This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 145: Jackal Tribe Extinct

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"Wu, hurry up."

Under the protection of the warriors, the witch of the Jackal Tribe hurriedly ran into the forest.

However, not long after running, a group of warriors from the Vine tribe appeared in front.

This team of soldiers, all riding on big horned deer, is headed by a woman.

She is the witch of the Vine tribe, Chi Shao.

"Give up the struggle, you can't escape."

Chi Shao's expression was very calm, as if she was doing something trivial.

"Are you a witch too?"

The Jackal Tribe Wu keenly felt that Chi Shao was different from other warriors. She had an aura that belonged to a witch.

"Yes, I am the witch of the Vine Tribe."

Chishao admitted it generously.

The Jackal Tribe witch gritted his teeth: "Since we are all witches, let's see whose witchcraft is stronger!"

The Jackal Tribe witch immediately began to recite incomprehensible witchcraft.

As he chanted, the eyes of the warriors of the Jackal Tribe next to him turned red slowly, and a violent aura filled the air.

Chi Shao did not recite the witchcraft, she pulled out a short spear, held her breath, and threw it at the witch of the Jackal Tribe.


The short spear was imbued with terrifying power, and the speed of flight was extremely fast.

A jackal tribe warrior saw the short spear flying over, and immediately wanted to knock the short spear down with the long spear in his hand.

However, the speed of the short spear flying far exceeded his imagination, and the interception failed!


The Jackal Tribe Witch's chest was pierced, and his chanting voice stopped.

"you you……"

The jackal tribe witch looked at Chi Shao in disbelief, as if she wanted to accuse her of not using witchcraft.

Chi Shao said calmly: "I forgot to tell you, in addition to being a witch of the Vine Tribe, I'm also a three-color warrior."


The jackal tribe witch spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground unwillingly.

He originally wanted to use witchcraft to defeat Chi Shao, but he didn't expect Chi Shao to kill him with the method of a warrior, and he couldn't rest his eyes.


Chishao raised the stone spear, and the big-horned deer ran forward immediately, followed by the warriors of the Vine tribe.

Soon, the warriors who protected the Jackal Tribe were also killed.

Chi Shao walked to the Jackal Tribe witch, pulled out the short spear, wiped off the blood, and put it away.

It is not easy to polish a stone spearhead, and it is not easy to make a short spear. Chishao does not want to use it once and then waste it.

The Jackal Tribe witch also carried two animal skin bags, and Chi Shao also picked them up.

She opened the first animal skin bag, which contained all kinds of medicinal powder and the like, as well as some strange things.

She opened the second animal skin bag, which contained many animal skin scrolls. Chi Shao opened one of the animal skin scrolls at will, and saw some witch characters and pictures.

The battle was not over yet, and Chishao didn't have time to take a closer look. She quickly tied the two animal skin bags together, put them on the back of the big horned deer, and continued to lead the warriors to fight.

After the Jackal Tribe witch and leader were killed in battle, the battlefield was already one-sided, and there was basically no suspense.

The Jackal God, at this time, was besieged by the Vine God and the Turtle God, and was beaten to the point of being unable to fight back.

The last time it attacked the Crow Tribe, because the Crow God could fly and the Turtle God couldn't, it could only lead the giant mountain tortoises to run rampant on the ground, and the battle in the sky couldn't help at all.

This time, when attacking the Jackal Tribe, the Jackal God can't fly, so it can finally help.


The huge turtle **** was like a hill, slamming into the jackal **** bound by the vines at an extremely fast speed.

There are many sharp prism-shaped spikes on the back of the turtle god, which is very lethal.


The Jackal God wanted to run, but he couldn't, so he was knocked upside down and flew out. There were several blood holes on his body, all of which were pierced by the prismatic spikes of the Turtle God.

"Hurry up..."

When the Jackal God fell to the ground, before he could run, countless vines entangled in it again, tying it tightly, unable to move.

"Dong Dongdong..."

The Turtle God ran over again, but this time, it stretched its neck, opened its **** mouth, and bit the Jackal God's neck fiercely.

Jackal God's eyes bulged, it desperately wanted to struggle, but after being bound by the divine vine, it couldn't break free at all.


The Jackal God's neck was actually bitten off by the Turtle God, and blood gushed wildly.


The blood was not wasted, and the vine quickly absorbed the blood.

The turtle **** also leaned over and gulps down the blood that spewed out.

Although the Jackal God had his head broken, he was a **** after all, and he was not completely dead, so he could only watch himself being sucked blood. This feeling was really torture.

