There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 543 Are all members of the same family so bullying?

As Aunt Wu was talking, she saw Sun Ying running out of the office building crying, with no one following her.


What Cao Qiuling was worried about finally happened. She sighed heavily, stepped forward to stop Sun Ying who was crying and called her in a low voice.

"Sun Ying."

"Auntie, didn't you say that Brother Gu likes me?"

Sun Ying was full of grievances and burst out when she saw Cao Qiuling. She was very angry and was not so playful.

"I'll give you back the watch. I'll move it to the hospital tomorrow."

Sun Ying cried and took off her watch. She hated herself for being so stupid. She believed Cao Qiuling and thought he wanted to understand that she was better than the divorced woman and bought herself a watch when she went on a business trip. But just now all her fantasies were shattered. Broken, the disgust in his eyes was not concealed, and he opened his mouth to drive himself away from any mercy.

How could Gu Changfeng think about buying a watch for himself when he was on a business trip if he hated her so much?

"Sun Ying, listen to me. Changfeng has a cold outside and hot inside. He is not good at expressing himself."

Cao Qiuling hurriedly explained that Sun Ying was her favorite daughter-in-law and the only one who could help her pull Changfeng back from the divorced woman, and then put the watch on for her.

Here Gu Changfeng drove Sun Ying away, and over there Zheng Xinyue was looking at Zheng Maoshan's wife with a sneer. She came with the intention of asking for punishment, but she no longer dared to look at him with the same bossy eyes as before, and she looked at her carefully when she spoke. Own.

"Xinyue, why did you beat your sister-in-law like that?"

"Grandma, I came to save you and the whole village. My sister-in-law was confused and I had to wake her up. If not, would you still be able to talk to me now? You would have been arrested and sent to the commune long ago."

Zheng Xinyue looked at Zheng Maoshan's wife with a serious face, and her words were a bit threatening, which made Zheng Maoshan's wife turn pale with anger.

Did she beat Cuixiang into a pig's head for her own good? No matter how you say it, she is guilty of the following. She doesn't apologize and is still here to scare people?

Immediately, he no longer cared about being afraid of Gao Guilan, and angrily pointed at Zheng Xinyue and asked Gao Guilan: "You are using strong words to make excuses. Gao Guilan, your daughter beat Cuixiang until she can't get up from the bed. What do you think we should do?"

"My daughter beats Cuixiang?"

Gao Guilan was stunned for a moment, why didn't he listen to Xinyue? She glanced at her daughter. She knew very well that given Xinyue's character, she would never hit someone. She glanced at Zheng Maoshan's wife suspiciously, seeing that she was so angry that it didn't sound like she was lying.

"Yes, she beat Cuixiang until her eyes were swollen to a slit, her nose and mouth were bleeding, and her big teeth were about to fall out. Cuixiang was so frightened that she didn't dare to sleep and huddled in the kang. She said that Xinyue was going to scratch her face. I I just want to ask, are all members of the same family bullying others like this?"

Zheng Maoshan's wife was no longer as arrogant as before, she cried.

In the past, they relied on the fact that Zheng Dakui was the elder in their family. No matter how powerful they were, they had to worry about family relationships and did not dare to hit people or steal houses.

But after seeing Cuixiang being beaten like that, it became clear to her that no one in the Zheng family would tolerate it.

"Tsk, even if Xinyue really hit her, it's Cuixiang who deserves the beating. Otherwise, why wouldn't my daughter hit others?"

Gao Guilan was stunned for a moment. Was he hit so hard? But he immediately put away the shock in his eyes and said domineeringly.

Gao Guilan protects her child. No matter how wrong her child is, she is still right. Besides, Xinyue has such a good temper that she can force her to beat people. Zheng Cuixiang must have done something that Xinyue cannot tolerate.

"Grandma, I think you have to thank me after hearing why I hit her!"

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