This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 117: 1 The whip stuns the crow

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It takes three days to walk from the vine tribe to the blue sheep tribe, more than a day to ride the blue sheep, and only a few hours to ride the giant eagle.

When the old witch and Jiang Xuan arrived at the Yanyang Tribe, they found that the Jackal Tribe had already left, and only the skeletons and burned houses were left in the Yanyang Tribe.

When the giant eagle landed, Jiang Xuan frowned when he saw that there were many gnawed human bones on the ground.

"What a brutal tribe!"

The reason why Jiang Xuan wanted to see this jackal tribe in person was to know how strong they were in combat and how they behaved.

Now, he probably knew that this was definitely a ferocious and fierce tribe, a tough opponent.

Regardless of whether they accept or not accept members of the Blue Sheep Tribe, as long as they are targeted by this Jackal Tribe, there will definitely be trouble.

This ferocious tribe, like the original mosquito tribe, will attack all tribes weaker than them in order to quickly obtain a large amount of resources.

The old witch said, "Are you going to find them?"

Jiang Xuan nodded.

"Then look for it."

The two climbed on the back of the giant eagle again, and the giant eagle spread its wings again.

After they searched for more than an hour, they suddenly heard a terrible wolf howl.

The giant eagle flew over following the howls of the wolf, and sure enough, it found the jackal tribe.

At this time, the Jackal Tribe was attacking another small tribe, and defeated all the warriors of that small tribe.

A huge jackal rushed into the small tribe with thousands of jackal cavalry, slaughtering and looting crazily.

In the sky, the old witch said solemnly: "This jackal tribe has a living patron saint!"

Jiang Xuan also saw the terrifying giant jackal, and he asked nervously, "Is this wolf as strong as the Vine God?"

The old witch stared at the jackal **** for a while, and said, "There shouldn't be any. The patron saint of your vine tribe is a bit special. Anyway, I can't see it through."

Jiang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

Jiang Xuan was really afraid that this giant jackal was stronger than Shenteng, and that would be a big trouble.

At this moment, the jackal on the ground glanced up at the sky as if he was aware of it.

It still has blood on the corner of its mouth, and the wolf's eyes are extremely cold, even if it is far away, it makes people palpitate.

Jiang Xuan asked nervously, "Can it fly up?"

The old witch shook his head and said: "The patron saint of the small tribe, except for those born with wings, can't fly, and this jackal is the same."

"Only when it breaks through to become the patron saint of medium-sized tribes will it have the ability to fly."

"But even if it really breaks through, it's far less than the giant eagle that is naturally good at flying!"

Speaking of which, the old witch had a proud look on his face.

"I can rest assured that."

Jiang Xuan had a clever move, first poured some water from the kettle, rubbed the totem pattern on his face into a ball, then stared at the Jackal God fiercely, and shouted: "Look what, we are from the crow tribe, there are Plant you up!"


The jackal **** on the ground was furious, it let out a terrifying roar at the sky, but it couldn't jump into the sky to bite people.

However, it remembered the three words "crow tribe" and hated it.

In the sky, the old witch said speechlessly: "This crow tribe has a grudge against you?"

"how do you know?"

The old witch rolled his eyes, if you don't have any grudges, would you go to cheat people like this?

The giant eagle was constantly circling over this small tribe, and after getting a general understanding of the situation of the ground jackal tribe, it gradually went away.

During this process, Jiang Xuan kept provoking the giant jackal, and emphasized that he belonged to the crow tribe, and the crow clan was much stronger than the jackal clan.

As a result, not only was the Jackal God angry enough, but the warriors of the Jackal Tribe were also angry.

If it weren't for the eagle flying too high, they'd really like to shoot the eagle down with an arrow and tear the **** boy to shreds.

At this time of excitement, no one thought about why the crow tribe would ride a giant eagle.

Even if they thought about it, it was useless, because they didn't know which tribe Jiang Xuan belonged to, and could only remember the crow tribe.

The Crow Tribe would never have imagined that they had inexplicably carried a big and round black pot.

What Jiang Xuan could not have imagined was that when he was busy taking the blame for the crow tribe, hoping that one day the jackal clan could fight with the crow clan, the crow clan had already appeared!