After almost sucking blood, a terrifying vine became straight, like a sharp spear, piercing the jackal's eyebrows.

This time, the Jackal God's eyes stiffened, his tongue stuck out, and he couldn't die any longer.

After killing the Jackal God, the Turtle God began to pick up the corpse.

It stretched out a large paw, placed it on the body of the Jackal God, and then looked at the Vine God, as if asking for its opinion.

The Vine God emitted a green light and used the vines to roll away the head of the Jackal God, but did not care about the headless body of the Jackal God on the ground.

The turtle **** was overjoyed, and his two claws immediately grabbed the headless corpse of the jackal god, opening his mouth and biting it.

The last time the Crow God was beaten by the Crow God, the Crow God was directly beaten by the Vine God, and then swept away. The Turtle God didn't get anything.

This time, in addition to strength, the Turtle God also gained a lot of benefits after killing the Jackal God.

Of course, the biggest benefit is the jackal head, because there is the spirit of the jackal **** in it.

But a turtle **** didn't dare to fight, and it was already very satisfied to get a headless **** corpse.

After all, the strength of that divine vine is too terrifying, and the Turtle God has no confidence at all in front of it.

The Jackal God died, and the leaders of the Jackal Tribe, the witches, and the more powerful warriors all died.

The Jackal Tribe was wiped out and completely became history.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


However, it was greeted by more than a dozen thick vines that covered their faces, and the Jackal God screamed, slanted out, and fell heavily on the ground, breaking more than a dozen trees.

After eating this whip, the Jackal God suddenly understood that the strength of this divine vine is far beyond it!

But this is the territory of the Jackal Tribe, and if it runs now, the Jackal Tribe will be finished.

The Jackal God didn’t want to give up the tribe, so it bit the bullet, and while fighting the Vine God, it called a few times in the direction of the tribe, letting the people of the Jackal tribe run.

After hearing the instructions of God, the witch of the Jackal Tribe couldn't believe his ears. When did the Jackal Tribe run away?

However, just when he hesitated, there was another scream of killing from the other side of the Jackal Tribe.


Like a bulldozer, the turtle **** rushed out with a large number of giant tortoises, rampaging all the way, more unreasonable than those rhinos.

Under the two buns, even if the Jackal Tribe wanted to run, it would be very difficult for them to escape.

The mountain armor was wearing thick tortoise shells and riding on the back of the giant tortoise, and rushed directly into the battlefield. When he saw the swooping dumplings, he shouted excitedly: "Leader Vine, here I come!"

Jiang Xuan, who was on the back of the dumplings, turned his head and laughed: "The leader of the mountain armor really keeps his promise, so let's fight together!"

When the glutinous rice **** flew to a low altitude, Jiang Xuan jumped directly from the back of the glutinous rice balls, then quickly rushed to the mountain gill and jumped onto the back of the giant mountain tortoise.

The two tribal leaders, plus a giant mountain tortoise with a perverted defense, rushed directly into the center of the Jackal Tribe.

Standing on the back of the giant mountain tortoise, Jiang Xuan searched the battlefield for a while and found the location of the leader of the Jackal Tribe.

The leader of the Jackal Tribe is very conspicuous because he rides the tallest red jackal and frantically commands other people in the crowd.

He himself did not rush forward. Although he was a powerful four-color warrior, he was also afraid of death.

After Jiang Xuan stared at the leader of the Jackal Tribe, he immediately said to Shan Jia: "The leader of the Jackal Tribe is over there, let's go and kill him together."

"it is good!"

The mountain armor immediately let the giant mountain tortoise rush there, bumping into countless jackal cavalry along the way.

When the giant mountain tortoise rushed in front of the leader of the jackal tribe, Jiang Xuan and the mountain armor shot at the same time, and the two spears stabbed at the leader of the jackal tribe one by one.

The leader of the Jackal Tribe responded quickly, and he immediately rolled down from the Jackal's back to avoid it.

But Jiang Xuan did not intend to let him go.

Jiang Xuan jumped off the back of the mountain tortoise, and then rushed straight towards the leader of the Jackal Tribe.

"Hey, Chief Xuan..."

Shan Jia didn't really want to get away from the giant tortoise, but Jiang Xuan rushed over. He couldn't stay on the back of the giant tortoise all the time, could he?

In desperation, the mountain beetle could only jump off the back of the turtle, gritted his teeth and chased over there.

"Clap clap clap..."

Many jackal tribe warriors attacked the mountain gills, but the mountain gills still rushed forward. In case of emergency, they squatted on the ground, retracted their heads and limbs, and temporarily protected themselves with their tortoise shells.

