The smile on Gao Guilan's face disappeared instantly, and she glared at her daughter-in-law and scolded her angrily.

Li Xiuli was too frightened to say anything. Her mother-in-law changed her face faster than she could turn the page in a book, so it was better for her to say less.

"That bastard must have gone to find her mother. No one can plead for mercy this time. Just get out of here after she's finished her confinement."

Gao Guilan's patience with her eldest daughter-in-law has come to an end. She no longer wants to see her wandering around the house, making trouble when she has nothing to do, pretending to be pitiful when she gets into trouble, and the most hateful thing is that she eats her inside and out.

At this time, Li Xiuqin was walking toward the red flag team alone. The mountain road was rugged and she was weak after a miscarriage. After walking for half a mile, she was exhausted and panting. Her legs were weak and her feet hurt. She held her knees with both hands and gasped for air.

The mountains at night are scary. The branches are swaying in the dark woods, the leaves are rustling, and from time to time, a wolf howl is heard.

When Li Xiuqin first left, she wanted to report to her mother and grab food. When she was so focused, she didn't know how to be afraid. But now she heard the howling of wolves and was frightened when she saw the dark and scary woods. Suddenly, a bird flew out of the woods. An owl flew directly towards her face. Li Xiuqin was so frightened that she turned around and ran back. She accidentally fell down and her stomach hit the stone. She felt a cramping pain and heat flowed down from her pants. .

Li Xiuqin panicked. She got up and stumbled all the way home. She even lost her cloth shoes and didn't bother to look for them. When she got home, she was covered in sweat as if she had been fished out of water. She was panting heavily and holding on to the door frame, her legs were so weak that she couldn't walk, and her stomach kept falling and the pain was severe.

Thinking that she would be scolded by her mother-in-law when she returned home, she did not dare to call others for help and wanted to quietly walk into the yard.

Hearing her mother-in-law's happy laughter from inside the house and smelling the aroma of stewed chicken, she clutched her painful stomach and walked toward the courtyard. As soon as she crossed the threshold, she felt blood gushing out again and running down her trouser legs.

Thinking of the heavy bleeding during the miscarriage, Li Xiuqin's face changed drastically and she shouted loudly into the room: "Mom, Xinyue, I'm bleeding, I'm going to die."

As soon as the chicken in the room was served on the table, Gao Guilan also brought the bottle of Fuyu Laojiao that Gu Changfeng brought and stuffed it directly into Xinyue's hand.

"Pour a drink for your savior."

Zheng Xinyue did not take the bottle, raised her eyes to look at a man who was calm and composed, raised her eyebrows and asked him: "Do you want to drink?"

"Drink." A smile flashed in Gu Changfeng's deep cold eyes. Could it be that he saved her, but couldn't he get her a glass of wine? What a stingy girl.

Zheng Xinyue pouted and picked up the bottle cap with the wine bottle. She did not drink in her previous life and it was difficult to remove the bottle cap. Gu Changfeng did not help her and smiled and watched the fun.

Zheng Xinyue glared at Gu Changfeng and was busy wrestling with the wine bottle cap. Sometimes she wanted to bite it with her teeth, and sometimes she wanted to pick it up with chopsticks and toss with it.

Gu Changfeng couldn't stand it anymore. He stretched out his big hand across the table and gave a brief command: "Give it to me."

"Here." Zheng Xinyue agreed and handed the bottle over with a smile. As soon as Gu Changfeng took the bottle, he heard Li Xiuqin's cry for help.

"What's wrong with this prodigal daughter-in-law? It's really unfortunate for her family."

When Gao Guilan heard Li Xiuqin's voice, she cursed angrily and walked out the door. Zheng Xinyue couldn't sit still on the kang, so she jumped off her shoes and followed her mother out.

Li Xiuli ran out before them, but when she went out, she saw Li Xiuqin slipping little by little while holding on to the door frame.

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