There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 371 Are you looking for someone?

Zheng Xinyue ran and found that she had entered a dead end. There were people living on both sides of the alley, and it seemed very narrow due to private buildings and random construction.

Now during lunch and nap time, the alley was quiet and no one was around. Zheng Xinyue stopped, put her hands on her waist and gasped for air.

After this period of running, the anger in my heart has subsided. I laughed to myself, why did I take it seriously?

Why does she care about other people's eyes and thoughts?

Don’t you rely on them for food?

Her mouth was very dry, as if it was about to smoke. She pursed her lips and looked around carefully to make sure no one was around. Then she hid in the space, picked a bunch of fruits, sat by the river, washed them, and ate them slowly.

Zheng Xin was soaking her toes in the river, eating sweet and delicious peaches and looking at the green herbs. The old hen sisters clucking and laying eggs and their twittering chickens were leisurely everywhere in the space. stroll.

The jumping little rabbit was eating fresh green grass under the leadership of its mother. It was scared when Zheng Xinyue entered the space, and even jumped to her curiously.

A famous sentence written by Tao Yuanming suddenly appeared in Zheng Xinyue's mind:

"While picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, I can leisurely see the Nanshan Mountain. The mountain air is getting better day by day, and the birds are flying back and forth."

Now there are grains, vegetables, fruits, various precious medicinal materials, and livestock in her space. It is simply a green ecological garden.

This comfortable and quiet life may not be possible even if she has tens of millions of assets, but it all belongs to her alone, which proves that she is very rich!

Food and beautiful scenery can make people feel good. After Zheng Xinyue figured it out, looking at her three-acre land and the fruits of her hard work, the humiliation in her heart disappeared.

Putting her hands behind her back, she looked up at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and thought arrogantly: If she can eat fresh and delicious fruits from all seasons, can Old Man Sun do it? Even if he has a high status, he can't have a lot of fish and meat every day, and he can eat eggs as he pleases, right?

If she moved all the fruits out of the space, wouldn't he be so greedy?

When the time comes, where will he go to find a sense of superiority?

Zheng Xinyue felt very good when she thought about it, and the remaining unhappiness disappeared.

Feeling better, she looked at the space and started planning again.

I should buy an iron pot and put it in the space, and then move the wooden tripod that my third brother split into the space. I can cook corn and eggs, and occasionally kill a chicken or rabbit to roast.

When taking the children up the mountain to collect herbs, she would secretly feed them to them without arousing anyone's suspicion, and she could also keep the children strong.

Zheng Xinyue was here planning what Mingming would do in the future, and Gu Changfeng was riding a bicycle looking for her everywhere.

The day was very hot, and the asphalt road was baked by the sun. The heat was blowing on your face, making you want to soak in cold water without getting out.

There were not many pedestrians on the road, and Gu Changfeng kept looking at the direction in which Zheng Xinyue disappeared, but he was chasing her on his bike all the way, so there was no way he could not catch up with her.

But he just didn't see her. He couldn't find her on the street, so he wondered if she had run into an alley, so he rode his bicycle and went around every alley.

The more he couldn't find her, the more anxious Gu Changfeng became. The white shirt he was wearing was soaked with sweat and clung to his body wetly. His throat seemed to be smoking. He had always been the top of the mountain and never changed his expression. His eagle eyes Looking around anxiously.

This was the third alley, and Zheng Xinyue was still not found. He came out of the alley on his bicycle and met a woman. She seemed to be waiting for him on purpose. When she saw him coming out, she went up to her:

"Director Gu, are you looking for someone?"

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