There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 190 The monkey is king when the tiger is not at home

Gao Guilan was already unhappy. When she heard the banging on the door, people rushed out of the house. She ran to open the door like the wind and cursed loudly in dissatisfaction.

"Sister-in-law, where is my eldest brother? My father-in-law is dying, eldest brother, help me!"

It was Jiang Yanhong, Zheng Maoshan's eldest daughter-in-law, who came. She looked very panicked and rushed into the courtyard as soon as the door opened.

"Ah? Isn't it nice during the day?"

Hearing that Zheng Maoshan was dying, Gao Guilan lost her temper instantly and followed Jiang Yanhong to ask questions.

"That's it. I just don't know what's going on."

Jiang Yanhong's eyes flashed, but she didn't tell the truth.

"Quick, I'll go to the team to catch the bus. You go back and prepare your hospital supplies. Let's get to the hospital as soon as possible."

When Zheng Dakui heard Jiang Yanhong's words, he ran out immediately, shouting orders as he ran. ✎♩

When Zheng Xinyue chased her out, her father and Jiang Yanhong had already left.

"What's going on, Mom?"

Zheng Xinyue asked Gao Guilan in a low voice.

"Who knows?"

Gao Guilan's eyebrows were furrowed. There was no personal grudge involved at this time. She had to go take a look.

"I'll go take a look, you go back to the house and rest!"

Gao Guilan hurriedly gave instructions to her daughter and followed Zheng Dakui and the others.

The couple didn't come back until midnight. Zheng Chenglong and Zheng Chengbao went to the county to look for them worriedly.

Zheng Xinyue was too worried to sleep, and looked out the window from time to time.

In the middle of the night, the eldest brother and the third brother came back first with their mother.

Zheng Xinyue hurriedly went over to help her mother pour a glass of water and asked her to drink some water first. Gao Guilan was really thirsty and drank every drop of the water in the bowl. She wiped her mouth and put the bowl on the kang table and said:

"I'm so thirsty."

"Mom, are you okay, master?"

Zheng Xinyue went to pour another bowl of water for her mother and asked her carefully.

"I had a stroke. Fortunately, I was sent to the hospital in time and my life was temporarily saved. Your father and your two sons are guarding me in the hospital!"

Gao Guilan drank the bowl of water in one breath and burped before answering.

You can still order yourself like thunder in the morning! People can't do it at night, this person! I really don’t have the chance to watch it, so I can’t do it unless I say no.


Zheng Xinyue frowned. Stroke seemed to be called hemiplegia, and it was a cerebrovascular disease.

"The doctor said it was due to anger."

A flash of uneasiness flashed in Gao Guilan's eyes. She was worried that she had made Zheng Maoshan sick because of her anger.

Although she is a fierce person, she has a good heart.

"Mom, we are angry with you in the morning. If you are sick, you will get sick in the morning. I saw that when you asked my sister-in-law why the master was sick, she seemed to be hesitant?"

Zheng Xinyue couldn't bear to see her mother feel guilty, so she helped her analyze in a low voice.

"But yes, if I were angry, I would be sick in the morning."

When her daughter said this, Gao Guilan felt relieved. She looked at her daughter and sighed that Xinyue would be more comfortable when she grew up.

"Go to sleep! I will ask your grandma tomorrow."

Early the next morning, when they gathered in the field, the villagers had already started talking about Zheng Maoshan's illness.

Because Zheng Maoshan was not there, it was Accountant Liu who had the final say. He changed from his nonexistent state when Zheng Maoshan was around, raised his chest and raised his head, and stared at the villagers below with an air of air.

"Keep your voices down, call it a day and let's talk again. Do you want to listen to you or me?"

"Hey. Accountant Liu is so arrogant? The tiger is not at home and the monkey is the king. Do you think of yourself as the captain?"

Wang Jinzhi's wife, Wu Chunmei, flattened her lips contemptuously and said sarcastically to Accountant Liu.

"Wu Chunmei, please be honest with me. I will have to take responsibility if the captain is away. If you don't obey, just go home and stay there. Do you want me to record your work points for you?"

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