This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 209: snake repellent herbs

After returning from the frog tribe, Jiang Xuan found Chishao directly and asked her about the special abilities that the warriors of the big tribe could obtain.

"What the Frog Tribe said is true."

Chi Shao gave Jiang Xuan an affirmative answer.

"The old witch said that once the totem **** breaks through to the realm of the great god, there will be many changes."

"One of the changes is to be able to communicate directly with all living beings, such as human language, animal language, bird language, etc."

"The second change is that it can endow the warriors of this tribe with some abilities that belong to the gods, such as the night vision and agility abilities obtained by the warriors of the Black Snake Tribe."

"As for other changes, the old witch didn't say anything, maybe only God knows it."

After listening to Chi Shao's words, Jiang Xuan asked curiously, "If Fuji God breaks through to the realm of the great gods, what abilities can we gain?"

Chi Shao thought about it and said, "It should have more tenacious vitality and faster wound self-healing ability."

Jiang Xuan asked in surprise: "No ability to control vines?"

Chi Shao smiled and said: "Xuan, that is the ability of the witch, and I want to correct you, we are not controlling vine plants, but asking vine plants to help."

"Oh, yes yes yes, help."

Jiang Xuan remembered that the Fuji God was not far away, so he quickly corrected his words.

Some things still have to be paid attention to, otherwise, in case the Vine God is a careful eye, can't find a chance to clean him up after hearing it?

"The warriors of the Black Snake Tribe have special abilities, but the warriors of our Vine Tribe have no special abilities, and their numbers far exceed us. How should we fight this battle?"

Jiang Xuan was very distressed. In the past, when dealing with small tribes, he could rely on the strength of the Vine God to crush them, and when dealing with medium-sized tribes, he could combine other tribes and strategies, but what should we do against large tribes?

In the face of strength strong enough to crush, all strategies will appear pale and powerless.

At this moment, Chi Shao said: "It's not completely helpless."

Jiang Xuan's eyes lit up and said, "Sister, have you thought of a good way?"

Chishao said: "Actually, we don't have to fight the Black Snake Tribe, and the Black Snake Tribe will not choose to settle here, so just avoid the Black Snake Tribe and wait for them to leave."

Jiang Xuan said discouraged: "That's what I said, but where can we hide with so many people from the Veng tribe?"

Chi Shao smiled slightly: "We don't go anywhere, we just stay in the tribe."

"The Black Snake Tribe that stays in the tribe will definitely come to loot, but any tribe that migrates to the Southern Wilderness will not be looting everywhere, not to mention that so many people in the Black Snake Tribe need to eat."


Jiang Xuan is very clear that the current Vine tribe is like a big piece of fat. As long as it is found, everyone wants to take a bite, because they have too much food.

"What if we planted snake-repellent herbs all around the tribe?"


Jiang Xuan looked at Chi Shao, hoping that she could explain in detail.

Chishao continued: "I thought about this when the Mosquito Tribe attacked, if we planted mosquito repellent herbs all around the tribe, the giant mosquitoes of the Mosquito Tribe would not come near here again. "

"The same is true for the Black Snake Tribe. Their most powerful are not those warriors, but countless snakes, including their totem gods."

"If we planted snake-repellent herbs all around the tribe, the snakes would steer far away when they smelled it."

"The tribesmen have a habit of trusting the judgment of the pets of war. Where the snakes do not go, the warriors of the Black Snake Tribe will definitely think it is dangerous, and then avoid that place."

In terms of knowledge, Chishao may not be as good as Jiang Xuan, but in terms of experience and understanding of tribal people, Chishao is definitely much stronger than Jiang Xuan.

Therefore, Jiang Xuan nodded immediately after hearing Chi Shao's words.

"However, the Black Snake Tribe will be here soon. Where can we find so many snake-repellent herbs? Not to mention that we have to grow crops."

Chi Shao smiled and said, "Vine God can help."


Jiang Xuan suddenly remembered the previous scene where the vines controlled various magical plants to destroy the enemy. As a powerful totem god, it could control more than just vines.

Chishao said again: "Xuan, now you can send as many people as possible to the nearby forest to find snake-repellent herbs, and then plant them on the periphery of the vine wall. The vine **** will let them grow on a large scale."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Jiang Xuan hurriedly left Chishao's yard, and then summoned the various leaders, and asked them to take their soldiers to the nearby forest to find herbs for repelling snakes.

Tribal people have long lived in virgin forests and are no strangers to snake-repellent herbs. Most people know one or two of them. When they go out for hunting, they also carry some powdered snake-repellent herbs with them.

Therefore, after Jiang Xuan's order, apart from the guards and ordinary clansmen who were incapable of fighting, other warriors went into various forests one after another, looking for snake-repellent herbs.

After the frog tribe got the news, they also searched for it. They were more afraid of the black snake tribe than the vine tribe.

Two days later, almost all the snake-repellent herbs in the nearby forest were dug up and planted around the Vine tribe.

