This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 65: fight for life

"He is completely courting death!"

The Baya Knight was overjoyed.

I didn't expect the other party to cooperate like this at all.

"Luck is here!"

"I didn't expect that this guy only has great layout and calculation, but his actual combat ability and psychological quality are not very good."

"This is an opportunity!"

Even though he thought so in his heart, the Baya knight still reserved a little strength, just in case.

But this kind of precaution is gradually weakening as the two sides get closer.

When the offensive was about to arrive, the Baya Knights suddenly exerted their strength, and both speed and strength skyrocketed again.

This is a very simple technique.

When making a move, don't use all your strength.

When the offensive is about to take effect, it will suddenly break out.

This method is very accurate when dealing with newbies, especially those who are not good at fighting.

Even against masters, it can occasionally be effective, and the enemy will be caught off guard.

The dagger pierced the air, bringing bursts of airflow.

The cold light cuts through the darkness and blooms blood-colored flowers.

Under the full force of the explosion, the dagger of the Baya Knight directly slashed the neck of the humanoid shadow.

And under the gaze of the Baya Knights, their heads were separated!


The Baya Knight was ecstatic in his heart, no matter the touch in his hand or the reaction of the humanoid shadow, it all showed that the previous blow had been successful!

"If you move your head, you will surely die!"

A different way of fighting than others.

When the Baya Knights killed people, their attack methods were even more brutal, trying to kill the enemy with one hit and eliminate future troubles forever.

If you can cut off your limbs, you won't be disconnected.

Being able to decapitate is not just cutting arteries.

Because he has seen too many cases of "merciful" guys being counter-killed.

"You don't beep if you can do it."

"If you can kill it, don't let it go."

This is his belief in the game, and it is also one of the reasons why he can play this game so well.

And now, according to the tactile feedback just now, what the dagger hit must be the neck.

Even that head has already begun to fall downward.

This means that the opponent is absolutely dead, and there is absolutely no possibility of counter-kill or resurrection.

Because this is the "Medieval Dungeon" with only one level of strength, there is no supernatural magic or divine art.

To die is to die, and there will be no suspense.

"Looks like I won the bet."


With such a thought flashing by, the head finally fell to the ground.

And that human-shaped shadow, the rest of the body, slowly began to fall in the direction of the Baya Knight.

Gulu grumbled.

Due to inertia, the head slowly rolled to the foot of the Baya Knight.

By the meager light, the Baya knight narrowed his eyes and took a closer look.

The next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person froze for a moment.

"It's not a Tai Lun knight!?"

Although the light was thin, with concentration, the Baya Knight could see the true identity of the head.

It was the shield knight who died in the treasure chest trap room before!

"Why him?!"

"Didn't he die early?!"

"And why is his body full of holes? Why is it here!?"

In an instant, Baia Knight's thoughts were beating extremely fast.

Almost as soon as he saw his head clearly, he suddenly came back to his senses and raised his head suddenly.

There, the corpse of the shield knight fell slowly.

But the difference is that the black shadow of the corpse suddenly turned into two, like splitting into two people!

One person was still falling down slowly, while the other person jumped up suddenly, the dagger in his hand, flashing with black light, hit his chest directly.

"This guy is the player who calculated to the extreme!"

"He had been sticking closely to the corpse of the klim knight just now! The corpse of klein knight was used as a shield, so that I never noticed the abnormality!"

"And the abnormal reaction after I found the body of Knight Klimt, the twisted dance, and the behavior of jumping out of the bookcase in reverse, all of which were controlled by him!"

"What a deep scheming!"

"This guy, it's definitely not easy!"

"Master, I finally met a real master!"

Excitement and excitement surged in my heart at the same time.

The fighting enthusiasm and bloodiness were completely detonated at once.

Facing the straight dagger, the Baya knight advanced instead of retreating.

He raised his left hand as a shield, raised his right hand, and continued to attack the figure's neck.

"Exchange injury for injury, exchange death for death!"

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is a bit skinny.

Almost when the Baya Knight just raised his left hand, he just showed his intention of sacrificing his left hand to resist the attack.

The enemy's attacking dagger suddenly changed its attack trajectory.

"Sure enough, he's a master!"

The excitement is even stronger.

The fighting talent of the Baya Knights was once again stimulated.

Follow your heart.

After the opponent changed the offensive trajectory, the Baya Knights immediately followed.

His left arm was suddenly raised a few centimeters, and he successfully stuck his arm on the target of the opponent's attack again.


The reaction of the Baya Knight won the enemy's snort.

For the Baya Knights, this is almost the highest compliment.

To be able to surprise a master of this is enough to make one feel proud.

It can also be proved that his efforts are not wrong.

But this pride didn't last long.

The Baya Knight was horrified to find that the opponent's attack trajectory changed again!

"Damn it! No way! A master-level dagger is proficient!"

The Baya Knight was shocked in his heart.

With such a short distance, the offensive trajectory changed twice in a row, and each time the trajectory changed, the trajectory was so large!

"Isn't this guy afraid of shaking his wrist and breaking it!"

Although the Baya Knights were also in the stab hall before, they had changed the attack trajectory during the attack.

But it was attacking the 'sticks', without any interference, it was just a show of skill.

Moreover, the space relative to the wooden stake is also large, and the dagger has a wide range of activities, so it is not the case that it is almost close to the body like this.

Don't underestimate this relative space gap, the closer you are, the less reaction time you can give.

And the range of the attack trajectory that can be changed will be smaller and the difficulty will be higher.

It can be said that the person in front of him, at this distance, can change the trajectory of the second attack and change the trajectory so much that the Baya Knight is absolutely impossible.

It is precisely because he understands how difficult it is to use this hand.

It is precisely because he knows the strength of the person in front of him.

That's why the Baya Knights were so shocked.

But at the same time, being able to fight against such a master also made every cell in his body extremely excited.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

His throat rolled, making an inexplicable roar.

The Baya Knight frantically adjusted the position of his left hand downward, and the strength of his right hand exploded again, slamming into the shadow in front of him.

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