This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 162: Tribe's Hope

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Peaceful days always pass quickly, and in the blink of an eye, autumn arrives.

end of August.

Jiang Xuan walked in the vast field of crops, and he felt a sense of satisfaction and pride in his heart when he saw the crops that were ripe or about to be ripe.

With the growth of the population, the planting team has become larger and larger, and more and more wasteland has been opened up. Because there is no measuring tool, Jiang Xuan has no idea how many crops the Teng tribe has.

Bamboo wheat, a new variety traded from the Blacktooth tribe this year.

This wheat looks like a small bamboo, but the leaves are much wider, and after the ear is set, it looks a bit like sorghum.

Jiang Xuan picked a green-colored bamboo wheat from a bunch of full wheat ears, put it in his mouth and bit it, only to hear a "cracking" sound, the wheat grain was crushed.

Jiang Xuan chewed, nodded and said, "It seems that this bamboo wheat is cyan, it won't turn yellow, and it can be harvested."

Gan Song stood beside Jiang Xuan and said with a smile, "I also feel mature, so I will bring someone to harvest in the afternoon."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "I will have people weaving reed mats more quickly. If the weather is good, the harvested bamboo and wheat will be dried and moved into the granary."

Grain-like food is more troublesome in this regard, and it takes a lot of effort to dry it, otherwise it cannot be stored for a long time and it will become moldy.

Tuber foods like round potatoes and stone eggs do not have this trouble. At most, let the mud on it dry, and then find a warehouse or cellar to store it.

A month ago, the Teng tribe built two more large granaries, and now they are waiting for these new grains to enter the warehouse.

Jiang Xuan was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something, so he turned around and said, "By the way, choose the best and fullest of every kind of grain and vegetable and save it. After the autumn harvest, the tribe will hold a big sacrifice."

As soon as he heard the words "big sacrifice", Gan Song's eyes lit up.

For the tribal people, the big sacrifice is the most important day of the year, even more important than the Chinese New Year in Jiang Xuan's previous life.

On the day of the big sacrifice, the entire tribe will dress up and prepare rich offerings to worship the totem god.

After the totem gods enjoy the sacrifices, they often turn more ordinary people into warriors, enhancing the overall strength of the tribe.

Tribal people provide sacrifices and devout beliefs to totem gods, and totem gods provide shelter to tribal people and enhance their overall strength, which is beneficial to both sides.

"Don't worry, chief, I will definitely choose the best food and vegetables as sacrifices to satisfy the rattan god."

Jiang Xuan nodded, then walked towards the new granary.

There is a large flat outside the new granary, which is specially set aside for drying.

Now, the flat ground is full of reeds.

The women in the garment workshop, as well as the men who Jiang Xuan transferred from other places, were all working hard to weave large reed mats.

The Southern Wilderness is humid and rainy, and it is impossible to dry food directly on the ground.

Since there is no cement, there is no way to harden the ground, so a large number of reed mats are woven to dry the grain.

The reed mats are dried, one is relatively clean, and the moisture on the ground is isolated, and the other is that once it rains, the harvesting time is faster.

It is rainy in the Southern Wilderness, and it is quite troublesome to dry the food. I often dry it for a long time. When I see that it is about to rain, I have to put it away again, which is very hard.

Fortunately, the harvesting time is not very long every year, and it is hard for the autumn harvest for a while. After the autumn harvest, the planting team is basically more leisurely.

Since Poria is about to give birth, now the clothing workshop is managed by Fengcao, and the person who weaves the reed mat is naturally under her control.

Jiang Xuan walked to Feng Cao and asked, "How many reed mats are woven now?"

Feng Cao raised his head, wiped the sweat that was about to flow into his eyes, and said, "Go back to the leader, now more than fifty reed mats have been woven."

"Okay, the planting team has already started to prepare for the autumn harvest, and the reed mats must be sufficient, otherwise the grain will not dry out, and it will be troublesome at that time."

Feng Cao said with firm eyes: "Don't worry, chief, we will definitely be able to weave enough reed mats to dry all the grain."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said: "Everyone, work hard. After the autumn harvest is completed, I will give each of you some rewards."

"Thank you chief."

After Fengcao finished speaking, he continued to weave the reed mat, which was a very time-consuming job, and we had to hurry up.

Jiang Xuan looked at the semi-finished reed mats and the finished reed mats, and found no problems.

He is quite satisfied with this. Fengcao's ability is indeed very good. He can manage so many people obediently, and the quality is also very well controlled.

Jiang Xuan went to the breeding area again, and asked Dajiao to select suitable livestock and poultry as sacrifices in advance and raise them well.

Dajiao was already familiar with this kind of thing, and he agreed with confidence.

Afterwards, Jiang Xuan went to the hunting team and the fishing team respectively, and explained that they were looking for suitable sacrifices.

These teams all took action one after another, working hard for the great sacrifice of the tribe.

In the afternoon of that day, the autumn harvest of the Veng tribe officially began.

