This Is My Primitive Tribe

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Crocodile tribe

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Jiang Xuan and Shan Crab swept away all the meat worms, and they were still not satisfied.

Jiang Xuandao: "Leader of mountain crabs, meat worms are so delicious, can they be raised?"

The mountain crab was stunned: "Raising meat worms?"

"That's right, you can dig a small lake by the river, and then keep the meat worms you catch in it. If you raise more, you can catch them and eat them at any time in the future?"

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Shan Crab asked hesitantly, "Is this really possible?"

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "Is it possible? Just try it and you'll know? It's just digging a lake anyway."

Mountain Crab thought for a while, then nodded decisively: "Okay, then give it a try!"

Although meat worms are delicious, they are difficult to catch, and if you catch them frequently, the number will decrease.

If it can be cultivated artificially, in the future, if you want to eat meat worms, you don't have to rely on big crabs to catch them in the river.

The idea of ​​mountain crabs is very simple. It is simply to eat more meat worms in the future. Anyway, no matter whether the breeding is successful or not, the crab tribe has nothing to lose.

At this time, he didn't know how much benefit it would bring to the crab tribe by raising meat worms.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Xuan began to trade with the crab tribe.

Although Jiang Xuan came alone this time, he also prepared a lot of goods.

The transportation in the primitive world is extremely inconvenient. If each tribe wants to obtain the materials they need, in addition to trading with nearby tribes, they can only rely on the Black Teeth tribe, which is a long-distance trading team.

Therefore, the identity of the Far Traveler is a good disguise. When you go to a strange tribe, as long as you say that you are here to do business, few tribes will refuse.

Jiang Xuan took out several pieces of pottery from the animal skin bag, including small pottery such as pottery cups, pottery bowls, and pottery bottles.

When the mountain crab saw so many exquisite pottery, it felt that the eyes were not enough.

He had been shocked by a single pottery bowl before, but now he felt dizzy when he saw so many exquisite pottery.


Among the crowd, a chunky middle-aged man stepped out, and the surrounding crab tribe warriors stepped aside one after another, obviously respecting him.

The tribesmen eat poorly, live poorly, exercise absurdly, and are generally black and thin, with very few obese people.

But this middle-aged man has grown fat, which is really different.

The middle-aged man said to Jiang Xuan, "Are you here to make a deal?"

"Yes, I brought some goods, maybe you will like it."

"Show me a few."

Jiang Xuan took out a pottery bowl from the animal skin bag and said, "This is the exquisite pottery made by our rattan tribe, take it."

Jiang Xuan threw the pottery bowl at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man looked fat, but he was very agile. He stretched out his hand and caught the pottery bowl firmly.

He looked at the pottery bowl and saw that there were many beautiful pictures on the bowl, including flowers, trees, and birds.

Not only that, but these pictures are all colored!

This is the latest technology - painting and glazing, which was developed by the Teng tribe pottery workshop inspired by Jiang Xuan.

They first painted eucalyptus with mineral raw materials on the pottery blank. After drying, they painted the surface with a glaze made of clay and stone powder and water.

After being fired at high temperature in the kiln, a layer of glass-like glaze will appear on the surface of the pottery, and the patterns in the glaze will also appear.

Such pottery, although not yet porcelain, is close to porcelain!

When the middle-aged man saw such pottery, his eyes were straight. He had never seen such exquisite pottery in his life!

He took the pottery and admired it over and over again, and couldn't put it down.

After he finally regained some sense of reason, he immediately looked at Jiang Xuan with a warm smile on his face.

The middle-aged man first waved to those who stood up and put away their weapons, and then said to Jiang Xuan, "Friends from afar, welcome to the crab tribe, I am the leader of the crab tribe, the mountain crab."

"Our crab tribe likes to trade with people from other tribes. Come down quickly."

Jiang Xuandao: "If I go down, the warriors of your crab tribe will not attack, right?"

The mountain crab patted his chest and assured: "I swear to the crab god, the crab tribe warriors will never attack you!"

Jiang Xuan nodded and swore to the Totem God that it was still a bit binding for the tribesmen.

What's more, there is still a vine bestowed by the **** vine around his left arm. As long as he does not encounter the totem **** of the big tribe, it is not so easy for others to kill him.


Jiang Xuan took an animal skin bag and calmly walked down the wings of the dumplings.

Seeing this scene, the warriors of the crab tribe had envious looks in their eyes. Who wouldn't want to have a ferocious bird that can only carry itself and understand human nature?

"Boss Xuan, return this pottery bowl to you."

Although the mountain crab was very reluctant, but there was no transaction yet, he could only return the pottery bowl to Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan smiled and pushed the pottery bowl back, and said, "Giving this pottery bowl to the leader of the mountain crab is a gift."

" is this funny?"

The mountain crab said something embarrassing, but his hands shrank back, holding the pottery bowl tightly.

