This Doctor is Great

Chapter 223 Crazy Epilepsy? Something is wrong!

Chapter 214

His wife Zheng Jiechang said:

"Although my husband returned to normal, when I asked him if he could remember what happened just now, it turned out that he had no memory at all, as if all the memories of the illness had been erased."

"Although he returned to normal, I sent my husband to the hospital."

"After going to the hospital, I had a head CT scan, and the results came out quickly, and there was no abnormality."

"At that time, the doctor was still worried about whether it was caused by cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction, a brain disease, but according to the head CT, it should not be such a serious disease."

"Later, I did several EEGs, and found abnormalities, suggesting mild abnormalities. The diagnosis at that time was epilepsy."

"Epilepsy is what we often call epileptic patients who will faint without warning, twitch, roll their eyes, and foam at the mouth. They look very scary, as if they are crazy."

Zhou Mo nodded.

In fact, the cause of epilepsy is very simple, that is, the abnormal discharge of brain nerves leads to abnormal reactions in the human body.

For the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, EEG is still required, and brain CT can not find lesions.

In addition, the EEG of some people can detect epilepsy, but there are also many epilepsy patients with no obvious abnormalities in the EEG.

His wife, Zheng Jie, continued talking.

"The hospital where I was first admitted was diagnosed with epilepsy. When I was discharged from the hospital, the doctor prescribed some drugs to treat epilepsy."

"Moreover, the doctor told me thousands of times that we must insist on eating for a long time, so as to avoid recurrence."

At this moment, the patient Zhao Leiming suddenly spoke.

"After I was discharged from the hospital, I have been taking medicine on time, and the situation has improved, and there has been no attack. I thought I was fine."

As he said that, the patient's expression became serious: "But the good times didn't last long. Less than two months after returning home, the illness relapsed."

"At about nine o'clock in the morning, I just woke up and was about to go to the toilet, but just as I stood up, I fell directly on the ground, twitching desperately, rolling my eyes and foaming at the mouth, which lasted for about ten minutes .”

These behaviors of his were all told to him by his family members after he woke up, and whenever he heard these things, his heart would tremble.

And what scares him the most is that when he got sick, his memory seemed to be erased, because after he woke up, he couldn't remember anything about the sickness.

There was a bit of bitterness on the patient's face.

"Because I was busy with work a few days before the onset of the disease, I thought it was too tired, which made me tired, so I didn't go to the hospital."

Wife Zheng Jie: "When my husband just got sick this time, I persuaded him to go to the hospital for a look, but my husband didn't listen, so I put it down temporarily."

After a pause, his wife Zheng Jie showed a regretful expression on her face.

"But I didn't expect that my husband fell ill again within a few days this time, and this time it was more serious than the previous few times."

"It was a weekend afternoon, and my husband was driving the car with my children to go out to play."

"However, halfway through the car, my husband fell ill. He passed out and twitched non-stop. The car also hit the fence directly."

"Fortunately, the speed of the car was not fast at that time, and there was an airbag, so a few of us only had a little skin trauma."

Every time thinking of this, Zheng Jie felt a wave of fear in her heart.

It has been more than two years since she got sick that day, and she has never dared to let her husband drive again. Every time she goes out, she drives the family car.

"After I got sick, I didn't think it was going to work, so I quickly dragged my husband to the hospital again."

Hearing the patient's description, Zhou Mo felt a little strange in his heart.

Although epilepsy cannot be cured under normal circumstances, most of them can be controlled with medication.

In other words, if the patient is really epileptic and takes medicine for a long time, then there should be no seizures again.

However, this patient had seizures many times while taking the medicine, indicating that the real cause of the patient was probably not epilepsy.

"What happened then?"

Hearing what the patient said, Zhou Mo also asked.

"After we came to our County People's Hospital, the doctor listened to our description and felt that the possibility of epilepsy was very high."

"So I arranged for my husband to do head CT and EEG and so on.

"No obvious anomalies were found."

At this time, Zhou Mo had already begun to think.

Isn't it epilepsy?

Although the possibility of epilepsy is high, a cardiac cause cannot be ruled out.

There are many diseases that cause 'epilepsy', but the most important ones are brain and heart problems.

For example, some arrhythmias may also convulse and roll their eyes during the onset.

The main reason is that the blood in the brain and even the whole body is supplied by the heart, and when the heart rate is abnormal, there may be no way to continue to supply blood to the brain.

This will lead to severe ischemia in the brain in a short period of time, resulting in abnormal brain function, so convulsions, coma, and no memory will occur.

The wife continued.

"At that time, the doctor had another suspicion, arrhythmia."

"A dynamic electrocardiogram and color Doppler ultrasound were arranged, and no abnormalities were found."

"Afterwards, a 24-hour dynamic electrocardiogram was performed, and many times in a row, but no obvious arrhythmia was found."

"In the end, the doctors were helpless. They could only prescribe some drugs to treat epilepsy, and asked me to go home and take more drugs. Maybe I could get it under control."

Having said that, the patient resisted the urge to scold her mother.

The medical skills of these doctors are so poor that they just let him take medicine if they couldn't find out the cause.

It's okay to take medicine, but taking medicine alone still can't solve the problem.

"How is the effect of taking the medicine? How long has it lasted without getting sick?" Zhou Mo asked.

He knew that the patient must be ill again, otherwise he would not have been sent to the Second Provincial Hospital by ambulance.

"About half a year or so."

"At that time, I thought I was cured after taking the medicine, but it didn't take long for me to get sick again."

Hearing the patient's description, the family members suddenly interrupted.

"Not only is it sick, but it seems that a lesion has occurred, which is different from the previous symptoms."

"Before, I was convulsed and unconscious, and I didn't do anything special... But this time, I lost control of my emotions and yelled like I was crazy."

The patient's wife is speechless, how can the disease be upgraded?

"While eating, my husband suddenly stood up, flipped the table, and then danced nonsense without knowing what he was talking about."

"And in the wild yelling of my husband, I seem to have heard the word Lele."

Having said this, Zheng Jie's expression turned cold, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Although I haven't inquired about my husband's previous affairs, I chatted with a few of his buddies before and heard that my husband's first love girlfriend seems to be called Lele.

I lost control of my consciousness, and actually yelled the name of my first love girlfriend.

After her husband returned to normal, she deliberately found excuses to quarrel with him a few times, but she never said it was because of this incident.

Feeling that she was thinking too far, Zheng Jie shook her head lightly and came back to her senses.

"When my husband fell ill, several of us wanted to send him to the hospital, but my husband seemed to be going crazy and wouldn't let anyone get close to him."

"As long as someone is within one meter of him, my husband will punch and kick him, and even want to rush up and bite him with his teeth."

"It looks so scary, it's like trying to swallow people alive."


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