Whether it is the tribesmen or the captives, they all participated in this busy autumn harvest.

Everyone divides the labor and cooperates. Some people are responsible for harvesting, some people are responsible for pulling the grain from the straw, some people are responsible for transporting, and some people are responsible for drying.

Although the autumn harvest is very tiring, everyone's faces are filled with joyful smiles.

Food, for tribal people, is always the most important thing.

This year's bumper harvest means that the people of the Teng tribe don't have to worry about going hungry again.

Even the captives worked even harder after discovering that the Veng tribe's food was piled up like a mountain.

At the same time, more people are eager to get rid of their captive status and truly join the Vine tribe.

Because in the Vine tribe, they see hope to live and live better!

For the tribesmen, hope is not those illusory dreams, but food, clothing, houses, and a powerful tribe that can protect them.

With these things, there is no need to live a precarious life, and there is hope and hope for the future.


On the sixth day of September, after nearly ten months of pregnancy, the child of Poria and Uncaria was finally born.

One night, Poria was asleep when she suddenly screamed, awakening Uncaria from her sleep.

"What happened?"

With the help of the firelight, Uncaria saw Poria's painful face.

"Quick, go and invite the witch, our child seems to be born."

"Okay, hold on, I'll go to invite the witch right away."

Uncaria grabbed the clothes at random, then picked up a torch in the corner of the room and lit it, while running outside, he casually put the clothes on his body.

He hurriedly ran towards the bamboo forest, but as soon as he ran in, he was stopped by the guards.

In the bamboo forest of the rattan tribe, there are not only altars, but also leaders and witches, and the guards are very strict, especially at night.

"Captain Uncaria, where are you going so late?"

"Fu Ling is about to give birth to a child, I'll ask Wu for help."

When the soldiers of the guard heard this situation, they didn't dare to delay, and immediately let the two soldiers accompany Uncaria to run into the bamboo forest and came to the outside of Chishao's yard.

"Dong Dongdong..."

"Witch, witch..."

Uncaria knocked on the door and shouted anxiously.

"right away."

Inside the room, Chi Shao immediately got up from the bed and opened the door.

Tribal warriors knocked on the door in the middle of the night, most likely because something urgent happened.


After the gate of the yard opened, Uncaria immediately explained the situation.

"Wait a minute, I'll go in and get something."

Chi Shao hurriedly returned to the bamboo house, lit a large candle, took some medicine, and then, under the protection of the soldiers of the guard, left the bamboo forest and ran to the house where Uncaria lived.

In another yard, Jiang Xuan got up immediately after hearing such a big movement, and followed him.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


Peaceful days always pass quickly, and in the blink of an eye, autumn arrives.

end of August.

Jiang Xuan walked in the vast field of crops, and he felt a sense of satisfaction and pride in his heart when he saw the crops that were ripe or about to be ripe.

With the growth of the population, the planting team has become larger and larger, and more and more wasteland has been opened up. Because there is no measuring tool, Jiang Xuan has no idea how many crops the Teng tribe has.

Bamboo wheat, a new variety traded from the Blacktooth tribe this year.

This wheat looks like a small bamboo, but the leaves are much wider, and after the ear is set, it looks a bit like sorghum.

Jiang Xuan picked a green-colored bamboo wheat from a bunch of full wheat ears, put it in his mouth and bit it, only to hear a "crack", the wheat grain was Jiang Xuan chewed, nodded and said, "It seems that this bamboo wheat is cyan, it won't turn yellow, and it can be harvested."

Gan Song stood beside Jiang Xuan and said with a smile, "I also feel mature, so I will bring someone to harvest in the afternoon."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "I will have people weaving reed mats more quickly. If the weather is good, the harvested bamboo and wheat will be dried and moved into the granary."

Grain-like food is more troublesome in this regard, and it takes a lot of effort to dry it, otherwise it cannot be stored for a long time and it will become moldy.

Tuber foods like round potatoes and stone eggs do not have this trouble. At most, let the mud on it dry, and then find a warehouse or cellar to store it.

A month ago, the Teng tribe built two more large granaries, and now they are waiting for these new grains to enter the warehouse.

Jiang Xuan was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something, so he turned around and said, "By the way, choose the best and fullest of every kind of grain and vegetable and save it. After the autumn harvest, the tribe will hold a big sacrifice."

As soon as he heard the words "big sacrifice", Gan Song's eyes lit up.

For the tribal people, the big sacrifice is the most important day of the year, even more important than the Chinese New Year in Jiang Xuan's previous life.

On the day of the big sacrifice, the entire tribe will dress up and prepare rich offerings to worship the totem god.

After the totem gods enjoy the sacrifices, they often turn more ordinary people into warriors, enhancing the overall strength of the tribe.

"Gene Era"

Tribal people provide sacrifices and devout beliefs to totem gods, and totem gods provide shelter to tribal people and enhance their overall strength, which is beneficial to both sides. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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