"Hahaha, if the mountain crab leader feels embarrassed, just treat me to a barbecue. After running so far, I'm hungry."

Mountain Crab said vigorously: "How can a barbecue be enough, at least three meals!"

"Boss Xuan, walk around, I'll take you to eat something good."

As the so-called short-handed, soft-mouthed eating people, the mountain crab got a valuable and exquisite pottery bowl, and became enthusiastic about Jiang Xuan.

The two of them crossed their shoulders, chatted while walking, and laughed happily, just like old friends reunited after a long absence.

Along the way, Jiang Xuan observed the surrounding environment.

He found that there were earth holes all over the river bank, and in each earth hole lived a big crab.

When the dumplings landed, these big crabs and the soldiers surrounded the dumplings. After the misunderstanding was resolved, the big crabs spread their eight long legs and crawls back into their soil holes.

On the big rocks by the river or the trunks of big trees, many totem patterns were painted with blue-gray pigments, which shows that the crab tribe has lived here for a long time.

After entering the crab tribe, Jiang Xuan saw a lot of steamed bun-shaped buildings.

These buildings are relatively low, Jiang Xuan carefully observed and found that it is a three-story structure.

The innermost layer is sturdy wood, the middle layer is mud, and the outer layer is a kind of banana leaf-like leaf, which is woven into a waterproof roof.

The Crab Tribe obviously had few outsiders. After Jiang Xuan and Shan Crab entered, countless clansmen gathered around and looked at it with strange eyes.

This feeling of being watched is very bad, making Jiang Xuan feel like an animal in a zoo.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for him to be invited by the mountain crab to a relatively large steamed bun-shaped house in the middle of the tribe.

The house was neither wide nor high, with a fire in the middle and a bed covered with animal skins beside it.

Because the riverside is relatively humid, the bed of the crab tribe is made of stone and wood, about 30 centimeters above the ground, which can isolate the wet ground.

Because the space is relatively small, after Jiang Xuan entered, he could only sit on the ground with the crab.

Of course, the ground was paved with those broad leaves and hides.

"Boss Xuan, take a seat first, I'll treat you to a good meal!"

The mountain crab walked to the door and gave a few words to a soldier. The soldier nodded and ran away in a puff of smoke.

After the crab came back, Jiang Xuan asked curiously, "What good food to eat?"

The mountain crab smiled mysteriously and said, "You will know in a while, this thing can't be eaten in other tribes."

Jiang Xuan is even more curious about this, is it a special product?

But if the crab didn't say it, he had no choice but to wait patiently.

While waiting, the mountain crab cut a few pounds of animal meat, cut it into small pieces and roasted it for Jiang Xuan to eat.

When there is no oil, roasting meat is actually very troublesome. If a large piece is directly roasted on the fire, it is likely to be cooked on the outside and still raw on the inside.

Therefore, it is a better choice to cut the meat into finger-sized pieces and skewer them with wooden sticks, because they cook quickly and thoroughly.

Of course, there are some tribesmen who often eat half-cooked meat, as long as they can fill their stomachs.

After Jiang Xuan ate a few skewers of meat, there was a "rustling" sound from outside, and the mountain crab was shocked and stood up immediately.

"Boss Xuan, something good is coming!"

Mountain Crab walked towards the door first, and Jiang Xuan also followed out of curiosity

When he came outside, he saw a very strange scene.

I saw more than a dozen crabs the size of a grinding plate, standing in a row in the open space at the door, and two strange "bugs" were sandwiched between the claws of each big crab.

The worm is pink, about thirty centimeters long, as thick as an ordinary glass, without eyes, without a nose, but with a mouth.

The insect's abdomen has two rows of fingers-long tentacles, which looks very strange.

When the mountain crab saw so many bugs, his face bloomed with a smile.

"Boss Xuan, you have a good time today. You can't catch so many meat worms normally."

"Meat worms?" Jiang Xuan was puzzled, why is this thing called a meat worm?

The mountain crab explained: "This worm is full of meat, so we call it a meat worm!"

"The meat worm lives at the bottom of the river and swims very fast. Only the big crabs of our crab tribe can catch it. Other tribes can't eat such delicious food."

Jiang Xuan looked at these big pink worms suspiciously, deeply doubting whether it was really as delicious as the crab said.

Because in many places, the local delicacies can only be enjoyed by locals, and it is difficult for foreigners to swallow.

The mountain crab waved to the big crabs and said, "Let it go."

More than a dozen big crabs put down the meat worms in their claws and quickly crawled away.

The pink worms were writhing on the ground, trying to get back into the water.

The mountain crab quickly collected all these meat worms. Then, he used a sharp stone knife to cut the head and tail of the meat worm, and easily pulled out two tachyon-sized intestines from it.

Finally, he wrapped the worms with two large leaves and took them back to the house.

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