All kinds of weapons were blocked by the thick tortoise shell, but they were of no use.

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan's fighting style was much simpler and cruder.

He swung the thick bone spear so violently that no one could get close to him at all.

Soon, Jiang Xuan approached the leader of the Jackal Tribe.

He quickly pulled out a short spear on his back and hurled it at the Jackal Tribe leader.


Imbued with great power, this short spear flew towards the head of the Jackal Tribe leader like lightning.

The leader of the Jackal Tribe had already noticed the movement here, so when Jiang Xuan threw the spear, he immediately fell on the Jackal's back and was able to dodge the spear.

He dodged, but the warrior behind him let out a scream and was pierced through the head by a short spear.

The leader of the Jackal Tribe was furious: "Little brat, you dare to attack me!"

He noticed the horizontal lines of the four warriors on Jiang Xuan's face, but he didn't believe that Jiang Xuan would be a four-color warrior at such a young age, and he didn't even know that Jiang Xuan was the leader of the Teng tribe.

He thought Jiang Xuan was bluffing.

The leader of the Jackal Tribe clipped the jackal under his legs and charged towards Jiang Xuan.


Just at this moment, a terrifying purple scorpion suddenly flew down, causing a gust of wind, and its sharp claws fiercely grabbed the leader of the Jackal Tribe.


The leader of the Jackal Tribe who was rushing towards Jiang Xuan screamed. He knew that the Jackal could not avoid it, so he rolled off the Jackal's back.


The jackal was penetrated by the sharp claws of the dumplings, and then took it up into the sky, making bursts of screams.

"Hey, there are no mounts now, come on!"

Jiang Xuan sneered and rushed to the leader of the Jackal Tribe again.

"Little brat, I want your life!"

The Jackal Tribe leader held a spear in his hand, avoiding the bone spear that came over, and then stabbed Jiang Xuan in the abdomen fiercely.

However, Jiang Xuan did not dodge when he saw this spear stabbed towards him, as if he really had no combat experience.

The leader of the Jackal Tribe was overjoyed, as long as he was stabbed with a spear, the kid would be dead.

"Boss Xuan, be careful!"

The mountain gill, who had just rushed over, saw this scene and exclaimed, but it was too late to rescue him.

The face of the Jackal Tribe leader showed a hideous smile, as if he had seen Jiang Xuan lying in a pool of blood.

The stone spear finally stabbed Jiang Xuan in the abdomen, however, the situation was not what the Jackal tribe leader imagined.

The spear can't get in!

At this time, the leader of the Jackal Tribe saw the bright smile on Jiang Xuan's face.

Jiang Xuan grabbed the spear in his left hand, and the bone spear in his right stabbed the head of the Jackal Tribe in the chest.


The bone spear pierced the chest of the jackal tribal leader, and blood splattered everywhere.

" is this possible..."

The eyes of the Jackal Tribe leader were full of He never imagined that he would die in Jiang Xuan's hands, and in this way.

After Jiang Xuan stabbed a spear, he gave up the bone spear, pulled out a sharp stone knife, approached the head of the Jackal Tribe, and slashed his neck fiercely.

This knife completely cut off his vitality.

Jiang Xuan said in a low voice, "Forgot to tell you, I'm wearing a spider silk garment, and the tip of the knife can't penetrate it."


The leader of the Jackal Tribe fell, and he didn't understand until his death what the spider silk clothes were.

The mountain armor that rushed over even had a ghostly expression on his face. He never expected that the situation would reverse so quickly. Just now, he was still worried about Jiang Xuan, and the next moment he saw the leader of the Jackal Tribe dead.

"sweet dumpling!"

Jiang Xuan shouted, and the huge dumplings flew down immediately, and the nearby Jackal tribe warriors fled.

Jiang Xuan climbed onto the back of the dumplings, then let the dumplings grab the corpse of the Jackal Tribe leader and flew into the air for everyone to see.

"Your leader has been killed by me, put down your weapons immediately, the Vine Tribe promises not to kill those who put down their weapons!"

Jiang Xuan kept shouting on the back of the dumplings, and the warriors of the Jackal Tribe on the ground looked up one after another. When they saw that their leader was dead, most of their will to fight was immediately disintegrated.

On the ground, Feng Cao heard the shout, walked to the door of the wooden house, and saw a scene that she will never forget.

A young man, riding a huge purple maw bird, grabbed a corpse and flew around in the sky.

That corpse was the leader of the Jackal Tribe she hated so much.


Feng Cao threw away the animal bone that was used as a weapon in her hand and squatted down. At this moment, she burst into tears.

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