This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 103: blue sheep tribe

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On September 28, the Teng tribe held an autumn sacrifice. Among the tribe's warriors, many warriors of one color broke through to two colors.

Because the mosquito-killing tribe had just sacrificed, the scale of this sacrifice was not large, but because of the just harvest, the sacrifices were still abundant.

After the sacrifice, the time has come to the late autumn, the weather is getting colder day by day, and it will not be long before the cold winter will come again.

In the yard under the stone mountain, Jiang Xuan and Chishao are harvesting herbs.

Jiang Xuan dug a herb out of the soil and carefully shook the soil on it. Those roots are of great use.

"Sister, I plan to take a hunting team to explore the forest behind Shishan."

The Vine Tribes have already explored the south, north and east sides, but behind the stone mountain, that is, the west side, they know very little.

One of the reasons is that the mountains in the west are relatively barren, and there are not many prey in the part near the Vine tribe.

The second reason was that the Veng tribe was understaffed, and they couldn't explore the forests on both sides of the north and south, and naturally they couldn't take care of other places.

Right now, the tribe's food reserves are relatively sufficient, and Jiang Xuan intends to explore the western forest before winter comes.

If there is something over there that can threaten the Vine tribe, it can also be discovered early.

"Go, the tribe has me watching, but you must pay attention to safety."

Jiang Xuan is now a four-color warrior, with great strength, and there is a hunting team to follow. As long as you are careful, Chishao is not very worried about safety.

"it is good."

Together, the two dug up all the annual herbs, washed them, and dried them in the sun.

As for those perennial herbs that can survive the winter, only the fruit and leaves are picked, and some rhizomes are cut off when necessary.

That afternoon, Jiang Xuan summoned the second hunting team and asked them to prepare and follow him to explore the western forest.

The next day, just before dawn, they set off.


In the early morning of late autumn, the wind was strong, and it felt cold on the body, and most of the grass on the ground was withered and yellowed.

Jiang Xuan looked up at Shishan, and saw that thirty-six giant dragonflies were crawling on the ancient vine, and they were not foraging for food in the early morning as usual.

Jiang Xuan felt a little emotional in his heart. Although these giant dragonflies are powerful in combat, they are insects after all, and their life is too short.

When they are in the form of water flies, they can live in water for several years, but after they have transformed into giant dragonflies, they can only live for half a year.

This is also a price.

Although these giant dragonflies probably won't survive this winter, Jiang Xuan knows that there are still a lot of water flies in the Feiyu River, and every year, a batch of them will transform into giant dragonflies.

This is a lucky thing for the Vine tribe, after all, there are giant dragonflies that can help them fight every year, and as long as there is no major change, this situation will continue.

Before long, they bypassed the tall stone mountain and came to the forest to the west.

The terrain in the west starts from a rocky mountain and gradually becomes higher. Perhaps it is precisely because of the change of terrain that the further west you go, the sparser the vegetation and the less abundant water resources than other places.

After they walked for a long time, most of the trees in the forest were no longer evergreen trees, but deciduous forests similar to the temperate zone, with red or yellow leaves that fell from time to time with the wind.

The environment in this world is really strange, Jiang Xuan sighed inwardly.

Could it be that the location of the Vine tribe is right on a certain climatic dividing line?

Or is this area more special?

Jiang Xuan pondered for a long time and couldn't figure it out, so he just stopped thinking about it.

In the evening, they built a temporary shelter next to a mountain stream for the night.


A couple of big squirrels were hopping up and down the trees, and every now and then, they climbed up the tall branches, looking for some nuts to move back into their holes.

The animals and plants in this world are relatively large, and squirrels are no exception. Their fluffy hair makes them look extra large.

But the warriors of the Vine tribe have no interest in these squirrels, because compared to other prey, squirrels are too small, have little meat, and the meat is relatively unpalatable.

If it weren't for a real lack of food, no one would have hunted these squirrels.

Squirrel Hole is a good place, though.

Some warriors usually write down the location of the squirrel hole. If there is a serious shortage of food in winter, they can go to the squirrel hole and get a lot of nuts like pine nuts.

Of course, those squirrels will starve to death when the nuts are taken out.

In order to prevent them from starving to death, when the tribesmen dig the squirrel holes, they will also catch the squirrels and bring them back to roast and eat them.

"call out!"

In the distance, there was the sound of an arrow breaking through the air, and there was a scream of an animal.

