinema in his previous life, Sebo was very interested in the existence of Dr. Zola, especially after knowing that this is the Marvel world, he couldn't wait.

He saw a possibility in Dr. Zola.

A possibility of "flesh and blood, mechanical ascension".

However, when he was traveling in New Jersey, he used his super vision to look over here from a distance, but he didn't find the other party's trace, so he stayed still.

Therefore, Dennis appeared later.

Denise, and even the entire beta team, is his exploration of this path.

But unexpectedly, after reading all the data in the antique machine in the basement with his super vision, he discovered that the current Dr. Zola is not a real intelligent life at all.

Just a strong artificial intelligence with the memory and thinking of Dr. Zola,

The life form is slightly stronger than Alita, but not by much.

Isn't this guy in front of him the main body?

"The signal is blocked."

Hearing Alita's prompt, Cyber ​​decided to show his cards: "So, have you dragged enough time?"

"Of course, this place was originally a trap for Steve Rogers, but I didn't expect you to be the first to come here."

Dr. Zola did not shy away, and expressed his plan openly: "In order to cope with your arrival, I must switch to B, but the hardware here is too old, and it took me a lot of time."

'Boom! '

Throwing out an energy cannon in his hand, the console in front of him was blown to pieces, and then Saibo turned around slowly, looking solemnly into the depths of the basement.

'Boom. ’ ‘Boom. ’ ‘Boom. '...

A heavy footstep sounded suddenly, from far to near, echoing in the basement.


The gray-blue tight-fitting uniform is bulged by the muscles inside, with a white five-pointed star on the chest, and a blue half-covered hood on his head. He is about 2.5 meters tall, and his bare skin is shiny. , showing turquoise, Cyber ​​was surprised.

But how did the Hulk wear Captain America's uniform?

Did Dr. Banner know that he was greened by the US team, and put on his uniform to do bad things and take revenge?

"No, this is the strongest biological weapon I created by combining the Hulk's gamma rays with the clone of Steve Rogers. I call it Captain Zola."

Behind Captain Zola, a robot about the same height stepped out from behind, and Dr. Zola's cold, mechanical voice came out.

The limbs of the robot are dark gold, as if they are stitched together by rings, and the main body of the torso is covered with a layer of bright purple fireproof material. There is a large display screen in the center of the chest, showing Dr. Zola's circle There is no neck above the head, only a cylindrical surveillance probe.

‘How deep is your obsession with Captain America?

Not only did he want to pull the other party to die together in the original book, but now he forcibly fuses his DNA with the Hulk to create a monster full of philosophy. Are you going to pull him out to disgust him? '

Looking at the two nondescript monsters in front of him, Saibo couldn't help but rolled his eyes.


After receiving the order to attack, Captain Zola roared, patted his chest like the handsome boy on Skull Island, stepped on the ground with force, and flew towards the cyberspace.


A circle of air blasted from the clash of black and green fists.

Immediately afterwards, the blue figure flew out backwards, and smashed straight towards Dr. Zola.

The flying figure flashed sideways, and Dr. Zola was puzzled: "Why is your armor so strong?"

Although Captain Zora's strength is not as strong as Hulk's, he is still more than five hundred tons, and he fell into an obvious disadvantage in the first fight.

Could it be that the technological content of the opponent's armor is several generations more advanced than Tony Stark's armor?

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