This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 285 Beta 0.1 version updates new merchant gameplay and corps system

The atmosphere at the scene was boiling like fire, and the roar of people was like the noisy waves.

Chu Guang, who was standing on the third floor, could see the faces filled with enthusiasm.

He could even touch it with the tip of his nose, the rush of excitement and desire.

The blood surges in my heart.

The emotional resonance spread among the crowd.

He believes it.

You are not the only one waiting for this moment.

At six o'clock in the evening.

The boiling sound in the square subsided slightly, and at this moment, the solemn and loud voice sounded from above the square.

"Nearly two hundred days and nights have passed since the moment the gate opened. It only took us just half a year to go from the endless wilderness to the 10,000 acres of fertile land outside the farm."

"In this short period of half a year, we drove away the alien species, conquered the barbarians, defeated the waves, advanced under artillery fire, and cultivated the barren soil."

"We have accomplished miracles that others thought were impossible. This was accompanied by sacrifices, but we have not left anyone behind."

"Now we have enough reasons to believe that we have the courage and ability to bring order to further places!"

"Let's celebrate this moment!"

"For yourself and for everyone around you!"

"Victory belongs to us!"

"Belongs to everyone who has fought for this land!"

The words fell loudly.

Thunderous applause.

Cheers filled the square.

"Long live the manager!"

"Vault 404 will live forever!"

"Long live the People's Federation!"

"Long live Demacia!"

"Eror of ankd!"

"People live just to--wuwuwu, let me go and let me finish!"

Some people shouted greatness and long live, while others said words that were difficult to understand and even confusing, but the pure feelings were indeed the same.

People express their excitement in their own way and vent their emotional resonance in cheers.

Wait for the turbulent waves to subside.

At the end of the opening ceremony of the celebration, Chu Guang announced the decision of the management of Vault 404 - in the background setting of "Wasteland OL", the authority of the manager is also determined by the "overhead organization" located at the bottom of the shelter. granted.

"...According to the collective vote of the 404 management, Vault 404 will fulfill the mission entrusted to us in the era of the People's Federation, work hand in hand with our compatriots waiting for us on the surface, reforge a new alliance from the ruins, and rebuild an equal A prosperous new world, rebuild our home!”

In the name of the alliance, the United Front for the Rejuvenation of Human Civilization is officially established!

In order to distinguish it from the People's League of the old era, it was referred to as "New Alliance" or "New Alliance".

The area from the North Fifth Ring Road of Qingquan City to Yuanxi Town, spanning a large area of ​​Yumu District, will serve as the first restoration area of ​​the new alliance.

A large area of ​​land from the outpost to Changjiang Farm will be consolidated and managed under the name Dawn City as the capital of the new alliance.

As for the legislative work and system construction, they will also be launched later, so I will not go into details here. There is still a lot of detailed and complicated work, but fortunately there is also a lot of time, and people have enough time to explore the path that suits them.

This work is like developing a. You can first come up with a working bug, and then slowly adjust it to make this bug acceptable to most people, or at least not uncomfortable to most people.

A program that satisfies everyone 100% does not exist even in a prosperous era when productivity and resources are extremely abundant. Even big data that has been refined over time will occasionally raise blood pressure.

But at the end of the day, something is better than nothing.

Chaos has been going on in the Vale Province for two centuries, and the people living here have been waiting for this moment for too long.

Even if the vast majority of indigenous people do not understand the meaning of the alliance, at least not yet, it does not prevent them from cheering for the arrival of this moment.

They need a reason to unite.

A reason to speak out with pride.

Bach, who was standing in the tin can, rubbed the lower edge of his helmet with his index finger and looked up with interest at Chu Guang, who was standing on the third floor of the nursing home.

"The new alliance...sounds interesting."

Witnessing the birth of a new force, my trip to the west was a worthwhile trip.

There was no expression change on Heya's face. Her mind was now filled with the specimens of the brood, DNA, and research on the expression-inducing serum.

Having experienced that "farce", she has already seen through the boredom in human nature. She is only interested in things worthy of her interest.

Yin Fang, who was standing aside, touched the bridge of his nose and said thoughtfully.

"Beyond my expectations."

Bucky gave him a curious look.

"What's the surprise?"

"I thought he would make himself emperor."

Although he said this in a teasing tone, Yin Fang was not joking at all.