Not long after, Shi Loach came back with a chubby muntjac on his back.

The bark deer looks like a deer, but is smaller in size, with short, small horns on its head and a short tail.

The weight of an adult red deer is about 150 jin, and the weight of an adult bighorn deer is usually more than 500 jin.

After walking for a long time, everyone was hungry, and this red deer was just used to satisfy hunger.

The loach was washed and peeled off the red deer in the mountain stream, the hide was put away, and the meat and internal organs were eaten directly.

Some warriors used the method of drilling wood to make fire, starting a fire, cutting a lot of wooden sticks, and sharing it with everyone.

Shi Loach dedicated the heart of the red deer to Jiang Xuan.

It is a customary practice for tribal people to give the heart of the prey to the most distinguished person.

Jiang Xuan was not polite either, he cut the heart directly, strung it with wooden sticks, and slowly roasted it on the fire.

Shi Loach sat next to Jiang Xuan and said, "Boss, when I went hunting just now, I saw an old pit that was covered with moss. It must have been dug by people from other tribes a long time ago."

This at least shows that people from other tribes have come to this area before.

Jiang Xuandao: "It seems that there should also be a tribe here, but I don't know if this tribe is still there, and how far it is from here."

Jiang Xuan pondered for a moment and said, "Go ahead tomorrow. If you find other traps, tell me immediately."


The crowd continued to roast the meat, and the smell of the meat wafted far away in the forest, attracting the attention of many predators.

After nightfall, Jiang Xuan used his night vision ability to see a bear wandering near the shelter, but perhaps it was afraid of flames, or the hunting party was large, and it did not dare to approach.

In the middle of the night, the sound of wolf howls and various animal roars could be heard in the distance, making it difficult to sleep well.

The next morning, the crowd moved on.

On this day, they really found several old traps.

At the same time, Jiang Xuan clearly felt that as they continued to advance, the temperature in the morning was getting lower and lower.

On the morning of the third day, the pathfinder fighters finally found a trap that was still usable, and the time to set it up should not be very long.

At noon, they found more traps, including a noose trap that caught a bird, but the rope was tied to the neck and had been hanged.

In the afternoon, they came to the foot of a big mountain and saw an unfamiliar totem pattern on a boulder.

This totem pattern is painted with a red mineral raw material, and it looks like a kind of sheep, but it is more abstract.

"It should be this tribe."

Jiang Xuan stood in front of the boulder and watched the totem pattern carefully, feeling quite novel.


Suddenly, there was a whistling sound from the mountain, and more than a hundred tribal people with weapons appeared in the woods, and quickly surrounded them.

The soldiers of the second hunting team immediately gathered together, put Jiang Xuanhu in the center, and prepared to fight nervously.

In order to avoid conflict, Jiang Xuan pushed aside the soldiers in front, walked to the front, and immediately shouted: "I am Xuan, the leader of the Vine tribe, we are just passing by here, and there is no malicious intent."

"Leader of the Vine tribe?"

Among the more than 100 tribesmen, a man in his thirties walked out. There were three horizontal lines on his face, indicating that he was a three-color warrior.

When he saw that Jiang Xuan was so young, but claimed to be the leader, and had four lines on his face, he obviously didn't believe it.

"This is the territory of the Blue Sheep Tribe. I am the hunting leader of the Blue Sheep Tribe, Black Bone."

"Are you really the leader?"

Facing the eyes of distrust, Jiang Xuan slowly bent down and picked up a blue-gray stone.

When he bent down, the warriors of the blue sheep tribe were obviously nervous, but seeing that he was picking up a stone, they became curious again: what did he want to do?

Jiang Xuandao: "Yes, I am the leader of the Vine tribe."

With a smile on his face, he slowly exerted force on his hand, and he saw that the blue-gray stone made a "click" sound, which was actually torn apart by his bare hands.

Wu Gu was shocked when he saw this scene, because this kind of stone is very hard, at least he couldn't crush it with his bare hands.

He finally believed that Jiang Xuan was a powerful four-color warrior, and the identity of the leader should also be true.

Because in a small tribe, it is very good to have a four-color warrior, and such a person is often the leader.

The warriors of the Yanyang tribe also showed surprised expressions, because Jiang Xuan was too young. At his age, ordinary tribesmen can only be a one-color warrior.

Facing a leader, Wu Gu was a little restless, because he knew how strong the four-color fighters were, and regardless of how many they were, they might not be able to fight against the four-color fighters.

