This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 204: money is a good thing

In the smelting workshop, the first set of knife coins was produced.


Jiang Xuan picked up a large knife coin and a small knife coin and collided with each other a few times, making a crisp metal collision sound.

The large knife coin is about **** wide and twenty centimeters long. The handle part has the totem pattern of the rattan tribe, and there is a ring at the end.

The small knife coin is about one finger wide and ten centimeters long. The shape is similar to the big knife coin, but it is smaller.

Jiang Xuan carefully looked at the two knife coins, and said with satisfaction: "The casting is not bad, it is better than I expected."

The soldier on the side asked in a low voice, "Boss, is this thing really that useful?"

"Of course, this is the future money of our Vine tribe. Money is a good thing, and you will know its benefits in the future."

Jiang Xuan picked up a small knife coin and said, "This small knife coin can be exchanged for ten catties of grain."

There is a steelyard in the smelting workshop, so these warriors know about ten catties of grain.

Jiang Xuan picked up another big knife coin and said, "This big knife coin can be exchanged for one hundred catties of grain!"

When the soldiers heard this, their eyes straightened.

The tribesmen were hungry, very sensitive to food, and greedy. When they heard that a big knife coin can be exchanged for one hundred catties of food, they suddenly had a different opinion on this knife coin.

If you can really exchange food, this is a good thing!

"It's not just food. When we fully promote knife coins, it can buy almost all goods. Now you know how important it is?"

Those warriors nodded, staring intently at the knife coins.

Jiang Xuan glanced at their performance, and raised his vigilance in his heart, because people are greedy. If the power of coinage is handed over to the smelting workshop, what if they secretly mint some knife coins themselves?

Some things can't be saved until they happen. Preventing problems before they happen is the best choice.

At this moment, a soldier stared at the knife coin for a long time, and said to Jiang Xuan cautiously: "Leader, one big knife coin can be exchanged for ten small knife coins, right?"

"That's right." Jiang Xuan looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what he wanted to say.

The soldier hesitated for a moment, and then said, "What if someone melted the small knife coins and minted more large knife coins?"

"What?" Jiang Xuan's face finally turned serious, this was a question he hadn't thought of.

The soldier pointed to the knife coin in Jiang Xuan's hand: "Boss, look, this big knife coin is a little bigger than the small knife coin, but it's not much bigger. We can use up to three small knife coins to cast it into a big knife. currency."

"If someone secretly learns the technique of minting knife coins in the future, and then collects a large number of small knife coins, three small knife coins can be melted and cast into one large knife coin, but according to what the leader just said, one large knife coin can actually be exchanged for ten A small knife coin."

The soldier looked at Jiang Xuan cautiously, and his voice became smaller and smaller: "Then... did he make a lot of money?"

After Jiang Xuan heard it, he only felt a tightness in his heart. If someone really did this, the Veng tribe would lose a lot.

He never dared to underestimate the wisdom of the tribal people, because the tribal people are just less knowledgeable, not stupid, there are too many smart people.

No one can guarantee that the bronze smelting and casting techniques of the Veng tribe will never be learned by people from the outside tribe.

Even if it is never learned by people from outside tribes, who can guarantee that under the temptation of huge interests, no one inside the Vine tribe will take risks and cast it privately?

Jiang Xuan looked at the warrior and said, "If I remember correctly, your name is White Fang, right?"

"Yes, chief." White Fang was a little excited, because the chief remembered his name.

"White Fang, how do you think this problem should be solved?"

White Fang thought about it for a while, and said, "I can only think of a stupid way now, that is, each large knife coin is ten times the weight of the small knife coin, so that even if someone melts the small knife coin, it is useless."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "Bai Ya, come with me."

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, he walked out, White Fang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly followed in the envious gaze of the other soldiers.

The two walked all the way to the woods near the smelting workshop. When no one was around, Jiang Xuan finally stopped and spoke.

"White Fang, have you learned arithmetic?"


"it is good."

Jiang Xuan turned his head, pondered for a moment, and said, "I plan to set up a coinage workshop to be responsible for making coins. Would you dare to be a workshop owner?"

The monetary system is a very important and very complex system.

At present, the currency system of the Vine tribe has just begun to be laid, and there will be countless problems and challenges in the future.

Therefore, Jiang Xuan must support a capable person to manage the coinage workshop and solve those problems and challenges.

From Jiang Xuan's point of view, Bai Ya is a person with more potential. Whether he can stimulate his potential and manage the coinage workshop well depends on his ability.

If the potential cannot be stimulated, Jiang Xuan can be replaced at any time in the future.

White Fang was very excited, and he was a wise man, and realized at once that this was a great opportunity for him.

"Since the leader trusts me, why should I not dare?"

"Okay, starting tomorrow, I will let the engineering team build a coinage workshop. After it is built, you will be the owner of the workshop!"

