There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 218 Dynamic Beauty Pictures

Zheng Xinyue stood up from the grass and looked at her second brother who hurried over with sweat on her face and asked. ♧

"Go back! Second brother will keep an eye on it for you. You don't have to come in the afternoon."

Zheng Chenghu looked at the younger sister with a naive smile. He had wanted to change the younger sister before, but he was afraid that Accountant Liu would catch her if Xinyue didn't come in the afternoon, so he waited until everyone had dispersed before he came to change Xinyue and go home.

"Second brother, come and change me after you finish eating!"

Zheng Xinyue looked at her second brother with emotion, but she couldn't bear to let him starve in the hot sun!

"No, the third child will bring me food later, go back quickly!"

Zheng Chenghu grabbed the lapel of his clothes and wiped his face, looking at his little sister with regret, insisting that Xinyue go home.

Zheng Xinyue couldn't defeat her second brother, so she had to go home. As soon as she entered the house, she heard the happy laughter of her third brother from inside the house. ஜ۩۞۩ஜஜ۩۞۩ஜ

"Changfeng, thank you so much. I like doing this job."

Zheng Xinyue's eyes flashed, and she was curious about what the third brother's job was?

Stepping into the house, I smelled the smell of fish stew.

"Xinyue, wash up quickly, are you too hot?"

Li Xiuli worked up a sweat in the kitchen and just came out to take a breath. When she saw her sister-in-law entering the room, she hurriedly poured her a basin of cold water and thoughtfully handed her a towel.

"Thank you, second sister-in-law."

Zheng Xinyue smiled sweetly at her and poured cold water on her face. The cold water cheered her up and drove away the heat. Ϭ९ʂհմ×.çօʍ

"The meal will be ready in a while. Dried fish stewed with potatoes. Stewed according to the method you taught my second sister-in-law."

Li Xiuli looked at Zheng Xinyue with a gentle smile and said.

"Second sister-in-law's cooking must be delicious."

Zheng Xinyue washed her face and took the towel handed by her second sister-in-law, smiling and praising it.

"Xinyue, come into the house quickly. Mom will give you some cold water to drink."

Gao Guilan walked out of the east room with a happy face. Zheng Xinyue blinked. Seeing that her mother was so happy, there must be something good going on.


She agreed with a smile and walked into the east room. As soon as she entered the door, she met a pair of deep eyes. Gu Changfeng was sitting cross-legged on the kang. Even sitting down, this man gave people a feeling of being upright and loose, as if Even if the sky falls, his back will not bend.

The sunlight shines in from the window, making his already outstanding facial features more three-dimensional. When a pair of eagle eyes fixedly looks at a person, they are like two magnets with strong attraction. Once they meet, they will be deeply attracted.

Even though Zheng Xinyue was prepared, her heart still tightened suddenly, and then started beating wildly.

"You're worthless, why are you dancing so hard?"

Zheng Xinyue scolded herself in her mind, forced herself to steady herself, and raised her lips to Gu Changfeng with a polite smile.

Gu Changfeng pursed his thin lips, looked at her with a faint smile, and nodded slightly to greet her.

"Little sister, third brother will go to the grain depot to report tomorrow. I will give you all your salary when third brother gets paid."

When Zheng Chengbao saw his little sister jumping down from the kang, he couldn't wait to tell Zheng Xinyue the good news, with a bright and cheerful smile on his face.

"Congratulations, third brother."

Zheng Xinyue smiled and congratulated her third brother, her voice was clear and sweet, without any pretense.

She was grateful to her third brother for always doting on her like a child, and wished she could give everything he had to her sister.

The normal salary after marriage is given to the wife, and the salary before marriage is given to the mother.

He is so kind, he doesn’t give it to anyone but his sister.

Gu Changfeng sat on the kang and looked at her with a smile on his face. She was as delicate as a flower that had just bloomed, and like a dynamic picture of a beautiful woman, which was pleasing to the eye.

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