There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 569 Why is there only Changfeng in my eyes?

Zheng Dakui praised his daughter with a smile. He thought he would worry about her after the divorce, but instead she did a lot for the family and brought honor to his father, which made him very happy.

Gu Changfeng met Zheng Laosan who had just gotten off work on the way to the Red Flag Team 5. So Zheng Laosan took his brother-in-law's car home. When he got off the car, he covered his buttocks and grinned while walking. He didn't raise his voice at all. Bian complained to Gu Changfeng who was locking his car.

"It's killing me."

Zheng Xinyue ran out of the house happily when she heard the shouts of her third brother. When Gu Changfeng got off work, she began to be absent-minded. She was making dumplings in the house, but her ears were perked up to listen to what was going on outside.


Zheng Xinyue smiled when she saw Gu Changfeng when she went out. Zheng Chengbao looked at his sister sadly, why was it only Changfeng in his eyes?

"Little sister, didn't you see the third brother?"

Zheng Chengbao looked at his sister with a little sadness. The tall man had such a resentful expression that was so funny to him.

"Third brother, does it hurt?"

Zheng Xinyue looked at her third brother with a bad smile. She had experienced it herself, numbness in her legs and pain in her buttocks. This was the price of riding a bicycle.

Zheng Laosan's face was a little red, and he loosened his hands covering his butt and butt in embarrassment, but it was good to make his sister happy. Looking at his little sister's smile, he was happy that all the fatigue of the day was gone.

Zheng Laosan looked at his little sister with a smile and asked: "Little sister, did you go to the commune to wear a big red flower today?"

He just doesn't have time at work, otherwise he would have to go see how awesome the little girl is!

"Wearing red and flowers, she even gave a speech!"

Zheng Xinyue raised her chin arrogantly, feeling extremely proud in her heart. It felt like the first time she got a three-good student certificate when she was in school.

Gu Changfeng locked the bicycle and turned around to see the little girl with her tail raised proudly. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Although he already knew about Xinyue's award at noon, he still smiled and praised her: "Awesome."

Zheng Xinyue suddenly felt elated and her smile was as bright as a flower.

The three of them entered the room and saw Gao Guilan and Li Xiuli making dumplings on the Kang table. The small table on the floor was already filled with two curtains, and half-wrapped dumplings were also placed on the curtain on the Kang.

Several children were lying on the side waiting with their eyes wide open, swallowing and salivating so much that they were almost drooling. The atmosphere was as lively as the Chinese New Year.

"The wind is coming. Lao San, hurry up and boil the water. We'll be cooking dumplings soon."

Gao Guilan greeted her future uncle with a smile on her face, but she gave orders to her own son with a cold expression, not even giving him time to drink water and breathe.

"Are you making dumplings? The sun doesn't come out from the west, does it?"

Zheng Laosan's eyes were straight. He looked at the dumplings and then leaned out the window to watch the sunset. Gao Guilan picked up the rolling pin and hit him: "Go quickly, don't waste time."

"Yes, Changfeng, you chat with my dad first, and I'll boil the water."

The third child was 100% obedient to his powerful mother and did not forget to greet Gu Changfeng before going out.

"Auntie, let me help you pack it!"

Gu Changfeng rolled up his sleeves. He knew how to make dumplings.

"You don't need to. This is a woman's job. Go talk to your uncle."

Gao Guilan waved her hand and said with a smile, Zheng Dakui was already greeting Gu Changfeng over there.

"Changfeng, come on, let's chat with uncle for a while. I think we can go check out the beets after dinner later. If we have enough, I will organize people to harvest them tomorrow."

Zheng Dakui's business was all business. He had this idea just after he picked up those potatoes. His daughter gave him a big bag of cabbage. He couldn't use it at home and just planted it in the sugar beet field.

"You're really good at talking about work while eating. Secretary Du would love to have you as the team leader."

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