Vault 404 didn't feel like a real shelter to him, at least not like the several shelters he had been to.

Perhaps because of their faith, perhaps because of his charisma, the residents here unconditionally obey and even worship him.

As long as the man wants, he can do whatever he wants. Let alone becoming an emperor, I'm afraid no one can oppose him to something even more exaggerated.

In fact, based on Yin Fang's understanding of Chu Guang, this man really rarely cares about means in order to achieve his goals, and some of his coquettish moves always leave him stunned.

Yet puzzlingly, he rarely does these things for himself.

Human beings are indeed complicated things...

"Long live the New Alliance! Long live Dawn City!" Ditwei, standing on the edge of the crowd, cheered excitedly, even more exaggeratedly than the locals' movements, attracting the attention of others.

The owner of Gray Squirrel Clothing Store, Er, glanced at this guy in surprise. He was here to purchase goods and happened to catch up with the celebration, but he didn't expect to see an old customer.

"Aren't you from Boulder City?"

"What does it matter?" With excitement on his face, Ditwe said nonchalantly, "We are all survivors of Qingquan City. We live in the same wasteland. Is there anything wrong with me cheering? There is no problem at all!"

People from Boulder?

He didn't remember having this label.

He is a merchant, a businessman walking in the wasteland. He was neither born there nor a retainer of the lord. He will follow whoever can make him rich, and he will take money wherever he can make money.

If you think of him as a person from Boulder City just because he often does business in Boulder City, that would be a big mistake!

Not only did Dietwei think so, but Liszt, who was standing not far away, also had the same idea in his heart, but his mood was far more complicated than this guy's.

He has a good reputation among the merchants in Boulder City. After traveling around for more than ten years, he only has the idea of ​​living in the inner city.

But recently, this idea suddenly wavered.

This is quite incredible.

Liszt has been to many more prosperous places than here, such as the Ideal City in Yunjian Province, which is simply like paradise.

But not once did he think about spending the rest of his life there.

The people there were thinking about things completely different from what he was thinking. Even with simple business contacts, he could feel that he and they were in two different worlds.

If you go to live there with your property, the most likely outcome is that you will get nothing and get out in despair. The people there never thought of being tolerant of other people, and he couldn't integrate into local life at all.

But it is different here. Whether you are a refugee or a businessman, you can be accepted as long as you abide by the local laws.

Yes, the same was true of Boulder City. At least anyone could enter the outer city. However, the two places gave him completely different feelings.

Liszt couldn't describe that feeling.

But it's different anyway.

Xia Yan stood in front of the weapons store, looking at the blue power armor in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

The little fish sitting astride her neck swayed its legs slightly in excitement, straightened its neck and looked around, chewing the plastic stick in its mouth.

She couldn't understand what Brother Chu was talking about.

But it feels like everyone is happy.

Something good must have happened!

Tails, who was sitting on Rourou's shoulders, looked in the direction of the weapons store with an envious look on his face, muttering incessantly.

"Damn...why is it Boss Xia who is carrying Xiaoyu! Tails also wants to be Xiaoyu's mount!"

Si Si looked at her in surprise.

"Hey! Can I call the police?"

In this great moment for the natives and players to celebrate together, a server announcement was also updated in the v of all players.

and the official website of the forum.

["Wasteland OL" closed beta test server beta01 version update announcement! 】

[Major update:

1The upper limit of closed beta players has been increased from 1,500 to 4,500!

2 maps have been fully upgraded! The scope is expanded to the surrounding areas of the River Valley Province!

3 Newly added facility "Hongshang Guild"!

4. Added "corps system"!


1. Add a large amount of in-game modeling to restore the realistic climate change system.

2. Add more caravans from outside the river valley province and develop unique local languages ​​and cultural customs for them.

3The little fish grew taller again1.

4Fix a few bugs.

Still the same old rules.

At the same time as the announcement was released, Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to post the pre-edited post on the official website forum!

"Developer Diary: beta01 version"

"Hello everyone, I am your dearest planner Aguang! We haven't seen each other for a long time, but I have been watching over you on the forum."

"After sacrificing 200 siege lions, our server finally came back to life. Now we can accommodate 4,500 players online at the same time! The helmets are currently being produced overtime, and we plan to release 10 to 40 activation codes and activation codes every day. Virtual helmet, in other words, every day for three days, there will be fresh and delicious - I mean cute little cute newbies joining us!"

