This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 124: Otter tribe

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After entering the mountain turtle tribe, Jiang Xuan and others were warmly received.

When eating, Shanjia specially made mushroom barbecue, which was very delicious.

Shan Jia also noticed the old witch, because the totem patterns on his face were obviously different from those of the Vine tribe.

"Which tribe is this old man from?"

The old witch replied: "Donghuang, Eagle Tribe."

"East... East Desolation... It's so far away!"

Shan Jia had no knowledge of the Eagle Tribe, and did not know that the Eagle Tribe was a big tribe. He just curiously asked the old witch about Donghuang, and the old witch also answered.

After eating, Jiang Xuan asked, "Do you know where the crow tribe went last?"

Shan Jia replied: "I sent soldiers to track them and found that they migrated to the place where the mosquito tribes used to live. It is estimated that the houses are now built."

"Where did the mosquito tribe live?"

Jiang Xuan was very surprised. He never thought that the two tribes who had hatred with the Teng tribe actually took a fancy to that site one after another. Perhaps, this was fate.

Jiang Xuan pondered, waiting for the Vine Tribe to become stronger, to see if he could let the Vine God go again and completely wipe out the Crow Tribe, which would be considered revenge for the former Deer Tribe.

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "Leader of the mountain armor, maybe we can cooperate and attack the crow tribe together in the future."

Shan Jia pondered for a moment and said, "No problem, our Shan turtle tribe will definitely contribute!"

"Okay, then we look forward to that day coming soon!"

After the two reached a simple consensus, the relationship seemed to be better, eating and drinking, chatting and laughing.

After eating and drinking, it's time to get down to business.

"Leader of the mountain armor, this time is the same, we want to trade some magical mushrooms that can enhance the strength of the warriors."

Shan Jia asked: "There is no problem with the transaction, but I want to see what goods Chief Xuan brought."

Bartering between tribes is cumbersome and requires goods that both sides need each other.

If one party brings goods that the other party does not want, the transaction cannot be concluded.

Jiang Xuandao: "The leader of the mountain armor must like the goods we brought this time, but this transaction must be kept secret and not too many people know about it."

"Oh? Keep it a secret?"

"Yes, if the leader of the mountain armor can't keep it secret, we can only give up this transaction."

Shan Jia also wanted to see what good things Jiang Xuan brought, so he ordered all the other soldiers in the room to go out.

Jiang Xuan also waved his hand, and everyone including the old witch left, leaving only him and Shan Jia in the room.

The flames of the fire pond were beating "crackling", Jiang Xuan and Shan Jia sat by the fire pond, and the atmosphere was somewhat mysterious.

"Boss Xuan, can we talk now?"

Jiang Xuan nodded, took out a small pottery jar from the animal skin bag he was carrying, and handed it to Shan Jia, saying, "Let's take a look at the leader of Shan Jia."

"What is this?"

With doubts, the mountain giraffe opened the jar, and saw a jar of red salt, with relatively large particles and beautiful crystals.

Shan Jia's eyes suddenly widened: "This... is this..."

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "The leader of the mountain armor can have a taste."

In the mountain turtle tribe, the mountain turtle was not afraid of Jiang Xuan's poisoning, so he nodded.

With excitement, Yamagata squeezed a small piece of red salt and put it in his mouth.

The salty taste filled his mouth, purer than any salt he had ever eaten before!

"Salt, good salt!"

Shan Jia looked at the small jar in surprise. He never thought that the Vine tribe actually had this kind of good salt.

"Is there only this small jar?" Shan Jia asked again.

Jiang Xuan shook his head and said, "No, we brought a big jar! That's why I kept the leader of the mountain armor a secret. Salt is too precious."

"Don't worry, Chief Xuan, we must keep it a secret. Where is the salt? We can make a deal right away."

"Don't worry, leader of the mountain armor, besides salt, we also brought other goods."

"What cargo?" Shan Jia expected more surprises.

Jiang Xuan did not answer him directly, but instead asked, "Leader of the mountain armor, what do you think of this clay pot containing salt?"

When Shan Jia heard Jiang Xuan's words, he picked up the small pottery pot and observed it carefully, and found that there were a lot of patterns on it, which was very beautiful.

Not only that, but the bottom of the small pottery pot also has the totem pattern of the rattan tribe.

Shan Jia is not stupid, he immediately guessed that the pot was fired by the Vine tribe.

"Boss Xuan, the goods you are talking about are not pottery, right?"

Jiang Xuan nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, it's pottery."

