This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 182: Chaos first appeared

Is this guy actually dead? !

But the copy announcement did not sound last night. x update fastest

That is, this guy is not a player.

So who is the guy who killed the sluggish man?

Is it the player, or the npc?

If it is an NPC, there must be some purpose behind it.

If it is a player...the initial force value is definitely not weak, and he acts very decisively.

The sluggish man is indeed more eye-catching, and he is also on Fang Yi's suspect list.

But such a direct shot still surprised Fang Yi.

who will do it...

Fang Yi suddenly thought of the group of four who pretended to be pigs and eat tigers.

If they did, does that mean there are players in the quartet.

Or are they killing people with a purpose?

Fang Yi frowned slightly.

Without enough information, he can't know the answer just by guessing.

"It's time to get started."

"Whether it is the giant blacksmith's side, or the information collection of the entire Hanbi City."

Fang Yi's copy identity has a good foundation.

He didn't want to give up and expose, so the first day was all about information gathering and disguise.

Even though the sluggish man was on the suspect list, he was not in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, the sluggish man was killed the next day.

Blending into the crowd, Fang Yi carefully observed the corpse in front of him.

The sluggish man's body has many scars, and it looks like he has been tortured by some kind of abuse.

This phenomenon reduces the possibility of what the player does.

Because players face suspicious objects, they usually cut the mess with a quick knife.

The longer the ink is, the more likely it is to be overturned.

No one knows whether the other party will have any strange comeback tricks, only the dead are safe enough.

But it only reduces the likelihood.

Because there are still post-mortem repairs, resulting in the false appearance of abuse.

It may also be that the player has some special hobby, so it cannot be concluded.

The eight fingers of the corpse, the nails were peeled off, and the two thumbs were directly smashed by blunt objects, and the flesh was blurred.

There are many wounds that can be seen deep in the bone, all the teeth have been pulled out, and one eye is blind, and the appearance can be described as very miserable.

If this player is really a player, facing this kind of torture, it is estimated that he will quit the game early.

Unfortunately, NPCs don't have this option.

"Hey, miserable, I didn't expect Doctor Yu to end up like this."

"Could it be the city owner again..."

"Impossible! Dr. Yu was imprisoned by the City Lord Han as a dementia. He didn't care about it and let it go. It has been five or six years. How could he suddenly kill someone now?"

"That's right. When Dr. Yu passed by Hanbi City by chance, he was forced to take him to treat the master of Shaocheng. As a result, his medical skills were not good, his condition deteriorated, and he was put in prison. When he came out again, he was already demented and crazy. If the city master really wanted to Murder, and you have already started at that time."

"Are you guys the spies of Quansi Kingdom..."

"Impossible, why did the spies from Quansi Country kill Doctor Yu?"

No one can answer this question.

The content of the surrounding discussions began to shift, but Fang Yi's eyes turned to the fast approaching team in the distance.

"Guan catcher is here."

"Close the head, Dr. Yu is dead."

The onlookers did not seem to be afraid to turn off the arrest, and greeted them on the spot.

Guan Jutou had a beard on his face, frowned tightly, ignored them, and left quickly with the corpse.

"Close the head?"

"Guan Zhaotou, don't you question the people in the inn?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Guan Zhaotou left without even asking about the case.


Guan Zhaotou suddenly stopped when he heard the words, turned his back to the crowd, whispered a word, and left in a hurry.

And this sentence also made everyone look at each other, look at each other, and gradually dissipate.

Only the bloodstains at the scene proved that there was a corpse lying here just now.

"I advise you, if you want to live for a long time, you have never seen it before, and don't talk about it."

Fang Yi carefully pondered what Guan Caotou left behind, and always felt that Guan Caotou seemed to be afraid of something.

Could it be that it was really the work of the city lord?

Depressing his mind, Fang Yi entered the Shangyuan Inn.

Set a room, put your luggage away, and then come out.

The bloodstains at the door have been cleaned, and only when passers-by pass by, they point.

After eating two steamed buns and returning to the blacksmith shop, Ju Yushuang has been waiting at the door for a long time, with a worried look on his face.

Seeing Fang Yi appear, she let out a sigh of relief, and her smile bloomed, as if worried that Fang Yi would never return.

After dealing with Ju Yushuang, Fang Yi suddenly asked, "By the way, Yushuang, do you know Doctor Yu?"

"Doctor Yu?"

Ju Yushuang was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he remembered who Fang Yi was.

"I know, when I was shopping for vegetables, I often saw fool Yu picking up the leaves on the ground and eating them raw."

Fang Yi's heart moved, and he pretended to be casual and asked, "I heard that he used to be very good at medicine?"

"It seems to be the case. When I first came to Hanbi City, I claimed to be a divine doctor, but after being locked up by the city master for a few months, I went crazy."

Back to the **** doctor? This clue is enough.

If you want to know more, you need to find another way. Ju Yushuang just collects a lot of gossip.

There is only one content. If you dig deeper, you need to investigate by yourself.

"Why do you ask this all of a sudden? Are you sick?"

Ju Yushuang suddenly thought of something and asked nervously I'm fine. "

After thinking about it, Fang Yi felt that Ju Yushuang would know about it sooner or later, so there was nothing to hide.

"Also, Doctor Yu is dead."


Ju Yushuang was startled and covered his mouth with his hands.

"Fa, what happened?"

"I don't know. Guan Zhaotou came here and left in a hurry with the body. I didn't dare to investigate. It's probably quite complicated behind this. It's better that we don't know about it."

"Ah... ok, ok."

Ju Yushuang was still flustered and worried, but there was warmth in his heart.

Because Fang Yi's words are concerned about her safety.

Fang Yi didn't know what Ju Yushuang was thinking. After entering the back room, he immediately heard the sound of iron hammering from the next room.

"Chang Qi, then I'll go shopping first."


Ju Yushuang's farewell came from the door, Fang Yi responded, then pushed open the door next door and entered the forging room.

The hot breath came from the pavement.

Squinting his eyes, he looked in, and there were all kinds of iron equipment piled up in the room.

The giant blacksmith was pulling the blower without even turning his head.

Fang Yi stepped forward silently, without saying a word, and silently cooperated with the giant blacksmith to complete the forging work.

Time gradually passed, until noon, under the call of the heavy rain and frost, the two stopped their movements and entered the inner room to eat.

At the dining table, Ju Yushuang immediately started talking about Doctor Yu's gossip, but unfortunately it was all scattered.

The only useful news is that Doctor Yu seems to have suddenly received a sum of money, so he will stay at the Shangyuan Inn.

As a result, he was killed that night and his body was thrown at the door of the inn.

Such blatant behavior seems to have other intentions.

It is also worth paying attention to why Dr. Yu got this money from.


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