There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 383 Asking questions knowingly

"Isn't it almost the autumn harvest? The peak production season is coming soon. He has been very busy during this period. All the equipment needs to be overhauled. The long-term drying work is serious and no mistakes are allowed."

Mr. Gu hurriedly explained to his grandson, otherwise it would be bad for his old friend to lose face.

"No matter how busy you are, you have to go home and sleep, right?"

Mr. Sun obviously didn't agree with Mr. Gu speaking for his grandson, so he said calmly.

Gu Meijiao was very unhappy when she heard this. She secretly confessed to Mr. Sun and said in her heart:

"Who do you think you are? My second brother can't go to work because you're here?"

"Changfeng is a workaholic. Let me tell him, how can he stay in the factory day and night? He has to take a breath even if he hangs himself!"

Cao Qiuling recognized that Mr. Sun was her in-law, and wanted to consummate the marriage as soon as possible. She immediately stood up and went upstairs to find her son.

"Young people should put their career first."

When Mr. Sun saw Cao Qiuling saying this, he was no longer angry, and instead came to persuade her.

"That's right, when I was working, I was also very hard-working. I would never go home until I finished my work."

Gu Decheng was standing by to help his son. He didn't think his son was at fault. Since he was in the position of factory director, he had to set an example, and everyone below was watching!

How can you convince the public if you go home lazy and let the workers persist in the factory without black and white? After Gu Decheng explained to Mr. Sun, he grabbed Cao Qiuling who wanted to call his son and severely criticized her.

"Don't hold your son back. It's rare for Changfeng to be very ambitious. As a mother, don't hold back. ♗"

"I don't want my son to learn from you. You won't be around me when I have four children. Do you know how I feel?"

Cao Qiuling rolled her eyes at her husband. Does she still want Changfeng to imitate him? If Changfeng doesn't find a wife, he, his biological father, is not worried at all?

Sun Ying looked at Cao Qiuling and then at Gu Decheng, her lips moved, wanting to say something general.

What: "Men should put their careers first,"

"I should learn from Brother Gu and love what I do."

"Contributing to the revolutionary cause is what our young people should do."

These words were on her lips for a long time, but she didn't dare to say them out.

This offended Aunt Cao. If she wanted to marry into the Gu family in the future, her future mother-in-law would have to be coaxed.

Gu Changfeng returned to his room with a sullen face, found a canvas bag, opened the cupboard door, found a change of clothes, and put all the toiletries in the bathroom into the bag. Finally, he opened the drawer and took out a diary and pen.

His calloused hands slowly brushed the red plastic cover of the diary, and a rare tenderness flashed through his sinister eagle eyes.

Put the diary on top of the clothes, pin the pen on the plastic cover, zip up the pocket and carry it out of the room, turn around and lock the door.

Gu Meijiao didn't want to look at the arrogant old Suntou below, so she ran upstairs to see her second brother coming.

She hadn't seen him for several days, and she missed her second brother. Seeing Gu Changfeng carrying a canvas bag as if he was about to go on a long trip, she hurriedly came over and asked.

"Second brother, are you going on a business trip?"

"I'm going to live in the factory for a while."

Gu Changfeng loves his only sister very much. He always has a cold face when facing others. When facing his sister, he has gentle eyes and soft words. He is not at all like the cold Factory Director Gu.

"Are you hiding from Sun Ying down there?"

Gu Meijiao put her hands behind her back and walked towards her second brother with a smile and asked him in a low voice. Her naughty little gesture reminded Gu Changfeng of a certain little girl.

"Asking knowingly."

Gu Changfeng ruffled his sister's carefully combed hair and said something with a smile without hiding it from her.

"If she never leaves, will you never go home for the rest of your life?"

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