"Our rattan tribe has pottery tripods, pots, pots, bottles, plates, bowls, cups... There is always a pottery you like."

Shan Jia was dumbfounded. He never imagined that the Veng tribe would actually produce so many pottery.

"Boss Xuan, is your Vine tribe a medium-sized tribe?"

In the cognition of the mountain, it is impossible for a small tribe to have so many things.

Jiang Xuandao: "We are still a small tribe, but I believe we will become a medium-sized tribe in the future."

If someone else said that, Shan Jia would definitely scoff, because he knew very well how difficult it was to become a medium-sized tribe.

The Mountain Turtle Tribe has been entrenched here for so many years, and has all kinds of magical mushrooms, but at its peak, the population did not exceed one thousand.

To become a medium-sized tribe, the population must be at least 5,000, which is really difficult.

But I don't know why, when Jiang Xuan said this, Shan Jia didn't feel anything wrong, as if Jiang Xuan was just stating a fact.

In the final analysis, it was because the Vine tribe gave him too much shock.

Whether it's forcing the crow tribe back, or taking out salt and exquisite pottery, and the two fierce birds riding, it doesn't seem like a small tribe's style.

Shan Jia said: "Then let's bring in all the goods and start trading. Leader Xuan, don't worry, I will definitely keep the matter of salt a secret."

Jiang Xuan nodded, then walked outside the door and asked Uncaria and others to bring in the goods.

Shan Jia also brought a few warriors and brought in several bags of magic mushrooms.

During the transaction, for confidentiality, only Jiang Xuan and Shan Jia were in the house, and the others remained outside.

This time the transaction went very smoothly.

The Mountain Turtle Tribe was given a large jar of salt, as well as two useful pots, several pots, and some tusks and bones.

The Vine tribe has obtained a large number of magical mushrooms, such as strong wild mushrooms, Yeming wild mushrooms, and swift wild mushrooms.

As for the goddess wild, which Shan Jia highly admired, Jiang Xuan did not want it, which made Shan Jia a little disappointed.

After all, exchanging gods for a large amount of materials is an important way for the mountain turtle tribe to trade profitably.

However, even if there is no transaction for the gods, the mountain turtle tribe's harvest is also very good, and the mountain turtle is quite satisfied with this transaction.

After the transaction, everyone relaxed, Shan Jia took Jiang Xuan and others to hang out in the mountain turtle tribe.


At this moment, the sound of water waves suddenly came from the big swamp in the distance.

Mountain Gourd immediately became nervous, and quickly ran towards the water with his weapon, together with the warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe.

After a while, a group of people appeared in the big swamp. They rode dozens of strange water beasts and gradually approached the mountain turtle tribe.

When Shan Jia saw these people, his nervousness dissipated immediately.

Shan Jia laughed and said, "Hahaha, it turned out to be a friend of the Otter tribe."

The dozens of strange water beasts climbed to the shore, and the hundreds of warriors on the backs of the water beasts jumped down.

The person at the head has small eyes and a tall stature. He looks rather wretched, but he also has four horizontal lines on his face. He is obviously a powerful four-color warrior.

This person's name is Luzhu, the leader of the Rex tribe.

"The mountain turtle leader, I thought your mountain turtle tribe didn't welcome us."

Shan Jia said: "How can it be, it's not because of the **** crow tribe that made us too nervous."

Lu Zhu walked to Shan Jia and agreed: "The crow tribe is really **** good."

Shan Jia said in surprise: "Your otter tribe was also attacked by the crow tribe?"

"Not really, but a few crows have taken our tribe's prey."

Living together on the edge of the big swamp, the distance is not particularly far, just like the previous mosquito tribe, conflicts with other tribes are inevitable.

Shan Jia and Lu Zhu scolded the Crow Tribe again, as if they shared the same hatred.

Then, the mountain garrison welcomed the warriors of the otter tribe into the mountain turtle tribe.

The Otter Tribe was obviously quite familiar with the Mountain Turtle Tribe, and the warriors would greet each other with enthusiasm.


Playing Plants vs. Zombies tonight, I wasted time, the follow-up content is repeated, replace it after writing, and refresh.


With doubts, Shan Jia opened the jar, and saw a jar of red salt with relatively large particles and beautiful crystals.

Shan Jia's eyes suddenly widened: "This... is this..."

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "The leader of the mountain armor can have a taste."

In the mountain turtle tribe, the mountain turtle was not afraid of Jiang Xuan's poisoning, so he nodded.