In the early morning of the third day, under the prayer of Chishao, the mist on the stone mountain dissipated again.


The divine vines bloomed with endless green divine light, and the terrifying divine power was overwhelming, and all the creatures around were trembling with fear.

One hundred and eight giant dragonflies that had successfully transformed flew up from the stone mountain and danced constantly over the Vine Tribe. The sound of their wings flapping could be heard far away.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Countless green vines grew rapidly, like green dragons, extending around the vine tribe.

From a distance, the sky above the vine tribe seems to have opened a large green umbrella, the stone mountain is the umbrella handle, the green vine is the umbrella bone, and the dense leaves are the umbrella surface, which is very spectacular.


The green vines spread out to the perimeter of the vine wall, and then sprinkled a large amount of green divine liquid on the snake repellent herbs that had just been planted.

These green divine fluids contain a huge amount of life force. Those herbal repellents that had been sluggish due to transplanting, with drooping branches and leaves, were watered by the green divine fluid and immediately regained their energy.

Their curved main stems straightened quickly, their drooping branches and leaves quickly stretched, and their underground roots grew rapidly.

It didn't take long for these repellent herbs to grow very lush, as if they had been planted for a year or two.

However, Fujisami's magical powers don't stop there.


More divine liquid spilled down, and the snake repellent herbs began to bloom and bear fruit quickly, and then new plants grew again.

In a very short period of time, these repellent herbs seemed to be accelerated by time, quickly multiplying more plants.

The clansmen of the Vine tribe and the clansmen of the outer tribes were all stunned when they saw this magical scene.

The clansmen of the Veng tribe are even more fanatical about the worship of the gods, and even when they look at the foreign tribesmen, they hold their heads high and have a sense of pride.

On the other hand, people from the outer tribes, as well as those tourists, are envious of the Vine tribe having such a powerful totem god.

Soon, the outside of the vine wall was covered with various snake-repellent herbs, and the smell was very strong. After the nearby snakes smelled it, they immediately stayed away from this place.

After smelling the smell of these snake-repelling herbs, the snakes in the Vine tribe fled outside one after another. Many of them were directly captured by the warriors of the Veng tribe, and they happily prepared to cook at night.

When those snake repellent herbs grow to a certain scale, the divine vine will no longer spill the divine liquid.

All the vines began to be recovered, as if the umbrella was closed, and re-wound on the stone mountain.

The giant dragonflies that were constantly flying in the air also fell back onto the vines.

The mist shrouded Shishan again, the divine vine once again restrained its divine power, and the miracle ended.

Standing outside the vine wall, Jiang Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the snake-repellent herbs growing in sheets.

"I hope these snake repellent herbs can really stop the black snake tribe from coming here."

Jiang Xuan walked outside the tribe for a while, and thought again: "The Teng tribe is safe for the time being, but it's hard to say about the other tribes."

Jiang Xuan thought of the three allies, the Mountain Turtle Tribe, the Sparrow Tribe and the Unicorn Tribe. They also contributed a lot to attack the Mengniao Tribe together.

Of course, after conquering the Mengniao tribe, the three small tribes also acquired a lot of resources and strengthened their tribes to varying degrees.

The Vine tribe is now protected by these repelling herbs, but the three small tribes do not. It would be a pity if they were killed by the Black Snake tribe.

Jiang Xuan thought about it for a and said to himself, "It's time to remind them that they have done their duty. It's their own business whether they listen or not."

The Mountain Turtle Tribe is an old ally, and Jiang Xuan does not want them to have an accident.

Jiang Xuan made up his mind, then used the bone whistle to summon the dumplings, and rode the dumplings to the mountain turtle tribe.


The sound of the bone whistle is not sharp, on the contrary, it is very long, like a bird, like a deer.


A bird chirped in the vine tribe, and then, a huge figure of Tang Yuan appeared, with purple feathers shining in the sunlight.

After several years of growth, the size of the dumplings has become larger and larger. Now the wingspan has reached more than 40 meters, and the bird's nest next to Jiang Xuan's courtyard is already larger than the house.

Maybe it is because of living with people since childhood. Like the giant eagle, the glutinous rice **** did not build their nests on the mountain, but continued to stay on the ground and beside the house.

Tangyuan didn't go out hunting today, when Jiang Xuan's bone whistle sounded, it flew over immediately.


The dumplings fell to the ground, and the sharp claws left eight deep pits on the ground, and the strong wind from the wings blew the nearby branches.

After landing, the dumplings, like a giant eagle, lowered one of their wings to touch the ground, and Jiang Xuan could walk directly to its back along the wings.

"Let's go."

After sitting on the back of the glutinous rice balls, Jiang Xuan said something in a daze, and the tangyuan immediately kicked his legs, flapped his wings, and flew into the sky in a short while.

"What a terrible beast, if only I could have one too."

"Do you have the strength of the leader of the Vine Tribe?"

"That's right, they are five-color warriors!"


Nearby outsiders and tourists were talking a lot. They looked up at the dumplings and looked at them with envy in their eyes.

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