There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 578 No need to take risks

After Zheng Guoqiang finished speaking, he didn't wait for Liang Musheng's reply and walked towards Zheng Xinyue. The little girl was fanning herself with a handkerchief! The raised little fingers glowed white in the sun. What beautiful orchid fingers they were. It would be a pity not to sing?

"Comrade, please take a moment to speak. I have something to discuss with you. Let's go outside the medicinal material company! It's cooler over there.

Zheng Guoqiang wanted to take advantage, and was afraid that his cousin would ruin his plan, so he wanted to trick Zheng Xinyue out of the medicinal material company, and go out to coax the rural girl who had never seen the money. She would be very happy if she paid 100 yuan for two sticks.

"If you have anything to say, just say it here!"

Zheng Xinyue glanced at him indifferently. The smile on Zheng Guoqiang's face was fake. Thinking of Xiao Liang's talk about bringing ginseng to the manager for rating and being dragged away by this man, Zheng Xinyue intuitively felt that he was interested in those two ginsengs.

She doesn't like this man. He feels that he is very thoughtful, and there are calculations hidden in his eyes when he smiles at you.

Therefore, she didn't want to talk to him too much, lest she accidentally fall into his trap.

"It's inconvenient."

Zheng Guoqiang was a little anxious and lowered his voice to hint to her.

"There's nothing inconvenient. I'm here to sell medicines openly. I have all the letters of introduction and I'm not afraid of anyone checking."

Zheng Xinyue raised her eyebrows and answered. She stood there and refused to follow him. She looked at Liang Musheng with anxious eyes and shouted.

"Comrade Xiaoliang, please hurry up, I want to go back with the beet truck delivered to the village!"

Seeing that Zheng Xinyue was not getting enough, Zheng Guoqiang was so anxious that he had to rely on her, leaned over and asked her in a low voice.

"I just asked my cousin if two ginseng sticks are worth up to eighty yuan. Can I give you one hundred and secretly transfer it to me?"

"No, that's speculation. You'll be arrested. I only sell to medicinal companies."

Zheng Xinyue shook her head and refused him neatly. Her procedures were legal and there was no need to take risks.

Besides, this man's eyes were chattering around, and his words sounded generous, but she just felt that this man was here to take advantage.

Why did she think this way? Because that's how this person made her feel.

"Comrade, your appearance and voice are very suitable for singing Peking Opera. I work as a propaganda officer in the county propaganda team. As long as you sell ginseng to me, I will help you join the propaganda team. What do you think?"

Zheng Guoqiang made an empty wish to Zheng Xinyue. It was not easy to join the propaganda team at this time. The political appearance must be clean, the roots must be upright, and the most important thing is the urban household registration. The propaganda team also Someone has to be there, these are all tough measures.

The little girl has never seen the world and can tell what she is, but he also has plans to recruit a group of outstanding girls every year. Anyone who has a good image, a sweet voice, can act or sing, and can play a musical instrument can be specially recruited.

He gave him ginseng and became the team leader. If this girl fell in love with him, it would not be completely hopeless to get her into the propaganda team.

After Zheng Guoqiang finished speaking, he looked at Zheng Xinyue with an air of air. He had already extended the olive branch and was waiting for Zheng Xinyue to take the bait.

He is confident that no girl can resist this temptation.

"Thank you, but I have work and don't want to go to the publicity team."

Zheng Xinyue smiled and declined politely. The confidence on Zheng Guoqiang's face disappeared instantly, and he looked at Zheng Xinyue in disbelief. Is there a job? You have a job and you come here to sell herbal medicine?

"Is it a brick factory or a carbon black factory? A place like that will bury you. Besides, the rural household registration will not be regularized. The salary is more than ten yuan a month. The propaganda team is different. If you do a good job, the leader can kill you with just one sentence. My registered permanent residence has been transferred to the city and I will be promoted soon, so I still have some say in this matter."

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