"Thank you boss, I will definitely not betray the trust of the boss!"

Jiang Xuan smiled and patted White Fang on the shoulder, and said, "Do well, get the coin thing done, the tribe will never treat you badly."


White Fang nodded heavily, because he was too excited, and the whole person was in a very excited state.

"Come on, let me tell you more about coins."

Jiang Xuan and Bai Ya walked slowly in the woods. Jiang Xuan told Bai Ya about the currency system he planned to build, the evolution of the currency system in the future, and what challenges the currency system would encounter.

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Bai Ya only felt that the door to a new world had been opened, and his whole body felt like a fairy.


On February 15th, the Fuji tribe coinage workshop was officially established.

The coinage workshop is currently the only workshop of the rattan tribe built on the east bank, and it is built in a bamboo forest with high walls, and soldiers from the rattan tribe guard patrol day and night.

In the coinage workshop, there are not only clansmen who specialize in smelting, but also talents who have been transferred from the stone tool workshop.

The coins of the rattan tribe, from small to large, are small knife coins, large knife coins, and gem knife coins made of high-quality stone.

Ten small knife coins can be exchanged for one large knife coin, and ten large knife coins can be exchanged for one gem knife coin.

It is worth noting that all knife coins can be used as tools.

The big knife coins and the small knife coins can be used to cut vegetables, meat, or scrape things that are not particularly hard. The gem knife coins have similar functions to the stone knives commonly used by tribesmen, but they are more beautiful and the material is harder.

On February 28, Jiang Xuan officially promoted the knife coins in the trading area, and the rattan tribe currency system officially began to be laid.

Southern Wilderness, Vine Tribe Trading Area, morning.

Jiang Xuan stood on a temporary high platform and promoted knife coins to the Veng tribe tribesmen, outsiders and tourists in Wuyang below.

"Starting today, the Vine tribe trading area will use a new thing, and that is these knife coins in my hand, also called money!"

Jiang Xuan held up a small knife coin. Under the sunlight, the small knife coin reflected a golden light, which was very beautiful.

"Have you seen it? This is a small knife coin. It can be used to cut meat or peel animal skins. It is very sharp and easy to carry."

"But the role of the knife coins is not only that, as long as you are in the trading area of ​​our Vine tribe, you can buy anything with the knife coins!"

"We can buy salt, food, weapons, tools, etc. with pocket money..."

"In addition to small knife coins, there are big knife coins, and gem knife coins, all of which have the same effect!"

"Ten small knife coins can be exchanged for a large knife coin, and ten large knife coins can be exchanged for a gem knife coin, everyone must remember."

"In addition, I would like to announce one thing, that is, in the future, when everyone enters the trading area, they can exchange the goods they bring into knives at the entrance, and then take knives and go to any shop. I can buy something!"

"Think about it, everyone, is it very heavy and inconvenient for you to carry goods into the trading area? It's different when you change them into knives, which are much lighter than goods and easy to carry, and you can buy things with them. , no need to struggle to estimate the value.”


Jiang Xuan's mouth was dry on the stage, and everyone below was also talking about it.

Everyone is obviously very curious about new things such as "knife coins" and "money", but they lack understanding, lack trust, and have a skeptical attitude.

Of course Jiang Xuan knew this, so he was not in a hurry.

After the crowd quieted down a little, Jiang Xuan shouted again: "Those who want knife coins can now exchange them at the entrance of the trading area. If they don't want them, the Veng tribe will never force them."

After shouting, Jiang Xuan jumped from the high platform and easily jumped to the ground.

Afterwards, he walked through the crowd holding the knife coins and came to a house at the entrance of the trading area.

Most of the people have followed. They may not have much interest in "money" for the time being, but many people have shown a relatively strong interest in the knife coins themselves.

Because compared with stone knives, golden bronze knives and gem knives made of high-quality stone are obviously much better-looking and easier to use.

"The Ronin from Douluo"

As for whether it is a "coin" or not, most people don't care, they value practicality more.

Therefore, everyone crowded around the house at the entrance of the trading area. Most people wanted to watch the excitement, and some people really wanted to exchange a few knives to see if the edge was sharp or not.

"Don't all crowd at the door. Those who want to exchange knives and coins should line up. If you don't want to exchange for the time being, you can stand by and have a look."

Jiang Xuan waved to the soldiers of the Vine Tribe guarding team, and dozens of Vine Tribe soldiers immediately pushed the crowd out to clear an open space.

Afterwards, the people who wanted to trade stood on the open space one by one, and lined up in a row under the guidance of the Vine tribe warriors.

The first person to exchange knife coins was the leader of the frog tribe, Huo Meng.

As the leader of the affiliated tribe of the Veng tribe, since the Veng tribe has launched the knife coins, he must strongly support it, not to mention that the knife coins are really beautiful, and Huo Meng is very interested.

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