He immediately instructed a soldier next to him: "Go and invite the leader over."


The soldier hurried up the mountain, apparently to invite the leader of the Blue Sheep Tribe.

While waiting, Jiang Xuan observed the warriors of the blue sheep tribe.

He found that these warriors had red totem patterns painted on their faces, which were more similar to the totem patterns on boulders.

Most of the clothes they wear are animal skins, which are relatively worn. The weapons used in their hands are mainly stone tools, and bone tools are relatively few.

At the same time, they usually have a sheep's horn hanging from their waists.

This kind of horn is relatively straight, and it is not the same as the horn of the big horn sheep that Jiang Xuan has seen before.

At the same time, he found that these warriors were very thin. Obviously, this was not a wealthy tribe, and they were still hungry and full.

While waiting, Wu Gu didn't talk to Jiang Xuan out of vigilance. The two sides were on guard against each other, staring at each other, and waited for about half an hour.

More than half an hour later, hundreds of warriors of the blue sheep tribe ran down the mountain, led by a middle-aged man with a relatively old face with a goatee on his chin.

Tribal people usually have some beards because of their tools, but they are messy, and a neat goatee like this middle-aged man is relatively rare.

Apparently, his beard was deliberately trimmed.

The middle-aged man with a goatee walked in front of Jiang Xuan. He was surprised at Jiang Xuan's age as usual, and then introduced himself: "The leader of the Yanyang tribe, Hongyan."

"Leader of the Vine tribe, Xuan."

Hongyan touched his goatee and found that he had never heard of this rattan tribe, so he asked, "Where are you rattan tribes?"

Jiang Xuandao: "Go to the place where the sun rises, walk for three days, and see a huge stone mountain and a sacred vine, there is our vine tribe."

"Stone Mountain, God Vine..."

Hongyan was not impressed by this, because the range of activities of the Yanyang tribe was not there.

However, he still remembered Jiang Xuan's words, and he might use it one day.

Hongyan said again: "Boss Xuan, where are you going?"

Of course Jiang Xuan couldn't say that they came to investigate the threat.

"Leader of Red Rock, winter is coming soon. Let's try our luck to see if we can find other tribes and trade some things before it snows."

"make a deal?"

Hongyan's eyes lit up, their Blue Sheep Tribe hadn't traded with other tribes for a long time.

Hongyan touched the goatee, thought for a moment, and said, "Boss Xuan, the sun is about to set. Since we are in the territory of our Yanyang tribe, why don't we spend the night in our tribe first? Our Yanyang tribe is very hospitable. of."

Jiang Xuan thought for a while, and felt that they didn't carry any cargo, and they had no hatred with the Yanyang The Yanyang Tribe had no motive to hurt them.

So, he nodded and said, "Then I will trouble the leader of Hongyan."

"Hahaha, no trouble, walk around, I'll take you there."

Hongyan and Jiang Xuan walked side by side, followed by the warriors of the Veng tribe and the warriors of the Yanyang tribe, and went up the mountain together.

The Yanyang tribe lives on the mountainside, where there is some flat land, but it is not very wide.

When Jiang Xuan went up the mountain, whether it was on the big trees or on the boulders, a large number of totem patterns of the blue sheep tribe could be seen.

In addition, there are many blue sheep that Jiang Xuan has not seen before, and they run freely on the steep hillside.

When they came to the middle of the mountain, Jiang Xuan saw a lot of wooden houses built on the mountain.

Among these wooden houses, there are many members of the Yanyang tribe. After seeing Jiang Xuan and others, they did not approach, but stood in the distance and stared at them curiously.

Jiang Xuan also noticed that perhaps because the place is relatively dry, many earth caves have been dug in the residence of the Yanyang tribe, some of which are used to store things and some are used to raise blue sheep.

Hongyan took Jiang Xuan into the largest wooden house. Next to the wooden house, there was a spring with a large flow of water. After flowing out, it turned into a mountain stream.

On the outer and inner walls of the wooden house, more blue sheep tribal totem patterns are painted. In addition, many horned blue sheep skulls are hung, which looks very primitive tribal atmosphere.

It was not until he was greeted by Hongyan to sit in front of the fire pond that Jiang Xuan finally withdrew his curious gaze and did not look around again.

Hongyan enthusiastically brought some food to Jiang Xuan, including dried meat and some unknown wild fruits.

As for the warriors Jiang Xuan brought, they were entertained by Wu Gu and others.

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