"Are you happy? Are you excited? Although there is a long queue in front of the door of the new world, at least now the door has opened a small crack! No need to applaud us, give the applause to those testers , they have suffered a lot in the server... What? You also want to come in and suffer a lot? Just wait! There will be a chance!"

"In short, with the efforts of countless test players, our virtual community has begun to take shape, and "Wasteland OL" has finally ushered in the B-round test! We promise to work on "Give Him Love 6" and "Star Pie" 》End the closed beta before going online, and decide whether to add a closed beta before the open beta based on the actual situation.”

“Let’s talk about this beta version!”

"In the new version, we will focus more on the development of the virtual community itself, enhance cooperation between players and players, players and NCs, and enrich players' professional gameplay and choices."

"The traditional way of accepting tasks is still the most mainstream way of playing, but it is no longer the only option. You can choose to skip complicated tasks and use the money saved from part-time work to register with the 'Hong Kong Merchants Guild' to become a traveling trader. Start with a small business and gradually grow the business, and then lose it all again.”

"If you don't want to bear all the risks alone, you can also use deception to get your friends into your black car and let them bear part of the cost, and the price is a little bit of dividends."

"If you are not interested in doing business and don't have the confidence to bargain with the cunning wastelanders using poor human language, you can also try to hire NPCs to run your own or other people's trade routes, and eventually become a tycoon or a tycoon from far and near. Famous old guy."

"You can even register as a caravan guard who is busy putting out fires. Put aside the worries of money and focus on enjoying the journey itself. After all, death is just a three-day trip back to the city for you."

"In addition to the above content, we have also prepared brand-new content for professional combat players - namely, the exciting corps system!"

"In the new version, the combat method of player forces will evolve from conscription to standing corps. NC will establish one or more standing corps as needed. Some corps will be open to players to join, mainly for those who are not interested in command and focus on the mainstream. A professional combat player with mission gameplay.”

"Of course, in addition to the standing corps established by NC, the new version also allows players to form their own corps. If you are confident enough in your command art and have proven it to others, you can also consider taking a path An unusual path.”

"Any player with three or more silver medals and a contribution level of senior citizen can form an independent 'corps' with at least two friends who are intermediate citizens or above, set their own flag and number, and recruit others who trust them and And join the team with like-minded players.”

"We have designed a special growth route for the corps system. It is divided into ten levels just like the skill proficiency system. The scale is divided into ten-man teams, hundred-man teams or even thousand-man teams. By accumulating military merits, you can be promoted and increase the maximum number of recruits. , a bigger station and a bigger budget.”

"It is worth mentioning that although the Corps was born for war, its function is not just for external combat. It also assumes the responsibilities of maintaining order, suppressing rebellion, guarding peace, expelling alien species, fighting against waves, and building homes."

"In a peaceful state, the corps can choose whether to participate in mercenary, escort, weapons testing and other tasks according to their own needs, and obtain funds from the tasks to purchase and upgrade equipment. When war breaks out, each corps will automatically respond to the war in the refuge Called to fight on the front lines.”

"We will strengthen the cooperation between professional players in life and professional players in combat, and provide the same game experience for two different ways of playing through reasonable balance design. We will give players more rights to dispose of loot in their corps, and we will also encourage professional players in life Players support the front line more from the logistical aspect and get what they need from the captured loot.”

“Investing in a battle with a higher chance of winning may be a sure-profit deal, but a battle full of risks may also bring huge dividends.”

"But what needs to be thought of is that although the player corps can determine the target of the attack to a certain extent, it does not have the right to declare war on its own, nor can it declare war on external forces on behalf of the new alliance."

"As the person directly responsible, the regiment leader needs to strictly restrain his team. The price of violating discipline is not only the withdrawal of the flag and number, but major violations will even affect whether the account can continue to be used..."

The post was posted less than a minute ago.

The originally calm forum suddenly exploded.

"What the hell!? Round B test is really started!"

“Dog planning is awesome!”

"Aguang: That's right, your number is gone."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"By the way, why don't you see those with sealed test targets on the forum today?"

"Everyone with the mark is online! These hateful Europeans! They are probably having fun playing games right now and have no time to show off on the forum."

"Gan! Why can't you wait until the new version is released and hold the celebration! If you do this, wouldn't I just miss the entire Spring Festival event!"