With excitement, Yamagata squeezed a small piece of red salt and put it in his mouth.

The salty taste filled his mouth, purer than any salt he had ever eaten before!

"Salt, good salt!"

Shan Jia looked at the small jar in surprise. He never thought that the Vine tribe actually had this kind of good salt.

"Is there only this small jar?" Shan Jia asked again.

Jiang Xuan shook his head and said, "No, we brought a big jar! That's why I kept the leader of the mountain armor a secret. Salt is too precious."

"Don't worry, Chief Xuan, we must keep it a secret. Where is the salt? We can make a deal right away."

"Don't worry, leader of the mountain armor, besides salt, we also brought other goods."

"What cargo?" Shan Jia expected more surprises.

Jiang Xuan did not answer him directly, but instead asked: "Leader of the mountain armor, what do you think of this clay pot containing salt?"

When Shan Jia heard Jiang Xuan's words, he picked up the small pottery pot and observed it carefully, and found that there were a lot of patterns on it, which was very beautiful.

Not only that, but the bottom of the small pottery pot also has the totem pattern of the rattan tribe.

Shan Jia is not stupid, he immediately guessed that the pot was fired by the Vine tribe.

"Boss Xuan, the goods you are talking about are not pottery, right?"

Jiang Xuan nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, it's pottery."

"Our rattan tribe has pottery tripods, pots, pots, bottles, plates, bowls, cups... There is always a pottery you like."

Shan Jia was dumbfounded. He never imagined that the Veng tribe would actually produce so many pottery.

"Boss Xuan, is your Vine tribe a medium-sized tribe?"

In the cognition of the mountain, it is impossible for a small tribe to have so many things.

Jiang Xuandao: "We are still a small tribe, but I believe we will become a medium-sized tribe in the future."

If someone else said that, Shan Jia would definitely scoff, because he knew very well how difficult it was to become a medium-sized tribe.

The Mountain Turtle Tribe has been entrenched here for so many years, and has all kinds of magical mushrooms, but at its peak, the population did not exceed one thousand.

To become a medium-sized tribe, the population must be at least 5,000, which is really difficult.

But I don't know why, when Jiang Xuan said this, Shan Jia didn't feel anything wrong, as if Jiang Xuan was just stating a fact.

In the final analysis, it was because the Vine tribe gave him too much shock.

Whether it's forcing the crow tribe back, or taking out salt and exquisite pottery, and the two fierce birds riding, it doesn't seem like a small tribe's style.

Shan Jia said: "Then let's bring in all the goods and start trading. Leader Xuan, don't worry, I will definitely keep the matter of salt a secret."

Jiang Xuan nodded, then walked outside the door and asked Uncaria and others to bring in the goods.

Shan Jia also brought a few and brought in several bags of magic mushrooms.

During the transaction, for confidentiality, only Jiang Xuan and Shan Jia were in the house, and the others remained outside.

This time the transaction went very smoothly.

The Mountain Turtle Tribe was given a large jar of salt, as well as two useful pots, several pots, and some tusks and bones.

The Vine tribe has obtained a large number of magical mushrooms, such as strong wild mushrooms, Yeming wild mushrooms, and swift wild mushrooms.

As for the goddess wild, which Shan Jia highly admired, Jiang Xuan did not want it, which made Shan Jia a little disappointed.

After all, exchanging gods for a large amount of materials is an important way for the mountain turtle tribe to trade profitably.

However, even if there is no transaction for the gods, the mountain turtle tribe's harvest is also very good, and the mountain turtle is quite satisfied with this transaction.

After the transaction, everyone relaxed, Shan Jia took Jiang Xuan and others to hang out in the mountain turtle tribe.


At this moment, the sound of water waves suddenly came from the big swamp in the distance.

Mountain Gourd immediately became nervous, and quickly ran towards the water with his weapon, together with the warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe.

After a while, a group of people appeared in the big swamp. They rode dozens of strange water beasts and gradually approached the mountain turtle tribe.

When Shan Jia saw these people, his nervousness dissipated immediately.

Shan Jia laughed and said, "Hahaha, it turned out to be a friend of the Otter tribe."

The dozens of strange water beasts climbed to the shore, and the hundreds of warriors on the backs of the water beasts jumped down.

The person at the head has small eyes and a tall stature. He looks rather wretched, but he also has four horizontal lines on his face. He is obviously a powerful four-color warrior.

This person's name is Luzhu, the leader of the Rex tribe.

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