On August 8, 1941, the Third Reich summoned Field Marshal Fedor von Bock, commander of Army Group Center, at the High Command in Berlin.

The meeting was also attended by Chief of Defense Staff Field Marshal Bromberg and Army Commander Field Marshal Brauchitsch, as well as Chief of Staff of the High Command Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel.

When the Central Army Group was about to launch an attack on Mosk and start the most critical battle in the third phase of Plan Barbarossa, Hess needed to determine the next battle plan with the military bosses.

Hess is very satisfied with the performance of the troops.

The third phase of combat missions has now been mostly completed.

Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that the Third Reich successfully won this phase of the battle.

"Marshals, congratulations on your victory on the battlefield. I look forward to the moment when our troops capture Mosk and our flag is planted in the Kremlin!" Hess said

"Your Excellency, please rest assured that soon you will be able to see our flag flying over the Kremlin!"Marshal Fedor von Bock seemed very confident.

Although the continuous battles exhausted the soldiers and the losses of the troops were not small.

But the battle had reached this critical node. The morale of the troops was still high. This made the Third Reich The frontline marshals and generals are also full of confidence in this battle.

In the eyes of many people, as long as the Third Reich captures Mosk, the Bear Alliance will be completely finished. The Third Reich will naturally win. This battle was won

"very good! Then I'm looking forward to that day."Hess nodded with satisfaction.

"Are the losses to the troops high? When can an attack on Mosk be launched? Hess then asked

"Your Excellency, in the previous battles, all ministries suffered certain losses. In addition, the soldiers were also very tired. It would undoubtedly be best if you could have a week or so to rest and replenish yourself. In this way, the combat effectiveness of each unit can be restored, which will also be beneficial to the subsequent operations." said Field Marshal Fedor von Bock.

"A week is no problem at all. I also hope that our soldiers can devote themselves to the next battle with full passion and fighting spirit!" Hess said

"Regarding the losses of frontline troops, are the soldiers prepared?"Hess asked.

Although the three army groups of the Third Reich only have more than 300 people. However, most of the casualties can be replenished in time. This allows the three army groups of the Third Reich to maintain a comparative strength.

"Your Excellency, the follow-up supplementary troops have been prepared and can be transported to the front line at any time."Marshal Brauchic replied

"Okay, let's prepare to supplement the front line. In addition, each servant country was notified that the losses of their frontline troops must also be replenished. Now is the most critical moment of the war, and we need to ensure the combat effectiveness of all frontline troops!" Hess said.

Especially those servant armies with relatively strong combat effectiveness are key troops that need to be supplemented. They have become an indispensable and important support for the Third Reich on the battlefield.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"Marshal William Keitel replied

"It's August now. I hope that Mosk must be captured by mid-November at the latest. I don't want our soldiers to fight against the Woolly Bear Alliance in the ice and snow. When the time comes, Mosk must be captured. At the same time, prepare as much as possible for winter. This time, more troops were wintering on the plains of Eastern Europe. In addition to us, there are also a large number of servants. It is necessary to ensure that the troops can survive the winter as safely as possible. Non-combat casualties such as frostbite and frostbite cannot occur."Hess warned.

For the Third Reich, it will be more difficult for the troops to survive the winter this time. There are more winter supplies that need to be prepared.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor! We have been preparing these supplies since three months ago. Next month we will begin transporting winter supplies to the front lines. Ensure that all troops can survive the winter safely."Marshal William Keitel said.

Hess nodded with satisfaction. In his opinion, once the Third Reich won the victory in the third phase of the battle and all the troops passed through the winter safely, then next spring The fourth phase of the battle can begin. The forces that are stubbornly resisting Matthew of the Furry Bear Alliance will launch a final attack. There is a high probability that the Furry Bear Alliance will choose to surrender under such circumstances. Even if they do not surrender, the Third Reich can Easily occupy the entire Eastern European plains. Although there are still vast areas of Siberia and Central Asia under the control of the Woolly Bear Alliance. However, the industrial base of those places is weak, and even if they get it, it will not be of much use.

"very good. Marshals, we have undoubtedly achieved a crucial victory in the battle against the Furry Bear Alliance. Next, we just need to play steadily and win down Mosk. Then, victory will be achieved in the third phase of the battle. At that time, the empire will have a huge advantage in winning the final victory in the war with the Wooly Bear Alliance. Our last enemy on the European continent will also cease to exist. All of Europe will be under our control. The empire will become more powerful as a result and become a true overlord!"Hess said.

Only after the Wooly Bear Alliance is destroyed can the Third Reich truly become the overlord of Europe. Only after consolidating its rear area can it further expand outward and compete with overseas enemies.

Now Europe is still the center of the world. When the Third Reich takes control of all of Europe, even the Eagle Kingdom cannot compare with the Third Reich.

In future wars, the possibility of the Third Reich winning will naturally be greater. Big

"Your Excellency, in addition to the attack on Moscow, the main force of Army Group South is also about to launch an attack on Josephgrad. If we capture Josephgrad, we will control the entire lower Volga region and the Don region. Next, you can either attack southward towards the Caucasus or northward along the Volga River."Marshal Bromberg said.

Hess nodded:"Yes, Josephgrad is also a very important strategic node, and the empire must win it. Tell Marshal Rundstedt that Army Group South must take Josefgrad before winter!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"Marshal Bromberg replied.

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