"Calm down, even if the celebration is held after the new version is launched, you will still have to wait three days to enter the game, not to mention that the maximum number of qualifications released every day is only 40. Are you sure you can win?"

"Gan! Do you want it to be so real?"

"Don't say it!"

Since the last game screenshot function was launched, a large number of high-definition screenshots have poured into the forum, and the number of reservations has already exceeded the six-digit mark and is heading towards seven figures.

With so many people lining up at the same time, there are only forty numbers at most every day. There are always people who can get in line and some who can't.

However, compared to the endless waiting before, having accounts released every day always gives me something to look forward to.

Unlike the alha version, sometimes it is released several times a month, and sometimes it is not released even once a month, which is really annoying.

Cloud players are cheering for the arrival of the B-round test. The gossip sections of the entire forum are crazy, and only those sections that are limited to closed beta players have not become lively yet.


It's only a matter of time before things get lively.

Online players' v can also receive version update news.

As soon as the celebration started, a long queue formed at the door of the save point. They were all players who planned to take a shortcut to log off and go to the official website to join in the fun.

There are other options if you don't want to go to the save point. There is an unlimited supply of beer and corn wine at the celebration. 5 silver coins can buy a large cup or a large bowl.

It was even more convenient for the veteran players. They found a place to lie down out of the way, and then directly used v to ask Xiaoqi to help open the gate.

Starting from the previous alha10 version, there are too many ways to go offline tactically.

But not everyone is rushing to the official website.

Why bother?

All your friends are in the game.

Where is the discussion not the same?

on the square.

Looking at the server announcement that popped up on v, Commander Quanshui touched his chin with excitement.

"Have your own station, with funds officially allocated by the shelter, you can also recruit players... There is no level limit? Does that mean you can recruit new people?"

Although his level is not very good, he has the highest proficiency in command skills in the entire server.

Edge Paddling is obviously very interested. The requirements for establishing an independent corps are three silver medals and senior citizenship. He fully meets the standards. One of the medals is a "Special Medal" with a shield painted on it.

The debtor standing next to him said with a smile.

"How about the name Death Corps?"

"Get out!"

Although he said to get lost, he was obviously moved.

On the other side, several people from the Cow Horse Team also gathered together to discuss,

After reading the server announcement about quitting smoking, I suddenly started making a fuss.

"Awesome! Is this corps system preparing for the guild gameplay?"

"Eighty percent yes," Fang Chang nodded and said thoughtfully, "The message A Guang revealed in the post is very clear. The new version will place more emphasis on cooperation between players and focus on improving the community. "

Brother Mole heard this and said hesitantly: "Generally, players will be diverted to guild play only after level 30 or even 60, right? The highest level of the server is currently less than lv20, and the warm-up session will begin now. Aren't you too anxious?"

After completing the general main mission, the level is basically close to the maximum level. If you want to increase the game content, you can only rely on constantly patching the plot, constantly releasing expansion packs, darkening popular characters, and whitewashing villains.

But this alone is obviously not enough.

Sylvanas can't burn a tree twice.

Most of the strategies are to guide players to form communities and use guilds and interpersonal relationships to bind players to the game.

Similar are mentoring and marriage.

However, "Wasteland OL" obviously does not have this problem.

There is so much content that can be explored in the wasteland world, it is almost like a real world. Even if Dog Plan does not make any updates, the existing gameplay alone will be enough for players to play with for a long time.

Fang Chang: "Actually, there is no difference. The average person can reach level 50~60 in half a year. The leveling difficulty of "Wasteland OL" is obviously much greater than that of traditional games. It is normal to give high-level players more gameplay options. "

Lao Bai nodded.

"Indeed, the server used to have fewer people and more tasks, but now the number of players has increased, and there are not enough trees near the park."

Not just trees.

The garbage in the ruins will not be refreshed if you pick it up.

If you want to get greater benefits, you can only go further.

Not just felling trees and scavenging, but other occupations as well.

After a pause, Fang Chang looked at his friends and continued.

"Let's make a prediction. In up to two versions, the server will definitely open the dormant cabin for archiving to players for purchase, allowing players to establish their own personal archive points, and even allow players to purchase training cabins and set their own resurrection points!"

Ye Shi hesitated: "What does this mean?"

Fang Chang only answered in two words.



(Thanks to the leader of "Brilliant Corpse" for the reward!!)

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