Southern Wilderness, northeast of the Vine tribe.

"Dumb dumb..."

A large group of crows, like a large black cloud.

These crows, each with a wingspan of about two meters, have jet-black feathers, red eyes, and sharp beaks and claws that look very intimidating.

Although they cannot carry people, they are also ferocious birds with strong combat effectiveness.

In addition to the crows in the sky, on the ground, more than 3,000 crow tribesmen are also slowly advancing.

They have been walking for nearly ten days, but they have not found a suitable place to live, so they can only continue to search.

Gradually, the big crows in the sky approached the Vine Tribe and discovered the Vine Tribe.


Tangyuan, who was flying over the Vine Tribe, found these crows, it screamed, and then quickly landed in the tribe.

"No, something happened!"

At the same time, Chishao, who was making medicine powder, heard the nightmarish crows, and immediately put down the medicine pot, took a bone spear and a stone knife, and hurriedly ran outside.

Not only Chishao, but also Uncaria, Shiloh, and Nanxing also heard the crow's cry, and this voice suddenly evoked a nightmare in their hearts.

It was in this hoarse and unpleasant voice that the deer tribe they used to live in was broken, and most of the clansmen were killed.

Are you going to experience this again now?

Do not! Never let this happen!

"The crow tribe is here!"

"All fighters gather, prepare to fight!"

"Ready to fight!"

Among the vine tribes, Chishao, Uncaria and others shouted one after another.

For a time, all the soldiers, no matter what they were doing, temporarily abandoned their work and took up weapons to prepare for battle.

In the woods next to the stone mountain, the clansmen of the blue sheep tribe also panicked.

They finally came to the Vine tribe, do they have to run again?

Someone asked: "It seems that the Vine tribe has encountered an enemy, what should I do?"

The two-colored warriors looked at each other, and one of them gritted his teeth: "Let's see the situation first, if the enemy is not very strong, we will help the Vine tribe to fight."

Others nodded, they didn't want to run away as soon as something happened, in that case, the Vine tribe would never accept them.

But fighting for the Vine Tribe is different, and the Vine Tribe is likely to accept them directly.

Of course, if the enemy is too strong to defeat, then they can only continue to run on the blue sheep.

After all, they were not members of the Vine tribe, so it was impossible for them to stay and die.

When the people of the Blue Sheep Tribe were discussing, a crow had already flown over the Vine Tribe and discovered the existence of the Vine Tribe on the ground.

They circled over the Vine Tribe, then flew back a certain distance, and passed the news to the witch of the Raven Tribe through a special method.

The Raven Tribe Witch gathered the chief of the Raven Tribe and several hunting chiefs.

"There is a small tribe in front, just to add some food for Tell the warriors of the tribe to follow the crow and rush over and destroy them!"


The leader of the crow tribe was immediately excited. The crow clan did not have much food in storage. Most of the people could not get enough to eat by hunting and gathering along the way.

Now is the time to finally have a chance to fill your stomach!

"Follow the **** crow!"

The leader of the crow tribe roared, and then ran forward excitedly.

Behind him, more than a thousand crow tribe warriors charged together with great momentum.

The crisis of the Veng tribe came suddenly, and they didn't even wait for Jiang Xuan and the old witch to return.

In the sky, the Crow God unhurriedly flew towards the Vine Tribe, surrounded by countless large crows, with bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

Among the vine tribe, Chi Shao and others became nervous when they saw so many crows.

Is the tragedy going to repeat itself?

Finally, the huge Raven God flew over the vine tribe and looked at the huge divine vine.


Just as the Crow God was flying around to observe the divine vine, suddenly, the divine vine burst into a terrifying light.

At the same time, a thick vine grew rapidly, like a huge whip, slashing towards the huge crow like lightning.


The terrifying Crow God was actually swept away by the thick vines, and fell heavily into the forest in the distance, breaking many trees.

For a while, the Crow God was stunned, the crows were stunned, and the crow tribesmen who were charging were also stunned.

Even the people of the Fuji tribe, who were ready to go all out, were at a loss. I can't update it in the middle of the night. It's too delayed. The author decided to go to bed early tonight and have two more chapters during the day tomorrow.

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